

05 May


Originally posted by laundry_dumper

That's a really, really odd takeaway from this post. Are live team resources so thin that we should have nearly zero expectations for seasonal content?

Bungie can either do a 20 minute mission, or a half baked public event? Bungie can either do reskined event weapons, or ritual weapons?

I get that individual seasons are 10 bucks compared to 15 dollar armor, giving you Bungie next to no reason to focus on seasonal content, but this feels silly. I feel silly having read it, and you should feel silly having written it.

Sorry I wasn't trying to frame it as a statement about resources, just referring to OP stating they wanted an epic mission where they planted a bomb in the almighty.


I'll share this feedback, thanks!

I'll also share this idea on making only pinnacle drops be frictioned each week as well.


The fix on this is stalled because some feature work needs to be done to make this work again with Armor 2.0. Not sure when that is going to be. If we have any updates, I'll let you know.

Edit: I just heard back that it looks like the necessary work was completed and Xur should have random rolls starting next season.


Come out to the Almighty, we'll get together, have a few laughs.

We've already been sharing player feedback on the public area matchmaking for the Seraph tower events and I'll also let them know that you would have preferred a custom mission over the public events. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

02 May


Originally posted by Shotty_

Cozmo what about MOTW for last twab? we won Honarable mention and the other winner received theirs but we didnt. Please let me know.


Should have it in collections.


Originally posted by _FriendlyFriend_

Riven is just an evolved land octopus

Thank you for this content.

30 Apr


Originally posted by fall3nmartyr

hey, you guys ever think about how long it takes to complete a bounty when putting them out there for events - esp like the guardian games? If all I want is the loot, why should i want to do it on a class that takes longer?

Yea we agree that sometimes some bounties are far too frustrating/time consuming(stares at Rumble Super Kills) We touched on it in the TWAB.

Speaking of grenade kills, in general we're dialing in the time to complete bounty objectives to be more consistent. Unexpectedly time consuming objectives sneak in from time to time, and we generally want objectives in upcoming Seasons to be a bit less restrictive in terms of how you play.


Originally posted by supbroimnotlj

Oh dang. Well that sucks for my fireteam, but congrats!

Thanks for the info!

These should go out with the next batch. Hoping to have them out by tomorrow.


Originally posted by chowdahead03

/u/cozmo23 /u/dmg04 Can you PLEASE give us Titans an update on what's going on with the Doomfang Pauldrons bug? Sometimes the arms work, and then all of a sudden they no longer provide super energy on powered melee kills like they should. A lot of players state this tends to happen after your proc your first super. Then you have to un-equip and re-equip Doomfang Pauldrons to get bonus super energy on powered melee kills again. This happens so regularly for me that i simply no longer run Sentinel. It's so frustrating on console as load times are horrendous. PLEASE. any info at all would be appreciated as these arms have been bugged since Shadowkeep.

The team is investigating. If you have any videos I can share, please send them over.


Originally posted by kingtej

Hate to be that guy, but if weekly bounties are going away, are we losing the main source of bright dust as well? /u/cozmo23 can you let us know?

We'll talk about Eververse next week with more detail, but to answer your question, no you won't be losing your main source of bright dust. It will be replaced.

29 Apr


Originally posted by Albert_Flagrants

Seriously, why all your comments are c&p?

Sorry, I didn't copy and paste this from anywhere. The answer to the question is it's being fixed next season so I wrote that.


Originally posted by SnowBear78

Yeah, until they post actual numbers of medals per class I'm not believing a thing they say about this shit show.

Funny how when they release a patch they comment on this. Fixed something did we?

Fixed something did we?

No, we didn't make any changes to Guardian Games in the Hotfix.

We'll share some more info about Guardian Games scoring in the TWAB tomorrow though.


It's being worked on right now. Currently scheduled to be fixed for next season.


We'll share some more info about Guardian Game scoring in the TWAB tomorrow and how the population weighting works.

Dmg touched a bit on the concerns of "cheating" here. So far none of the reported methods are having any impact

27 Apr


Thank you for sharing your feedback here. We've seen a lot of you talk about what you don't like about bounties and you feel like they are currently too big of a part of the core gameplay loop. We'll share some of our thinking of how to improve them in the future in this week's TWAB.

23 Apr


Originally posted by PaperMartin

We have plans for future editions of the TWAB, but we also want to hear from you. What are other topics you want to make sure we discuss in the coming weeks?

Eververse, for the love of god

We will definitely be talking about Eververse in one of these.


Originally posted by cuboosh

- Possible adept esc weapons coming soon with unique perks

If this happens, can we please have a PVE version of the "adept mod slot"?

This could make Grandmaster Ordeal worth doing, and make raid weapons feel as special as they did in the Fatebringer/Black Hammer days.

If this happens, can we please have a PVE version of the "adept mod slot"?

We'll look into it. Thanks for the feedback.

22 Apr


Originally posted by SerPranksalot

We're sick of talking. You've been taking for years now. We need changes, not talks. Stat.

Totally fair. Actions do speak louder than words. But change to the game do take time and I'd rather us not go quiet until they are released.


Originally posted by ApocDream

incentivize quitting out of matches early.

Rofl, way to take the wrong message here.

Sorry, the main point I took was the whole thing was a poor experience. Was there anything else I should bring up on this topic?