If you don’t have a EBR ticket, please create one with as many details as possible (macOS version, hardware etc). We can try to reproduce it internally.
If you do, let me know the number.
If you don’t have a EBR ticket, please create one with as many details as possible (macOS version, hardware etc). We can try to reproduce it internally.
If you do, let me know the number.
We have made some window changes for the next release. It should reduce (or hopefully eliminate) the need to click in the window more than once to receive input.
It’s should be live on Singularity now, so if you’d like to give it a shot and give us any feedback, just select Singularity in the bottom right of your launcher.
I think this is the eGPU one?
We’re not specifically testing eGPUs right now (There are simply too many combinations), but I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not sure if it’s a 6900XT specific issue, as we’ve not seen this issue on other AMD-based cards on macOS.
Great news. This matches what we have seen too - The Nvidia issues are resolved in 10.15.
Thanks for letting me know
Today we released more fixes:
A fix for certain AMD GPUs having freezes or crashes when using a jump gate. The same fix may also help with general client stability.
Launching EVE is now possible on case sensitive file systems
If you are using an Nvidia card and 10.14, please see my post here: EVE X Apple - #120 by CCP_Caffeine
Today we released more fixes:
A fix for certain AMD GPUs having freezes or crashes when using a jump gate. The same fix may also help with general client stability. @d0Ci0n - This may resolve your issue. Could you try and let me know?
Launching EVE is now possible on case sensitive file systems
Hi folks
Thanks for all the feedback. I’m afraid I can’t reply to every post on the forum, but I assure you that I’m reading them all.
A small update:
We have identified that some Nvidia + older macOS versions (10.14 specifically) have a driver defect which can cause rendering issues as experienced by @JPVOODOO, @Darianne_Cesaille . We have been trying to find a solution to stop these, but as it’s at the driver level, we are limited in what we can do. There will be a patch in November where we will try to improve the situation for 10.14 users + Nvidia, but it m...
We are looking into the issue with some Intel GPUs on Windows 7 failing to launch the client. If you are experiencing this issue, can you please file a bug report with DXDiag included?
From what I’ve seen so far, it is a GPU driver issue, with the drivers being very outdated (7+ years in some cases). Unfortunately, Intel stopped supporting Windows 7 on many of these older GPUs so it is unlikely there will be an unofficial update.
We didn’t intentionally break this (of course!), but Windows 7 is getting more difficult to support due to issues like this . We’ll see if we can find a workaround.
macOS handles the game window size based on the desktop scaling. This means that the client resolution can be rendered the ‘same’ by the client, but be different sizes depending on this setting.
Eg, in these screenshots the client resolution is the same but the desktop scaling is changed:
One is taking up a little over 1/4 of the sc...
Read moreThe launcher is not the problem - it’s that the native client can not support 10.13. We were unable to support 10.13 with the move to a native client, unfortunately.
We support 10.14, 10.15, all Big Sur releases 11.(1 to 6), and shortly version 12 (Monterey).
macOS moves quite fast with releases, so there are going to be unfortunate situations where we can’t support every previous version when targetting new ones.
If you are unable to update to play due to this, please contact Customer Support,
Great to hear! Thanks for letting us know
Press F12 in game and file a bug report. It will allow you to attach screenshots so we can see the issue more clearly. If you let us know the EBR number (EVE Bug Report) here I can get it to our rendering engineers.
Please note that we are aware of some graphical defects in older macOS versions that have since been fixed (I don’t know what version you are running currently without an EBR). Due to the way drivers are updated on macOS, you may need to update the OS for these to be resolved.
It looks like you’re using a Hackintosh. I’m afraid we can’t reproduce or investigate these situations, as we only support official macOS installs.
Please file a bug report and we will take a look. We’ll need to know system details to investigate.
Yes, this has been released. Can you confirm you’re on the latest launcher (should be if you’ve just downloaded though)? It should be version 1949381
Otherwise, we will need to see the logs. A support ticket + bug report will allow us to work through this with you. Details here: https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/202078999-EVE-LogLite-Diagnostic-Tool-
Hi all.
Today we launched the Native Client for both Intel and M1 based macOS systems for Tranquility
A huge thank you to everyone who joined the test server, masstests and gave feedback.
This is the first non-Windows client we have worked on, so feedback is welcome as always.
Hello all.
Today we released the native Intel and M1 mac OS clients for TQ. Please see the other forum threads for details
You should no longer need workarounds to play EVE Online.
Please ensure you’re on the latest launcher before you play.
Thanks for the feedback. There are a number of outstanding keyboard mapping issues as you’ve seen. I will cross-check the ones you’ve mentioned against what we have logged internally. We will continue to work on these and resolve as many as we can before it leaves the test server.
We’re assessing the community feedback, crash reports, and performance daily. There isn’t a specific date we have for the release, but the Wine client will be unsupported sooner rather than later.
The i9 is a warm chip, so I’d expect the fans to spin up a bit I’m glad to hear that the temperature is better than the Wine version. The Native Mac Client is much more optimised when it comes to resource use!
Ensuring v-sync is on is by far one of the best ways to keep heat / fan management under control. I strongly recommend leaving it on.
We did a pass of shortcuts since the last update, so I’m glad to see it got noticed so quickly . The client should also match OS shortcuts for moving between words by using the alt/opt key. We have a few more minor changes to make, but most people won’t notice them
Thanks - I’ll double check the internal ticket tomorrow, but we did compare the Windows and Mac clients, and they looked more or less the same to us after the last changes. Will do a double check though