

08 Oct


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Couldn't you just make The Feud unlock with Asgarnia? Then you could do My Arm with Asgarnia and Kandarin and Weiss if you also pick Fremmy.

Edit: Also is Swan Song unlocks anywhere? Since it needs Garden of Tranquility, that makes it impossible to unlock as well unless a region gives one of those quests.

I may consider just giving The Feud if that's all it takes for it to be possible.

I believe Kandarin should unlock Swan Song but the gif is incorrect, I'll check tomorrow when I'm back in the office


Originally posted by LordGozer2

Thanks for clarifying. But doens't that mean Weiss will become inaccessible? Making Friends with My Arm requires Desert (the Feud), Asgarnia (quest start), Morytania (Creature of Fenkenstrain) in addition to Fremennik. Also My Arm's Big Adventure req Kandarin as you need to visit Ardougne.

Would be bit of a let down to not get Weiss as a part of Fremennik.

Currently yes. It should've been the other way round but I made the mistake, at this point I'm not happy adding the quests to unlock Weiss to Fremennik since I don't think we'd have time to QA that it doesn't break anything, it's a lot of quests to throw into that area.

So apologies for that oversight from my end but reasonably losing Weiss isn't that huge of a blow to Fremennik from a balancing perspective


Originally posted by Jokershores

Can you confirm if the Abyss miniquest is only completable with Wilderness or will be autocompleted with another region?

Only completable with wilderness which makes sense because you need access to the wilderness to use the abyss for runecraft anyway


Originally posted by h_r_

The gif also lists A Porcine of Interest being completable within Misthalin but isn't Sarah's Farm in Asgarnia...?

It doesn't state that, it just says that everyone who completes that quest will get Sourhogs added although I can understand if it's misleading.


Originally posted by TehChid

Oh wow, so it seems like PvP deaths have no risk at all. Maybe cost some gp to get back, but you won't lose your items at all. Makes the wildy a much more attractive area

This was the middle ground from our original implementation.

Originally it was no penalty, you keep all your stuff but feedback from players was that some risk is good and that people running around in max gear freely would probably make pking in the wilderness worse.

This is what we've identified as essentially minimum risk, You'll still lose untradeables and you'll still have to pay to get your items back but it's purposefully not a huge risk. Naturally we can't actually have the pker get your items since that would break the leagues integrity.

We also move the gravestone to your respawn just to prevent denial of reaching your gravestone by other players.

We like the idea though generally that the Wilderness is going to be more about killing players for fun and not the reward, see someone killing a boss which you want to kill? Wait for them to kill it, kill them and steal the spot for yourself.


Originally posted by professional_plebbit

Just going off the list of quest unlocks its going to be a real shit show if this is correct. You can't even get Weiss unlocked period so anyone who picks Fremennik can go f**k themselves even more.

Yeah as it stands Weiss will be unreachable.

This is mostly due to the fact that I accidentally gave the quests to Asgarnia instead as pointed out yesterday and I think it's too late in the game for us to just move those quests over to Fremennik and ask for QA to review that nothing breaks, losing Weiss isn't really all that big of a blow to Fremennik though, salt technology and a single herb patch isn't game-breaking


Originally posted by LordGozer2

Asgarnia quest unlocks are very different in this blog compared to this tweet yesterday. https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1313902219117424642

Which one is correct?

That was a mistake on my part. In my original notes I wrote we needed to unlock access to Weiss in Asgarnia when infact Weiss is in Fremennik.

The blog version is correct, we're going to give Merlin's Crystal currently since Death Plateau and Troll Stronghold are completable within Asgarnia.

The blog is always continually under review and I expect we'll be adding changelists as we review feedback of things we may have missed or may want to reconsider. The week of release I'll ask for the blogs GIFs to be updated with all the correct information.

18 Sep


It's certainly a good point and the idea that the gold isn't coming from a player is one that I hadn't considered.

As I said on the Q&A, I was simply musing out loud. I have tons of ideas, that doesn't mean they're all great or amazing but I'll still continue having them and I'm all for people pointing out they're flaws.

Thanks for having the discussion OP!

17 Sep


Originally posted by thereal-packthebowl

What about instanced Nightmare? Finding a world takes 10-20 mins sometimes & then we have to deal with crashers or people who join to scale the HP then leave

Instancing nightmare would be a big move moreso than just QoL. Currently the amount of uniques are limited by the amount of worlds, allowing even 1 more instance per world would double that.

