

16 Feb


Originally posted by Latitudes

Thought I was banned or something while in mid reply to you haha. Anyway this is all I had left to add:

"Awesome, f**k you're quick haha. Guess ole Pirndel will have to wait a few days to continue giving me shit about cleaning :)"

hahaha...nice! They've unlocked it now :)


Originally posted by Musely

Sorry about that! We've unlocked it.


Thanks! Can you also repost my PSAs? Answers some basic issues a lot of users are experiencing, namely the cutout and the sample rate issue.


Originally posted by AncientHorizon

No personal Javelin footsteps? When I walk I don't hear my own Javelin's footsteps, is this a bug or by design?

Bug for sure. Try going back to Tarsis and re-entering your Javelin.


Originally posted by ATG_Bot

Freelancers, early launch is finally here!

This Megathread will serve as a place to discuss bugs, errors, and issues. These can include: crashes to the desktop, game freezes when doing something, issues loading the game, animation errors, cutscene freezes, etc. We will redirect the majority of relevant threads to this megathread.

They do not include issues with the Storm being overpowered, the Colossus being too weak, weak loot dropping from bosses, etc. Those are not bugs, just a feature™.

Also, please do NOT spoil people in this thread. When discussing spoilers around the subreddit, use proper spoiler tags. We will ban people using spoilers, either mistakenly or maliciously. To mark for spoilers, do so like this >!!<. For example: >!Owen is a cutie pie!< would look like Owen is a cutie pie, but all story discussion should take place outside this thread. Also,...

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@Mods can we unlock the Day 1 issue thread? I am actively responding to peeps in multiple threads and this just cutoff my ability to respond.


Originally posted by G33k_

That’s great, I look forward to having a compass this time round!

Thanks for the reply, keep up the great work.



Originally posted by G33k_

Did you find out? I had the same issue in both demos with no tv option to fix it. I’m sure I seen it on a “fixed in release” type post but can’t find the source.


Number 15.

Just got confirmation from our support team - Day 1 patch has screen adjustment size.


Originally posted by Latitudes

For me personally it's when I try to have the first conversation with Pirndel Blatch. First dialogue choice works fine but the second choice immediately disconnects you. Tried repairing, skipping the dialogue, still happens at that point every time.

It's different for everyone however. On the EA Help forum people have made multiple threads about different NPCs which causes the crash for them. As of now you can't progress the story with affected NPCs.

Pirndel issue specifically has been fixed in the Day 1 patch, I just heard back.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

sweats ruh-oh. Uh.. I may or may not have also experienced another bug where um.. twiddles fingers I might um.. have all the javelins. at lvl 8.. PLS NO BAN

Sounds like the lord giveth, and the lord taketh!

I'm not telling.


Originally posted by Latitudes

For me personally it's when I try to have the first conversation with Pirndel Blatch. First dialogue choice works fine but the second choice immediately disconnects you. Tried repairing, skipping the dialogue, still happens at that point every time.

It's different for everyone however. On the EA Help forum people have made multiple threads about different NPCs which causes the crash for them. As of now you can't progress the story with affected NPCs.

What is the exact error you see? Any?


Originally posted by Latitudes

For me personally it's when I try to have the first conversation with Pirndel Blatch. First dialogue choice works fine but the second choice immediately disconnects you. Tried repairing, skipping the dialogue, still happens at that point every time.

It's different for everyone however. On the EA Help forum people have made multiple threads about different NPCs which causes the crash for them. As of now you can't progress the story with affected NPCs.

Thanks, will add this to our thread in Slack for support.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

triggers a PTSD episode That's exactly what I see

Hahaha - so it looks like there is bad data in your profile for unlocks. They are looking at right meow.

I will report back!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

It zooms in, repeats the dialogue Captain Liatrell (or whatever her name is) says and she says "Here lies the final resting place of xyz, Legionnaire of something something" "You have been judged, and found wanting." Then there's nothing. Tried just about everything. Sitting there waiting for upwards half an hour to see if anything else happens, shooting it. Tried using my ultimate on it. Reloading game, different javelins, instances, parties. Hell, I tried to read it a bedtime story once.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

It zooms in, repeats the dialogue Captain Liatrell (or whatever her name is) says and she says "Here lies the final resting place of xyz, Legionnaire of something something" "You have been judged, and found wanting." Then there's nothing. Tried just about everything. Sitting there waiting for upwards half an hour to see if anything else happens, shooting it. Tried using my ultimate on it. Reloading game, different javelins, instances, parties. Hell, I tried to read it a bedtime story once.

"Tried using my ultimate on it."


Will pass this on, thanks!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Alrighty. Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it - makes me feel better that there's at least someone looking into this.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Alrighty. Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it - makes me feel better that there's at least someone looking into this.

Can you tell me what happens when you get to the door? Does it say you are unworthy?


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Alrighty. Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it - makes me feel better that there's at least someone looking into this.

A LOT of someones :)


Originally posted by lvnna

Thank you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do or if you need any more info, I just want to fix this and enjoy the rest of the time I have this week.

Will do - we will continue to work on it and I will loop back if I learn anything!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Tyrosusz is my origin ID, I don't know about the other fellow. I hope he's around to comment his. There's another thread with a TON of people trying to get attention on this problem - do I have your permission to ping you on it?


Yeah - we have a whole thread in Slack dedicated to this now. I need as many Origin IDs/Gamertags as possible so people can look at the server side data. If you tag me make sure to ask for that first or I will have to anyways :)


Originally posted by lvnna

Summary: The game is completely unplayable, can't get past the start screen - Error retrieving Anthem live service data

/u/BioWareJer /u/BioCamden It's been over 24 hours since the game release and I haven't been able to get past the start screen. I've tried contacting EA Support, EA Help on Twitter and @@Bio_Warner as well, but no fix or any communication in sight. I've already wasted 5 of my 10 hour trial (I preordered the game, but only have Basic) trying to get past the start menu but the game is completely unplayable and I thought I'd tag you guys because I'm pretty helpless at this point.

The error in question is this one (Connection Problem: Error retrieving Anthem live service data). The debug file on the Origin folder says "WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(114)] locale_file_path.empty" over and over, but I haven't been able to figure out what it is. I've alre...

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Brutal. Posting to our live response team now.

Sorry for the hassle!


Originally posted by Arkrayven

I can't believe how on top of this you are. You're not only answering the same questions repeatedly, but you're passing along issues you can't address directly. I love devs like you.

Thanks for doing your best to make Anthem something above and beyond. It doesn't go unnoticed.

I've set aside my mornings to have coffee and respond to issues - we KNOW there are still issues and we are determined to get people around them, or track them and fix them as soon as possible. Thanks for the shoutout, we are trying!