

16 May

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers, and welcome to the first day of the Pre-Patch Hype week for Patch 0.9.1: Rising Flames!

Over the next week and leading up to the May 25th Rising Flames patch, we will be revealing and talking about most of the major features coming in patch 0.9.1. For today’s post, we’re going to be covering Ladders!

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Ladders help provide a sense of progression and accomplishment. Whether it’s competing with other players or just s...

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25 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Keikakujin.

If you would like to appeal a moderation action, you can do so by submitting a support ticket here:

As per our code of conduct, we do not publicly discuss any moderation actions to prevent further harassment of any involved users.

20 Apr


BEEEEEES. You have my respect.

14 Apr


Originally posted by Chogo82

Thanks for the response! 1) It was not always the case with my hammerdin that I died to soul bomb after pushing the enemy. There were times that I died on the very first soul bomb. I noticed that this seems to happen more often when I use a teleport spell and/or continue to attack him while he is soul bombing. The other hitbox issue is his breath. This one only seems to occur when I am too close behind him. This effect is also more likely to occur when I used smite teleport because that spell always puts me behind him and causes him to move a bit.

4) concerning the necro outer ring bug: what I meant here is that when I spawn into the fight after many attempts, the outer ring is already there. Typically the fight starts with me on the edge and EoC waiting off screen. In the bugged scenario, the outer ring of necrotic damage is already there and he immediately starts to the mass necro ball launch when I spawn into the fight.

5) concerning being able to cheat death: I...

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Ah! I see the issue with the outer ring now - sorry, I misunderstood what was going on there. You mean it's persisting after the portal is closed and into the next attempt of the quest echo within the same gameplay session if I understand correctly now. I'll pass that along to the team.


Just wanted to provide a few updates concerning this, as EoC's Soul Explosion hitbox is something we're still looking into.

  1. From the engine side of things, we can see the hitbox does correctly match the telegraph indicator, which means something else is going on. We currently suspect this may be the result of being able to 'push' many enemies, including EoC, but we don't yet have a constant reproduction for this. Situation information can be helpful for this, such as if you're experiencing any issues with other hitboxes during the fight (desync), experiencing any sort of rubber banding, or if you notice anything else off.
  2. This appears to be a result of pushing the boss as you mentioned. 'Pushing' enemies is not an intended mechanic, and is part of a much larger issue we're working on.
  3. same as 2, yup. It's very silly indeed =p
  4. We are aware of this bug, though it's currently lower priority than others as teleporting into the outer ring post fi...
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12 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Lagon requires a bit more than a quick fix unfortunately. He’s certainly on our list of things to address.

07 Apr

31 Mar

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please remember to follow the Code of Conduct and remain civil in discussions.

The movement from Void Cleave is an intended part of its design, which can be used to advantage, or disadvantage - similar to dancing strikes, and warpath having forced movement as “movement” tagged skills.

It is valid feedback that you’re encountering frustration with a forced movement skill, and it’s certainly something we can take into consideration as to “how” it forces movement, or perhaps other aspects concerning it. At the current time it is intended for it to force movement in the attacking direction as a core part of the skill’s identity when you use it like other movement skills.

If you’re having issues identifying telegraphed attacks and accidentally Void Cleaving into them, I think adjusting the Telegraphing clarity would certainly be worthwhile to discuss, such as if there’s particular enemies it happens against, or in particular areas (We do know of and are adjusting som...

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30 Mar

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moved to Bug Reports

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moved to bug reports

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moved to Bug Reports

16 Mar

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Popping in with another update alongside the Discord thread. We had one of our developers in Poland reach out to Orange, and was advised the most effective thing would be to have individuals who are effected to reach out to them.

We also attempted to reach out to Orange to have the servers globally added to their allow lists, however our request was denied. They did provide an email for our service providers to reach out to, and we’re still asking our service providers to also reach out to them. Their most recent replies veribitm have been

MS has no relationship with the ISP. In fact an ISP may be suspicious of a large IT company asking them to whitelist IP addresses the ISP detected as being suspicious. E.g.: ISP: “We blocked these IPs from company XYZ as suspected DDoS attack vectors.” Then representative from company XYZ calls and says “No, they are fine, really, trust me. Whitelist them.”

However if one, or many, of their customers point out an ...

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15 Mar

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to provide another update concerning this. We believe we’ve identified the issue as Orange ISP blocking the connection. In order to resolve this, they need to allow list a set of IP’s from our service providers. We are attempting to reach out to Orange ISP, as well as requesting our service providers to reach out to have these IP’s allow listed to resolve this issue.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there! We are in fact trying to push out a fix for this ASAP. Currently, upon defeating Lagon, you should unlock the waypoint in Soreth’Ka, which is the next step in the main quest, and allow it to automatically progress to this next step.

14 Mar

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there! Thank you for reporting this, and sorry about that! I’ve made an adjustment to our system based on how it read your message. Also to note: The system does not issue any sort of mutes or bans, it just blocks the one message. We’re also making an adjustment to the text for the automated response to make it not nearly as aggressive. You can also use the phrase “!badbot” to automatically flag something for review if it’s not clear what in the message was being caught.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of this and have been discussing it every day to see what we can do alongside other high priority items.

From what we can see, it’s related to how the ISP is routing traffic to our servers, which isn’t something we can change on our end. We are however still investigating it to see if there’s something we can do on our end. We have provided the wireshark trace to our backend team to see if that can help them. If it is how the ISP is routing things through their network, the only thing that can change that is with user feedback to them.

Again, we are still discussing this and looking into it internally. The most helpful information right now would be information on what the ISP is saying when reached out to regarding the connection issue to the servers.

10 Mar

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please remember to be civil and follow the Code of Conduct in conversations. We understand the frustration in not being able to get in-game, and we’re working on it as fast as we can

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have only actually not been issuing many mutes - those that have received mutes were warned beforehand. We are investigating this issue, and believe it is related to the matchmaking issues we’re currently working on. Basically - The chat client is attempting to send a message, and not getting a response from the server, so it’s assuming that it got blocked for profanity and issuing that response. We’re working on getting this resolved, as well as making the current warning a little less extreme.

09 Mar


༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ SERVERS TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