To confirm, the player that starts running in the same spot and eventually disconnects, is the same player that has been vote kicked? Please correct me if I’m wrong. Just want to make sure my internal report is all correct!
To confirm, the player that starts running in the same spot and eventually disconnects, is the same player that has been vote kicked? Please correct me if I’m wrong. Just want to make sure my internal report is all correct!
Is it possible that the Dual Hammers were equipped in your secondary slot at some point? There was a period where the kills wouldn’t count if the weapon was in the secondary slot, which has since been addressed.
Error 23 is an error from our anti-cheat service, Easy Anti-Cheat, and indicates missing dependencies, such as DirectX, GPU drivers, Windows updates, Visual C++ Redistributables. I’ve listed some potential solutions below:
You would have received all possible items from the Bögenhafen Strongboxes, meaning no more Bögenhafen weeklies.
Lots of superb recommendations in here. Let us know if this is still an issue for you OP.
I wouldn’t worry about it if this only occurs upon exit, we’re looking in to the crash upon exit that can occur which I suspect may be related to this. Thank you for the updates.
You appear to be running out of VRAM, consequently resulting in the crashes you’re experiencing - please try performing a clean re-installation of your GPU drivers using the instructions here.
The chances are your installation is being corrupted by an external source of some sort, which Easy Anti-Cheat then considers to be suspicious. I’m not sure what solutions you’ve already attempted, but we have an article on how to solve continuous data corruption errors here.
Firstly, my apologies for the delay in acknowledging this issue. I’ve raised this internally but if by chance you ever manage to catch a recording of this occurring, please send it my way.
Oh wow, I wouldn’t have expected that! I appreciate the update and will keep this in mind for anybody else that may experience the same issue. Thank you!
@GeneShalit Assuming this is still an issue for you, could you upload a DxDiag please?
Could you upload a DxDiag please?
This is quite the mystery! When you say you unsubscribed from your mods, did you do so via the Steam Workshop?
Sorry to hear this. Have you tried verifying integrity via Steam?:
Mysterious! Annoyingly it’s not clear from the logs which particular mod could be causing this, that’s assuming the recent absence of crashes is mod-related and not down to luck So it might be a process of elimination to determine which is the culprit. I’d try re-introducing Third Person Equipment and Player List Plus to start with.
Edit: Oh I completely misread the “on and off” part. Apologies, I’m embarrassed! You can disregard the above…
The next time you crash, which I’m hoping you won’t, could you pop the crash report over to me please?
Oh hmmm. Fans are all working as intended and there’s no overheating no?
Unfortunately there’s no consistency to these crashes, and the last couple of logs haven’t even produced any crash data, so it’s somewhat of a shot in the dark.
Could you try disabling your mods and see if the same issue persists?
Could you switch to DirectX 11 within the launcher’s ‘Settings’ menu and let me know whether the same issues persist?
Oooh is that with Vsync still disabled or enabled?
The Vsync situation is Interesting, although unfortunate that there’s no consistency to it! Still something we’ll keep in mind.
Unrelated to Vsync, here’s a snippet from another post which may be of interest, from a player that was experiencing microstutters:
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