

29 May

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Greetings, Death Knights.

In today’s new Alpha build, we have updates to the Blood talent tree and new talents for the not-yet-implemented talents for both Frost and Unholy.

Our focus for Blood updates were heavily focused on the tree layout, updating existing talents to have more synergy with Blood’s kit, reducing the amount of 2-point talents, and moving a couple talents baseline (like Crimson Scourge and Death’s Carress). One major pain point we’ve heard expressed with Blood is how much friction there is to pick up Gorefiend’s Grasp in content where you may need it. In response to that we’ve updated the tree to have Gorefiend’s in a much more accessible location. While we generally like the accessibility it has in the new tree, we’ve been testing it internally and have realized that its new location has made it a bit difficult to avoid in scenarios where you might need the AoE grip. We will update the pathing again to make it still accessible but a bit more optional...

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Greetings Warlocks.

In today’s new build, we’re focusing on the Affliction and Destruction specialization trees. We’ve changed the structure and pathing of both trees and would like to provide context for some of the other changes you’ll see in this build.

We’ve moved Darkglare upwards in the tree to make it much easier to get. We’ve shifted talents to the third section and added new talents to increase how many options are available. We’re evaluating how many two-point nodes are available and are looking to revise in a future build.

We’ve also looked at Haunt and increased the amount of damage it does baseline to make it feel more impactful upon cast. We’ve introduced Improved Haunt as well, which is a new talent that further expands upon Haunt. Lastly, we’ve moved Haunt to the second section of the tree to make it easier to pick given how much it adds to Affliction’s single-target toolkit.


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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello mages!

We have another round of changes to all three specs showing up in the build today, and wanted to provide some more context for you.

Time Anomaly
In general, we’re happy with the gameplay around Time Anomaly. We feel the randomness it provides can create some fun (and frustrating) moments across pulls that helps to add texture to the Mage experience. An outlier here is for Frost Mage, which across all three specs has the weakest bonuses by a decent margin. We’ve changed Time Anomaly to now grant Brain Freeze instead of Fingers of Frost for Frost Mages to help increase the impact that this talent creates for that spec specifically.

For Mages who want to opt-out of the randomness of Time Anomaly, we are adding a new talent: Inspired Intellect, which will provide a flat increase to your Intellect. We’d like Inspired Intellect’s tuning to hit the expected value of Time Anomaly across a reasonable amount of pulls, and we will make ad...

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This week is mostly a suite of effect tuning for Druid of the Claw. Several Druid of the Claw bonuses provided uneven value to different abilities or specs, and we’ve adjusted the bonuses granted to various abilities to give them more comparable value.

We also adjusted the defensive value that the tree gives Feral and Guardian Druids. Tank specs should generally get more defensive value than DPS specs from their shared trees so that the tree doesn’t become a lock-in choice for DPS players in hard content, and Feral Druids of the Claw were getting a lot of defensive value.

Our intention for the Empowered Shapeshifting / Wildpower Surge node is for it to offer mostly defensive value for Feral and a mix of offensive and defensive power for Guardian, with a passive and more active shapeshifting option. Wildpower Surge should offer meaningful damage for Guardians who use it regularly (as well as granting them the defensive bonuses of effects like Ursine Vigor and Wildshape ...

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Earlier today, in order to address an issue with items that can be purchased for Conquest, we sent all of the Conquest vendors on a vacation.

We’ve been working diligently to understand and fix the issue, but it has turned out to be a particularly tricky one. At this time, we don’t know how long it’s going to take to fix.

Something we do know is – we’ll probably have to do realm restarts to make the fix for this work correctly and bring the Conquest vendors back from their trip. So you can keep an eye out for scheduled realm restarts to know when we have it all sorted.

Thank you for your patience!

