

15 Jun

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks @BradyAstra! It seems that's just having you go through a couple additional steps, sorry for the confusion.


Are you able to just click the Show All Topics option? You may need to click it a couple times, but one of those topics should be:


I want to dispute my ban or suspension


If you select that option, you should see this version of the page.




Can you check t...

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    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @BradyAstra,

Just making sure you saw my second question. Were you able to get that screenshot of what you're seeing?

The link should just let you open a new case, so if you're seeing something different a screenshot will help us see what's going on.
    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@d3_Faalt Happy to clarify, good luck with the climb! Thumbs up

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @d3_Faalt,

Sorry if that came as a surprise! The first split for ranked play ended today, so this is indeed legit. That's going to drop 1.5 tiers, so what you've attached looks like the correct amount.

There's a bit more information on the overall ranked system here: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/legacy-ranked Mako.png... Read more
    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Just to confirm, you're first going through this link, is that right?


Can you attach a screenshot of what you're seeing after you click that link?

Mako.png... Read more
    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


You should be able to follow the steps in the link below to open a case. 




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14 Jun

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,


I'm afraid the language used in your message is currently not supported on Answers HQ. At the moment the following languages are supported:


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    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @BradyAstra,


Are you just filling out the webform as described here?



The email option should be available further down the page if you've gone through those...

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    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @VikramK1!

There's a very small chance to get heirloom shards each time you open a pack, and you're guaranteed to get one by your 500th pack if you haven't opened one by that point. Good luck! Mako.png
    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @grainykin,


This is not something we're able to provide on the forums.


Please check out this page for all the information on tournaments. If you have any additional questions feel free to reach out to the email address linked at the bottom of the page, thanks!



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13 Jun

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


I would definitely agree that relying purely on other players to report cheaters wouldn't solve the issue alone, and fortunately we do approach this situation from a number of different angles.


Just to be clear, there is not an acceptable number of cheats. Cheating is extremely harmful for the game and goes against the entire notion of a fair playing field. We're constantly working to keep that playing field fair and you can read a bit more about that ...

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    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @SaltySIits,


Sorry to hear you still haven't seen those coins show up. This is not something we're able to address via the forums, but as it's been a couple days without those appearing I would definitely reach back out to an advisor.


They'll need to take another look at this one I'm afraid. Aside from just resuming your most recent case, you can also speak with them over ...

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10 Jun

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Marge010,


The latest I've seen on this was just a couple days ago, actually.


This information was posted over in a comment on Reddit. 

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08 Jun

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Great, thanks for following up! Standard smile


07 Jun

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @AbsurdZiggy,


I'm showing an email was sent out a little while back with an update to that particular case.


It looks like they were just waiting on the account to be secured before fully removing the ban in this case, so I'd definitely suggest going through ...

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    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @D3AD8C0RPS3,


I'm afraid once an heirloom is selected, that is a final decision.


At this point we don't have the ability to reverse that or exchange an heirloom, sorry. 


06 Jun

    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @tylooluxifer, the contact information should be available through the links in the previous post, depending on how you'd like to speak with an advisor.

This should get you started to create a case: https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/new/ Mako.png... Read more
    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @tylooluxifer,


If you didn't get your Apex coins from a purchase, an advisor should be able to help out. They'll need to verify some additional proof of purchase, so this is not something we're able to assist with on the forums directly. 


Please reach out to an ...

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    EA_Mako on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Saitey_Aitn,


I'm afraid the language in which you wrote your message is currently not supported on Answers HQ. At the moment you can get help here in the following languages:


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03 Jun

    EA_Mako on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @dSKyNafinchin,

There isn't currently a way to send in-game messages to people outside your own party. I've seen similar messages from other players pop into my group's chat a few times as well but it's not an intended part of the chat at this time.

As far as the robot-ish voice, that sounds like you may have the "Play Incoming Text Chat as Speech" option enabled in the Audio settings menu! That's a separate setting not directly related to this issue. Mako.png