

22 Feb

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @barrychow54,

Sorry to hear that you're still waiting to hear back about this account. I realize that's quite a while longer than usual, and no one likes to see that you've been unable to play on your account for this long.

With that in mind however, I do see you had resumed your case after it was sent up to our TOS team. Re-opening the same case after it's sent up to be reviewed can remove it from the proper queue and cause delays.

While the TOS team is a bit backed up currently, it looks like this is what is causing the delay in your case.

Please reach back out to an advisor so they can get your appeal ba... Read more

12 Feb

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @thomasmonachese,


If you're playing on Origin, the PC version of Apex Legends will be using your EA ID, which can be changed here: https://myaccount.ea.com/cp-ui/aboutme/index


While cross play is enabled, There is no cross progression between the PC and console versions of the game, so I'm afraid there is not currently a way to transfer your progress from PS4 to PC. 

Mako.png... Read more

10 Feb

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,


If you haven't recently used your account and you're finding it's been banned, it's likely that someone else gained access to the account and was up to no good with it. In those cases we would ban the account to stop that activity until we can be sure the proper account owner has control again.


Please be sure you've secured your account and then take a look through the link below to reach out to an advisor. They'll be able to look into getting this fixed up for you, thanks!


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09 Feb

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @MadieMajor,

The event showed up in-game a little before it actually went live, so there was a short period where the packs were not available to purchase. Sorry for the confusion!

That should be working normally now that the event itself is live, so just let us know if you're still running into trouble with this. Mako.png
    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all,


Thanks for the reports! As mentioned, this is a bug the game team is currently working to address, so please hold tight on any other purchases until those prices show up correctly.


05 Feb

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @aniqogata,


If your account was hacked and used for any activity that violates our User Agreement, it may be banned to prevent whoever got into the account from continuing that behavior.


You'll want to go through the steps below to make sure you've re-secured your account before we can look into restoring access for you.


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    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @CasensHyper,


This event should be more in line with what FaIIenAngeI777 mentioned. Common attachments and equipment are what's being affected, not all loot. Standard smile

Another Takeover is hitting the normal Play Apex playlist. In “Locked and Loaded”, hit the ground with a full loadout of level 1 gear. You’ll have a Mozambique, White Shotgun Bolt, HCOG Classic Scope, White Evo Shield, White Helmet, White Back...

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    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @calvinthen2,

We're unable to investigate account actions on the forums I'm afraid. I do see you've already opened a case to have our Terms of Service team take another look at the account however!

They are a bit backed up at the moment, but your case is in the right place to be reviewed as soon as they get to it. At this point you'll just need to wait to hear back from them, thanks for your patience. Mako.png

19 Jan

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
@0nyX3 Excellent, glad to hear it. Happy flying! -Mako

15 Jan

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks @0nyX3! That link has been updated, but let us know if those steps help out. -Mako