

16 Feb


Could you please upload the console log associated with this session? :slight_smile: I ask as we’re having some problems replicating this internally, so it would be appreciated. Timestamps within the log names should help you identify the corresponding log.

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs

15 Feb


To confirm, did you try the BIOS update recommended in my last reply to you on the 28th of January? I ask as this has been successful for many players with this issue. :slight_smile:


D’oh, I missed that! :woman_facepalming: Thank you.

@Saul_Ratvitz, the console log seems to think you’re playing on the ‘Modded’ realm as a result of Easy Anti-Cheat being unhappy, so we need to determine why that is. Firstly - have you tried repairing Easy Anti-Cheat? This can be done using the Eas...

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Thank you @Harridas. I’ll speak to Hedge about the upload limit, see if it’s something we can change.


Sorry to hear this. We are patching on the PS4 this week; please let me know if the issue persists afterwards.


Hello! Is it possible you’re accidentally launching the ‘Modded’ realm, as opposed to the ‘Official’ realm? Your realm can be changed using the checkboxes next to the ‘Play’ button within the launcher.

Additionally, the crash is something we’re looking in to - apologies for the inconvenience.


Nice work. Appreciate the update!

14 Feb

13 Feb


Hey Kurt, please see my response to you via the Support Portal - it may be in your ‘Spam’ inbox.


Sorry about that. Added to the database!

12 Feb


DirectX 12 can be a bit notorious for instability. I know that interference from other applications can be a problem for DirectX 12. Worth trying the ‘Disable Background Applications’ option mentioned in the article if you haven’t already. :smiley:


Thank you for your report - I’ve added this to our database for investigation.


I can see your GPU is crashing. I appreciate you’ve already tried reinstalling your drivers, but I’d recommend having a look at the other solutions in this article: [PC] How to Resolve GPU Crashes – Fatshark

11 Feb


Hi @Ezekiel2517, I wanted to let you know my colleague Lev has raised this with one of our developers and hopes to have an update for you soon.

In the mean time, I was wondering - would one of you be able to briefly connect your console to a mobile data connection, only for a short period to see if the issue continues to occur? This can help in isolating the issue (but I appreciate this isn’t always an option). :slight_smile:


This is an unusual crash! I’ve raised this in our database for investigation - apologies for the inconvenience.


I’ve sorted that out for you - let me know if you have any problems!


Hello @sirdirtjoe, is a crash report produced when this occurs? If so, please copy and paste it here.

The DLCs deactivating is something I’m keeping an eye on - would you be able to provide me with the URL to your Steam profile please?