

27 Jul


Originally posted by Sn0w1753

Any hints on some other ancient Easter eggs long overdue for us to find?

Nope! But they do exist :)


Wow, I'm surprised it took you guys so long to find that! Credit to u/JagexFlippy for doing that one

22 Jul


Originally posted by mrpielovin

Can always make side story's and lore for the areas right like the Forthos Dungeon a fantastic update I thoroughly enjoyed.

Haha I have considered it, there is plenty of room to explore some of the ideas I placed when writing that content.


Originally posted by br0dohfasho

We need more quest sequels! Keldagrim questline, cold war questline... so many unfinished stories. Finish those stories before fleshing out kourend!

I totally understand where you're coming from, however, for me personally when I've thought about quests I'd kind of like to tell my own stories and not finish off someone elses idea if that makes sense?

Writing a sequel to someone elses story isn't easy although Mod Ed does a great job of it.

That's not to say it won't happen, inspiration can happen at any time and I know some devs have a soft spot for some existing story lines.

17 Jul


Originally posted by LieV2

Please put some form of PvP in the next league, Castle Wars or something!

PvP with relics does sound kind of fun!


Thanks for the kind words! I can't take all the credit, there were lots of others on the team who helped make it all possible and provided crucial feedback into making it what it is today. Special shoutout to Mod West for the phenomenal environment work which strikes the perfect balance of high-quality old-school art.

The Sepulchre was a lot of fun to work on from design, to development and to internal testing and even working on post-release feedback.

I can only hope that you guys enjoy future content that I work on just as much as this one :)

The next project I'm working on is another league (Accompanied by Mods Flippy, Ed, Curse, Mack and a few others), I can't wait till we can share more information with you guys but I'm already super excited for it's release!

15 Jul


Originally posted by insmokeinsmoke

"This sounds crazy powerful, right? That's because it is!"

this is a shit angle to design from.

A first project should never be CHANGING THE PVM BOSSING META.

also why are we STILL addding to slayer. Just fix skills that have needed a rework for years. Hell take off resources on bosses. Though I know you will never respond because I'm sure there is some reason Jagex has ruined (almost) all skilling money methods.

I think that's perhaps where some of the issue lies. The idea as I understood it was to be a different way to do slayer and not a new meta where everything else is obsolete. Sort of like how you can choose between Konar, Duradel (and technically Nieve/Steve)


Originally posted by pasty66

If its been fully fleshed out could we get some more details on the suggestions then? I dont really feel comfortable voting on something that weve been told so little about how the details will be implemented

I'm hoping an update to the blog will help address this, but I can't speak for what Arcane is planning to change personally


Originally posted by SamAxesChin

I appreciate you responding to this since it would have been much easier to ignore it, your guys' communication with us is always great, and I believe you care about what's best your game than any other development team I've come across. Whatever the outcome of this is, please tell Arcane to not let the criticism get him down too much and that it's great that he already has a big project he's spearheading only a couple months into the job. I'm excited to see what he has in store in the future.

No problem! And I'll pass on the message although speaking from experience it's very easy to take criticism personally for a project you've worked on.

There's been a lot of great feedback and I'd like to think that we can come to a middle ground which addresses the majority of the players concerns with boss slayer


I don't think it's fair to compare my first impressions to a question on a Q&A to a fully fleshed out design which has been explained to me in-person by the designer himself.

I do think Boss slayer has potential, also the opinions of a single JMOD never represent the entire team and opinions can always change.

It's worth mentioning that the concept was still selected by the team and feedback into the design was given by many on the team, myself included.

I'd ask that you guys give us a chance to make amendments to the blog based on the feedback you guys have given, I know Arcane has been very busy reviewing and deciding the changes he would like to make to it.

12 Jul


I actually like this idea thematically. A door you need to be good enough to pick as opposed to a trap you have to be agile enough to get past.

Not sure about the specific use to existing content but may steal this for future content!

09 Jul


Originally posted by ert0

If you can attack during transitions it sounds like that'd make it trivial to dps skip orbs

For players with very high ranged and using higher-tier darts and rigour then yeah it will.