It's not a bad thing if the content is busy infact that sounds like a good problem to have, competition for resources is a healthy thing in an MMO generally speaking


Originally posted by King_Clogged

Could you guys possibly look at scaling nightmare better for solo or duo or even possibly trio teams, having the same hp for solo and 5 people is a bit trash and not everybody has 5 friends that wanna go to nightmare to make it bare able :P It doesn't have to be a big chunk lower but possibly something that makes it better than 20 min solos and 12 min duos lol

Copying my response from another comment in this thread:

The only reason I've seen to reduce it to 3 man scaling was because the pet rate is so much worse if you have less than 5 people hence the pet question.

However, Nightmare Uniques are at a good place right now and group sizes 1-4 are still very very profitable, some of the best money in the game. We wouldn't want to reduce the scaling to 3 man without changing how the uniques work due to the faster kills but to be honest we're happy with how uniques are for those groups anyway


Originally posted by Forkward

No poll question for scaling nightmare down to trio? I know you want to keep it mainly group content, but coordinating even 5 people without being part of a pvm clan can be insanely annoying.

The only reason I've seen to reduce it to 3 man scaling was because the pet rate is so much worse if you have less than 5 people hence the pet question.

However, Nightmare Uniques are at a good place right now and group sizes 1-4 are still very very profitable, some of the best money in the game. We wouldn't want to reduce the scaling to 3 man without changing how the uniques work due to the faster kills but to be honest we're happy with how uniques are for those groups anyway

15 Sep


Originally posted by TheJoJy

Spaghetti code strikes again.

It's not actually spaghetti code in my opinion. It's entirely expected behaviour if I'm being honest, just expected behaviour which I wasn't aware of


So Today I Learned.

If you pass the item config into text and say to display the name of whatever that items config is that it appears as Members Object in f2p.

I thought I'd do that to be smart and not have to change it everywhere if we re-named the object but this is a legitimate reason to not do that in skill guides!

04 Sep


Originally posted by Snoo92320

Yall joke aroud, everyone knows sween, acorn, ash, kieren, husky, hell i've even heard of elena, the real mystery to me is boko, jndr, roq and ry like what kinda names r that, while i would award nasty for best mod name

I made the list! :O

07 Aug


Originally posted by Imuhdrum

Really happy you enjoyed this! Fyi though...if you happen to see the full vid of me doing this on YouTube one day...i may have raged a bit trying to learn this but I promise I like it now haha

I saw everyone raging on day 1 haha


This is amazing, thanks for making this! I feel honoured that content I worked on inspired you to make something yourself!

29 Jul


Originally posted by Trumps_Brain

Would it include the Ring of Endurance? Or just the normal chest loot?

It would be nice for an extra roll at ring if you have 92+ Agility

Just normal chest loot is the plan


Originally posted by HotBurritoBeans

Question 17: Should the Hallowed Treasure Sack, containing loot worth an average of 100,000 gold pieces, be made available in the Hallowed Sepulchre Reward Shop for 100 Hallowed Marks?

For this question, it would be nice to know what types of items would make up the bag. Similar drop table to the chests that already exist in the sepulcher (but scaled up to hit the 100k bogey)? Or similar to the brimstone chest/larran's chest?

Yeah the intention is for it to come from the existing Sepulchre drop-tables.

27 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


The only reason I responded is because it blew up accusing me of something which I haven't done and how the community views me is quite important to me as I want to be able to engage with you to receive feedback on updates I'm working on.

I have never paid for someone to do anything on my account. I quite honestly don't see the point. This game is about setting yourself goals and achieving them, if someone else achieved the goal then it'd be meaningless to me.

If I had a 200m all account with all pets, every item in-game I'd likely just play another account because without goals there's nothing to play for.


Hey, not sure why I'm being singled out like this. I'm already maxed so I've no reason to have someone level my account and I don't see why I'd pay someone to do the few goals I have left for me, I enjoy this game too much.

I never responded to OP when tagged in something like this previously because It's not my place to comment on matters like this as I am a content developer and not player support. I'm sorry I can't clarify more about this but the osrs team have seen this post and are discussing it internally.