

23 Apr

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Wumboui,


I'm afraid there isn't an alternate route to have bans looked into aside from submitting an appeal to the Terms of Service (TOS) team, as they base those decisions on what can be verified in our records and have the final say in those matters.


That said, you're more than welcome to submit another appeal and someone else from the TOS team will do a fresh investigation to see if something was missed that could get you back into the account here.


If you haven't already, please reach out to an advisor again and they'll send this back up to the TOS team to be reviewed.

Mako.png... Read more

21 Apr

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @loganladowsk,


The schedule you're referring to on the site was the original plan, however a number of the game modes ultimately needed to be taken down to address some issues.


Respawn cla...

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20 Apr

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@RaginKavu That is great news!


I know restorations for in-game Apex purchases can be a bit limited even in these situations, but I'm glad to hear you were able to get that ban overturned.


Thanks for dropping by for the update and have fun in-game!

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @iLoveJihan,


We don't currently have any updates to announce regarding iOS support for Apex Mobile, but it is coming! 


We do plan to launch a page in the future that allows you to pre-register for the game and sign up for news about the betas.


For now that is all the news we have, so feel free to check the latest update here and by following ...

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19 Apr

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @RobloxLover27!


Glad to hear that you were able to re-secure the account. 


Now that you've done that, you'll just want to reach out to an advisor so they can have that ban reviewed by our Terms of Service (TOS) team.


You can find more information on how to reach them over at the ...

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16 Apr

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Looneyshadowdog This is being looked into, actually!


While he mentions it's likely still a ways off, this is something the Game Director has commented on over on Reddit: ...

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13 Apr


    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @eternumashes,


I can definitely understand you'd want to take every possible avenue to try and get an account back, especially one that you've invested so much time into.


There is not a way to speak with the TOS team directly, as they take some time to fully investigate each appeal before making a decision. That includes going through our records for the account activity that led to an action and the history of the account as well.


These decisions are ultimately based on what the records show happened and the history of behavior on an account. That helps keep things consistent to make sure ev...

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08 Apr

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @BB4H_SeNsAi,


Sorry to hear about this situation, though I'm glad you were able to get the account back here.


Just to clarify a bit more on this situation, an account would not be banned because you had weak credentials. The account would be banned because it was being used for activity that violated our User Agreement. 


After this was appealed and the action was reviewed again, the Terms of Service team was able to determine that activity was linked to someone else gaining access to the account. This let them remove the ban after determining that you were the one with control over the account...

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    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Completely understandable and I appreciate that you're trying to take precautions @RaginKavu.


Our Terms of Service (TOS) team is in charge of any account actions, so in the event your account is banned, you would need to reach out to them to have that reviewed. That's not something we're able to pre-emptively block, though if you've already taken steps to re-secure the account that should certainly help.


If that becomes necessary there is a webform you can use as well, so that may have better luck if you're not seeing a live chat pop-up appear.


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    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @RaginKavu,

If you're not seeing a separate window pop up for that chat, I'd definitely recommend checking any ad-block or pop-up settings in place in your browser or any antivirus programs you may be running.

It may also be worth trying to launch that in a different browser or using incognito mode if you've not already tried that. Mako.png

07 Apr

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @RaginKavu,


From what you mentioned here, it definitely sounds like someone else may have gained access to the account.


I do see you've added an authenticator and reset passwords, which is great. I'd also recommend going through ...

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05 Apr

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report @youngsplit1017. We are investigating this issue and will be providing updates in this thread as we have them, so I'm going to lock the current thread....

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01 Apr

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
@Kriiizy No worries! That was more of a general heads up, just in case you reach out about a separate issue or for an update.

Otherwise, it's just making its way through the TOS queue currently so I'd just keep an eye on your email for an update from them. Mako.png
    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @Kriiizy,

I'm afraid we don't have a specific ETA at the moment as the Terms of Service team is taking a bit longer than usual to investigate due to a high volume of cases.

In the meantime I would definitely just suggest not to resume the case you've already submitted, as that can pull it out of their queue and delay the process.

If you do need to reach back out for anything, just be sure to open a new, separate case instead. Thanks for the continued patience in the meantime. Mako.png...
    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Deke96,


If you had to reset your password before you could get back into the account, it definitely sounds possible that someone else had accessed that and caused the ban.


You'll want to reach out to an advisor with the steps in this article to get...

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30 Mar

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Ka1ips0,

If an account was banned and you're not finding an email about that action, you can reach out to an advisor with the link in my above post to have them look into this for you.

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @MasterCatsTH,


You should have received a bit more information at the registered email address for your EA Account.


This is not something we're able to change on the forums, however if you didn't get that email and would like to get more information or appeal this ban, please reach out to an advisor. 



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29 Mar

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Ace_DeathShot,


You can find our information about setting up a tournament here: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/community-tournament-guidelines


If you still have questions about setting up a tournament after that, there is an email address...

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19 Mar

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @ImpossibleMeat,

While I do see the more recent cases have been closed as duplicates, your first submission is still in the Terms of Service queue to be reviewed.

That hasn't been lost, the TOS team is just a bit behind due to a high volume currently. Sorry about the wait, but they will get back to you via email once they've had a chance to investigate that first case you had created.

Thanks for the patience in the meantime! Mako.png

18 Mar

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Death_Sakurasou,


I'm afraid we do not investigate banned accounts on the AHQ Forums.


Please reach out to an advisor and they'll be able to take a look at the account and make sure this is reviewed by our Terms of Service team.


You can find more information on this here: ...

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