However the boss was always designed to be a boss for mid-levels so if high-levels in great gear can skip mechanics I don't necessarily see that as a problem

02 Jul


Originally posted by Holidayrush

Is there anything that can be done about the final trap on the Floor 4 North path? every other obstacle you can either choose to do it slower and risk running out of time at the end or you can learn a specific pattern to get through the obstacle 99% of the time. But this one is entirely dependent on being able to dodge the arrows quickly enough to beat the sword/get to the teleporters to jump the sword. Every other obstacle has a good difficulty curve from beginning to end but this one obstacle is impossible without sheer luck since it's the only obstacle that needs significantly higher reflexes than the others. I really don't want to feel forced to get RuneLite just for the plugin that lets me see 5-6 tiles farther to essentially cheat my way through it.

I agree the difficulty spikes for this trap but that was intentional that they spike for both paths (I agree this one has a unique mechanic making it harder rather than just the arrows faster or more teleports active).

You can complete the trap by leaving as soon as it's thrown or as soon as it returns so there are 2 ways to beat it and I was able to beat it very consistently in internal testing before release and that was using the vanilla client so it is very possible.

Honestly I'm not sure entirely what you would want me to do about it to make it easier apart from perhaps having the sword idle for longer? Even then the timing I feel like is already rather generous to dodge even bad arrow patterns


Originally posted by JebusMcAzn

The inner square of rooms are now less randomised, and will always contain the same basic resources required to move on to the rest of The Gauntlet. Note that this doesn’t apply to the Corrupted Gauntlet.

In addition, demi-bosses are now easier to find. They will now spawn in 6 of the 12 highlighted areas on the map above.

Just to clarify, does the change to demi-boss spawns also apply to the Corrupted Gauntlet, or is it normal Gauntlet only?

The change to the inner rooms only affects the regular gauntlet.

The demi-bosses being easier to find applies to both.


Originally posted by LetsGoComptitive

Why does Hallowed Sepulchre get so many nerfs? Currently its not much more xp/HR than ardy rooftop. Also its way more intense. I dont get it. Another thing we get dead on release.

There is one nerf to floor 5 treasure encounters and it amounts to 120 xp per run which is miniscule (~720 xp/hr at 6 runs/hr to ~960 xp/hr at 8 runs/hr, assuming you were looting all 3 coffins on floor 5).

After reviewing data from the changes I made last week the gap from looting and not looting was just slightly too close together for my liking on floor 5 specifically meaning there wasn't really much benefit to skipping loot, you'd lose very little xp/hr for a lot of extra gp/hr. Now that choice should matter just a tiny bit more.

On the flip side we did just make one of the more annoying traps slightly nicer to deal with (North path fire trap on floor 4) which will probably off-set this a little bit for both types of playstyles.

Sorry this got longer than I intended but you asked for the reason haha. I'm actually pretty happy with where the Sepulchre is now. You're wrong that it isn't much more xp/hr than ardy rooftops, it's around ~20% better xp/hr at l...

Read more

01 Jul


Sure, we'll just make sure prayer is disabled and that there's a delay on player interactions after teleporting for 4-5 ticks so that it doesn't become too strong. We also want to make sure the room is empty of players and that all 3 DKs are up just incase


GobMisthalins and GobAsgarnians?

Although if we start naming them after what happens to them we could have change the name of ones in combat to "GobSmacked"


Originally posted by TheGoldenHand

JMod: No, I don’t think I will.

Damnit, missed meme opportunity. I clearly need another coffee


Originally posted by HostOcra

/u/jagexhusky /u/jagexacorn /u/jagexsween
PLEASE for the love of god get rid of this clue step.

It's not even that bad

25 Jun


Originally posted by TAYLQR

It's not that we don't get better xp, it's that the margin between the two shouldn't be diminished to this extent.

The content is becoming one dimensional and under performing for players under 92. Everything about the Sepulch rates on release made drastically more sense than how it's been updated.

Just to be clear, you’re not wrong. There’s just more left to be desired as far as changes.

It's absolutely fair feedback that the gap between the two could have been made far too small and we are open to feedback over the coming weeks however I will disagree with how it was on release.

Players were getting quite obscene agility rates far exceeding rooftops if they didn't loot and we getting much less than rooftops with looting. The reason we added additional XP for the treasure encounters was so that we had a variable we can use to tune them against each other.

We naturally will continue to monitor the feedback and xp-rates over the coming weeks but I do believe that this is a step in the right direction.