

05 Jun


Originally posted by thegreatredbeard

I pictured you two snickering to yourselves, sitting next to each other in the studio, as you ally-ooped each other for this comment train.

Then I got sad. Because COVID means it didn’t happen that way. Do you miss each other?


04 Jun


Originally posted by dmg04

Ah shit, I forgot one of the patch note previews.

Cozmo, you want to tell them about the minor changes to Aneteus that the team cooked up?

This is why I never take time off. ;)

Changes to Antaeus Wards didn't make it in the patch for next week but are currently scheduled to come out the following week.

  • Removed bonus to super energy when reflecting shots
  • Added 1.5 seconds of sprinting before exotic perk can be triggered by slide

We may look at Exotic more in the future but we wanted to get this change out for S11 and gather data/feedback on how it affects the sandbox.


Originally posted by JohnGazman

And are you able to confirm that this is retroactive, or will be 20 clears from when the patch goes live?

As someone still chasing Anarchy after 28 clears, i'm hoping it's the former.

We looked into making it retroactive but couldn't make that happen. Sorry about that. Knew it would be kind of a bummer, but still felt the changes where worth making for your progress going forward.


Originally posted by NorEastor1

You're* allowed to talk when you have something to shill and your overlords allow you access to a computer.

No more, No less.

*EDIT: Not calling out dmg specifically on this. This applies to Cozmo and Deej as well.

Thanks for making me feel included.

22 May


Originally posted by faesmooched

Calling it Dr. Who and showing a picture of Doctor Strange? Damn, haven't the communtiy managers already gotten enough nerd rage?

Seriously though, thanks for this.

To be honest I was concentrating far more on the rest of the message. :)

I don't even watch Dr. Who.

Should I?


Originally posted by Kidnappedboy

Can you please clarify one thing from yesterdays twab? Core activities sharing the world loot pool mean there will be no uniques other than the one armor set? u/Cozmo23

Armor will come from specific activities like Crucible and Gambit and turning in tokens at the vendors, but you will get weapons from the world loot pool listed in the TWAB from doing those activities or turning in tokens at the vendors.

So for example, you would always get Crucible armor from turning in tokens to Shaxx, but you might get the Gambit sidearm for turning in Crucible tokens as well.


Originally posted by DeerTrivia

we weren't forecasting out all of the possible timelines for the next 5+ years to come Dr Who style.




It's hard for me to speak to this since it's even older than my time at Bungie and I'll have been here 5 years in July. As community managers we are extremely careful with what we say. We try to be as accurate as possible and represent the vision of an entire studio and future proof our coms as much as possible. It can bee tricky at times since Destiny is fairly complex game that is always evolving.

Back to the point, the game has changed significantly in the last 5 years and It's pretty obvious that in the moment that TWAB was written we weren't forecasting out all of the possible timelines for the next 5+ years to come Dr Who style

. Infusion changes are what the team thinks is best for the games health going forward....

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21 May


Originally posted by InitialG

Materials are so much less of a problem than actually bricking weapons.

We're definitely sharing all of the feedback from players asking to not introduce Max Power Levels as well.


We've seen the feedback around build crafting and how players feel that Masterworking is going to feel far too expensive if the gear you put the materials becomes no longer infusible a year or X months later.

We'll share all your thoughts on this with the dev team. Max Power Levels will be shown in Season 11 but won't actually be reached until Season 12. Keep the feedback coming, thanks!

14 May


Originally posted by Eris_Morn_Is_Gay

Will Pinnacle weapons Be subject to the same treatment as legendaries? Or have more lifespan?

Yes, pinnacles are legendaries and will share the same Max Power Level lifespans based on when they were released.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We're not trying to convey that changing the champion is the solution - it was just one of the things we could do and didn't think it would hurt anything.


Originally posted by DizATX

Is there a timer switch? Genuine question.

No or we would have likely also utilized it.

13 May


Originally posted by Venaixis94

They nerfed Champions? That was the easiest part of the event. The issue was it was really hard to get there in the first place.

Yea, it was one of the switches we had so we flipped it. The progress one should be the one that is more impactful.

11 May


Thanks for the info, ill send it over to be investigated.

08 May


Originally posted by DakRaike

I have one quick question about transmog in case is possible you can answer, we will pull the armors we want to turn into ornaments from collections or we need the item itself? I am asking particularly because of the Solstice Armor.

That feature is early in development so we don't have a lot of details to share. Hit me up with what you would prefer and I'll give that feedback.

07 May


Originally posted by DrEpicFrag

Don't really get why DMG said to not be hyped for this twab.


Transmog any armor? ☑

Vendor refresh ☑

Less EV, more actual rewards? ☑

Rewards clearly made for an activity no longer in EV? ☑

Trials loot, new armor next year AND Adept weapons? ☑

I'll have to wait and see if Bungie can follow through with their words, but damn if this didn't pique my interest.

We just wanted you to know what to expect. We promised both words and graphics and delivered on both.


Originally posted by iLoonytik

We finally heard from Fenchurch

Fenchurch sends his regards.


Originally posted by FireStrike5

The most hunter thing there is...

Coming second in an event that lasts for 3 weeks, by doing the least work possible and only trying for the 1st day

And still look good doing it.

05 May


Originally posted by deftpanda

u/Cozmo23 Sorry to interrupt you, but you sound like this feedback is something new to you or the team. You are always telling us "we've already been sharing player feedback ..." or "will pass that along to the team", yet nothing changed. Nothing.

People want meaningful content and will always prefer such over meaningless public events.

Also, this whole season is just ... empty. The Almighty is not even close to a threat it should've been since the season started. Hell, some people even forgot about it completely. This is in no way an evolving world.

For me, it starts to feel like you guys are collecting feedback over feedback to push this into what, Destiny 3? Another IP?

Just ffs get transparent already.

STOP the whole PR shit talk and tell us what's really going on. Those last 2 TWABs are just the same shit like we had in Destiny 2 Vanilla, when the former Chief ...

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Most feedback is not an entirely new thing and probably something we have seen in one form or another before, but I still read it and will share it wider.

Sorry you felt the last two TWABs were PR sh*t talk. We're trying to give a better look ahead into what changes we are making. We'll have more info for you this week.