I think you're doing an awesome job Cozmo regardless of what dmg04 says about your crucible skills.
My Crucible skills have definitely declined over the years. :)
I think you're doing an awesome job Cozmo regardless of what dmg04 says about your crucible skills.
My Crucible skills have definitely declined over the years. :)
Why the dev team as opposed to the actual decision makers?
Sorry if this comes off as kind of an aggressive question
I consider the decision-makers as part of the dev team. Sorry if my wording was confusing. :)
2¢, I like that it doesn't crit. It feels more comfortable to use because I can just hold the trigger down and chunk things without worrying about aiming. Crits would make it feel worse to me because then any body shots feel like wasting ammo to an extent.
Maybe give it impact damage instead of 100% explosion, but if I had a say I would prefer it did not crit.
Thanks for the insight!
We're actively passing all of the feedback on Eververse, FOTL, Bright Dust, etc to the dev team. Thanks for helping collect it in this Megathread. We are meeting with the team regularly to go over your suggestions on what can be improved. We'll share more details as soon as we can.
Suggestion: Just make it crit. Seriously, it wouldn't be overpowered. It could crit at PAX, and everyone loved it. Giving it the ability to crit would give it utility in PVP, and give it use for taking out Majors in PVE. It doesn't need to be a boss DPS powerhouse, but it just feels bad right now.
It was definitely still WIP in the event build, but I'll let them know that players were happy with its performance in that state with the crit damage.
Just for the record...there may be silent players out there who are like me. Players that don’t really have any problems with paying for things in the Eververse store.
Logically...you guys need to eat too...and it feels like there is a small but loud uprising related to Eververse during every festival of the lost. I wonder if the studio finds it humorous...they want you to lower your company’s income AND design and develop more things than you currently do.
That said...I’m unclear if things like finishers are per character or unlock for all characters once purchased. I was confused when the battle pass finisher was for only one character. That wasn’t clear.
I also would like the option to buy all Eververse season armor sets...across all classes...in a bundle.
That said...I’m unclear if things like finishers are per character or unlock for all characters once purchased. I was confused when the battle pass finisher was for only one character. That wasn’t clear.
Just to clarify, the finisher is available for all characters. You just have to pull it out of collections on your alts.
Xenophage not doing precision damage is not a bug. The weapon underperforming is not intentional and currently being investigated.
I checked with the team on this. The fact that Xenophage does not do precision damage is not a bug and by design. However, the weapon is unintentionally underperforming and we are currently investigating.
Thanks for the feedback and feel free to share any additional thoughts you have.
I figure it's kind of like when you are at a restaurant and the server puts a plate in front of you and says "be careful hot plate."
You gotta touch it.
/u/cozmo23 this feedback is something that you guys should be paying attention to. I'm sure the numbers show this is worthwhile because whales support it, but when the brand gets known for being greedy you guys lose the benefit of the doubt on other things.
Please pass this along to whoever needs to hear it, the community is not happy.
Sincerely, someone with 3000 hours on Destiny 2.
We are definitely monitoring the feedback and letting the team know. Feel free to add any feedback on Festival of the Lost or Eververse in general that you would like us to pass along.
Nah it's not a lie. I'll definitely bring these suggestions up. I'm not going to make any promises here but I have no reason to tell players I'll pass along feedback and then not do it.
Don’t forget to mention the Fortnite/Apex-style battle pass that’s been discussed elsewhere in this thread! As far as I’m concerned, including 1000 silver throughout the season pass rewards would be a good solution as well.
Thanks, I saw the other thread on it as well and brought it up.
The Season of Opulence armor has lore in the database as well that doesn't appear in game.
Which pieces exactly and I will look into it.
I already hit up the season pass owner discount suggestion above, but I will also bring this idea up as well. We appreciate the feedback.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll bring it up with the team.
We checked into this. Apparently the lore was added for the raid weapons but there is a bug where it won't show up in-game. We are currently investigating.
Looking into this now. Thanks for the report!
Edit: This going live was an unintended consequence of the update today. We are still committed to the plan for purchasing Season Ranks later in the seasons we communicated previously. We have a server side change going out now that will disable these purchases until later in the season.
What’s the Old Witch of Cuba have to do with anything?
Came to this thread - searched "Cuba," was not disappointed.
The Glimmer drops are not the underlying cause of perf issues in the raid. We are investigating that issue and will let you know as soon as we have more info.
I'll definitely pass along any feedback on Glimmer dropping on the ground. You still instantly collect your base Glimmer for kills and the Glimmer that drops is a bonus. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!