I appreciate this
I appreciate this
What if we made bowls less "curry coloured"?
Noted, will fix next week! You'll get your points then, sorry for the bug
Wasn't it reversed like 12h or so after the nerf? That's really fast
They "fixed" what they deemed to be a bug, probably planning to mention it on the next post, and then noticed it had unintended consequences that affected the fun/viability of the relic. So they make a post exclusively for it with a nice middle-ground.
About as good as I could hope for, tbh
This is pretty much exactly it, there was no point in us putting comms out until we had another meeting to review if we wanted to make anymore changes and since we did decide to make changes we waited until we'd actually made them.
This seems really unfair for those of us who didn't pick the desert for ancients. I decided I could afford to not pick up ancients because I could use the swamp trident for my main damaging spell and the exploding attacks relic to mimic the aoe of barrage spells.
If I had known that ice spells were going to be given 100% perfect accuracy, I likely would have chosen desert instead of tirannwn. I want to try to do ToB with magic but now it looks like a swamp trident build is completely inferior in every way to an ancient magic build.
Is there any way this change could be applied to other high level spells? Mainly surge spells and powered staves, just to make it fair for those mages who chose different paths. Even with that change, magic would still be underpowered compared to range and melee. But I chose magic because I wanted to be a little different from everyone else and I've always preferred using magic combat in video games.
The best single target mage dps against a lot of things is still going to be Toxic Trident/Sang with imbued heart (which stays perm boosted with botanist). It has a max hit of around 44 which is much stronger than ice barrage and also outperforms Crystal Bow/Crystal armour by a reasonable amount. (Especially because Powered Staves benefit from T6 relic effects such as Draining Strikes/Exploding attacks and ice barrage does not)
Ice barrage will be better now against bosses where magic is not typically good at such as Nightmare, Bloat etc.
Interestingly the equip a Leaf-Bladed Sword/Axe tasks aren't completable if you don't have Fremmy unlocked, despite Kurasks also being in Tirannwen. (Yes I reported this in game)
Those tasks specifically mention equipping them in Fremennik!
If the player has 99hp, is at Bandos and is currently sitting on 40hp. If he gets hit for a 42 would this then be reduced to getting hit a 34? Or would I be visiting deaths office?
It would be reduced because you would survive the 42 hit with your 99hp
why not just change the damage reduction to "your healing effects are now 15% more effective" cause now it wont say you from a lethal hit and all it does is become a healing resource saver.
That would be a much more drastic change to the relics effect than what we have gone with and actually wouldn't be all that useful all things considered
So the change now is that you just eat at the normal max hit instead of the reduced max hit. Is this at all damage or just the offending percentage mobs mentioned in the blog?
It's hard to tell the scale of the amount of creatures without more extensive testing but those are big offenders. It could be all of them but it depends how each specific one was coded
So the newspost doesn't say this explicitly but the issue we were fixing was that if you were at 15 hp for example you'd always take 13 damage and not die because damage is capped to your current hitpoints BEFORE the relic effect activates.
We can't really do the relic reduction first without going into almost every offending monster script and fix it accordingly so this is the result of that.
In most cases it won't affect anyone, the tank a jad hit task can still be done anyway with just having high hp or tick-eating
u/JagexHusky Will t3 stack with ranging cape?
What’s happening with Cerberus? The mods mentioned on the stream that things would be changing there as well.
We were considering preventing it in Cerberus room as it skips an entire mechanic but to be honest it's just a cool and inventive way to use the Relic so we're leaving it as is!
We never changed the description, it was always intended to stack. I've found the bug and we're fixing it for next week
Apparently they made t3 not stack with Ava's, when husky specifically mentioned that it would, and recall to gwd is being nerfed after it was already used by the top players
I thought that Avas+t3 would stack when they didn't, I've found the bug and we're fixing it for next week
We're reviewing this tomorrow, we decided not to hotfix it until we know exactly what we want to do. The issue which we perceive is this becoming really toxic 2 weeks from now when everyone has weapon specialist/recall with players crashing each other.
We're considering preventing GWD KC from going down for everyone
We're considering doing nothing
And we're considering a few other options too
We're also aware about relic-regret and we want to find a solution which doesn't cause this if possible
Decisions like this are hard and we do so with the good of the League in mind and it's not a decision we'll make lightly. We're reading all your feedback on this and will take it into account when we make the decision.
Fixing next week. Slayer master lists are based on areas you've unlocked and no area unlocks aberrant spectres (they literally can't be assigned)
So we're changing it to a "kill a fire giant in Kandarin" task next week but we can't hotfix that
It's a Misthalin task because the task occurs while you are in Misthalin and that is generally the default for most of our tasks.
It would be weird for example for Enter the Myths Guild to be a Fremennik task when it infact requires both Fremennik and Kandarin but the activity occurs in Kandarin.
Hope this makes sense, if we had more time we could've had nicer ways to display multi-area tasks in the interface, maybe for next time!
We're on it. Thanks for the tip-off
Fair point. I agree that cross-region benefits is nice and something I am trying to plan out now that the unlocks are known. I'm kind of hoping more will be figured out over the coming days beyond the popular few like Cannon. Side note, I am still a bit surprised Kandarin was a single region isntead of Kandarin and Gnome, so it makes sense to exclude DS2 unlock with it in that sense.
We considered splitting Kandarin up but just having gnome by itself felt kind of weak by itself although we could've done Gnome + Tirannwn, it was a really hard call to make.
We also considered northern/southern Kandarin but a lot of the power comes from northern with trident/zenytes
Thanks for the reply. I think it might need the Feud and Kandarin since you visit Catherby briefly, but if the Feud unlocks you'd at least be able to do it in fewer regions. Also, I forget if Fremennik unlocked Cold War or not since that would be a pre-req for Weiss. Either way, it would be nice to have Weiss since Firepits are kind of a notable thing even if not on the same level as Vorkath (though I do question why Vorkath is deemed necessary for Fremmy but Myths Guild isn't for Kandarin).
Vorkath is deemed necessary because killing that boss is a significant and known piece of content identifiable in that region. It has drops players will want to go for and the assembler will be a strong reason to want to pick Fremennik, Sketal Visage too with reduced droprates potentially.
I think the truth is that Fremmy needs Vorkath more than Kandarin needs Myths guild and if we gave Kandarin DS2 quests then Kandarin would be ridiculously OP having access to Lunar spellbook being a big feature through the use of spellbook swaps.
EDIT: Also I think it's generally healthy to have cross league synergy, there are some tasks which can only be completed with 2 specific area unlocks and I think that makes the game mode even more interesting