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 28, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue that was causing Glubtok to summon adds in Normal Deadmines.
  • Fixed an issue with many guild profession achievements not tracking as expected.
  • The Twin Peaks battleground is temporarily unavailable while some issues are addressed.
  • Death Knight
    • Fixed an issue with Desecration not being removed by Bladestorm.
  • Druid
    • Leader of the Pack’s tooltip now correctly states that the Druid’s melee critical strikes in Cat and Bear for cause them to heal 4% of their total health (incorrectly showed 5%).
  • Hunter
    • Primate Hunter pets now understand that they can’t move while using their Bad Manner ability and will successfully cast the spell without interrupting themselves.
    • Furious Howl will no longer stack with other % Crit chance increases such a...
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May 28, 2024

Player versus Player

  • Priest
    • Thoughtsteal can no longer be canceled.
    • Thoughtsteal no longer causes the casting Priest to learn a spell they already know (example: a Shadow Priest stealing Vampiric Touch from another Shadow Priest). The target of the Thoughtsteal still loses access to the stolen ability.
    • Developers’ notes: These changes resolve an issue where Priests could lose access to existing abilities after casting Thoughtsteal.


  • Verdisa did not realize she was sitting on an important location for the quest “Forget Her Not” and has moved a few feet away.

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • On Friday, May 24, the following changes were deployed:
    • There are now three new quests that grant Bronze to player-characters upon reaching levels 50, 60, and 70.
    • ...
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28 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re working on a hotfix for this. We’re going to double Honor rewards from completing a random battleground or a holiday battleground.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re working on this. We agree that it would feel better to have this reward for reaching exalted with Therazane available to your alts.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re working on a fix for this.

Please hold onto your Tusks. You will not have to re-earn all those bones on a plate-wearing character.

25 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

With hotfixes that are now live, we’ve updated many items that drop in Sunken Temple to be better for casters and more rewarding in general.

A number of previously non-Epic items are now Epic quality, and in many cases, stats have been added or increased.

24 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Realm restarts this morning included fixes for this issue.

We’ve been looking for any feedback players who experienced it may have, following restarts.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have been monitoring the impact of the Gulp Frog farming that some players did during the first three days of WoW Remix. We’ve also been working on ways to respond to player feedback about Bronze acquisition, increased difficulty at higher levels, and feeling too far behind those who took advantage of the frogs.

A small number of players received an extreme advantage that has distorted the gameplay experience for some in WoW Remix. With hotfixes later today, May 24, we will adjust characters with an unreasonably large number of Gulp Frog kills prior to the loot bug fix, and those players will see the power of their Cloak of Infinite Potential reduced to an amount that a very engaged player could reasonably achieve. This change will have a larger impact on players who took advantage of the situation for longer.

For everyone that did not take advantage of the frog farming, we’re providing three additional quests with large Bronze rewards for reaching levels 50, 60, an...

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Alpha realms are again open for testing.

23 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Today at about 4:00 p.m. PDT (7:00 p.m. EDT), we will take Alpha realms down for maintenance. We do not currently know how long this maintenance period will last.

Thank you for your patience.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 22, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed a bug preventing Diabolical Plans from dropping in Ashenvale for Horde players wanting to do “Never Again”.
  • Cataclysm Honor Vendors should now be available in Stormwind and Orgrimmar to purchase ilvl 352 Blue PvP Gear for Honor Points.
    • Conquest and Elite Conquest vendors will not sell anything until Arena Season 9 begins with next week’s regional resets.
  • Fixed a bug with the Thirty Tabards
  • Fixed a bug preventing Engineers and Alchemists from making discoveries while crafting.
  • Crafted “Vicious” gear that was unintentionally created at item level 377 has been adjusted to item level 339.
  • In “Stonefather’s Boon”, the Stonefather’s Boon buff duration has been reduced to 10 seconds (was 3 minutes).
  • Fixed some quest issues. Erunak Stonespeaker should now still be visible to players who have advanced further in the qu...
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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 22, 2024

Non-Player Characters

  • Doc Nanners in Valdrakken will again offer players “A Cataloger’s Paradise” upon reaching Renown 8 with the Dragonscale Expedition.

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Added clarity to the quest “The Great Water Hunt” to speak with Mudmug before gathering water.
  • Nostwin now sells Glyph of Shadow for Priests.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the quest “Where are My Reinforcements?” from proceeding as expected.
  • Improved the respawn rate and treasure from rares and rare elites across Pandaria.
  • Increased the amount of bronze and raised the drop chance for threads of time from airborne bronze.
  • Fixed an issue where players who faction-changed could not use the group finder for dungeons and scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the quest “Riding the Skies” from granting the appropriate Cloud Serpent mount.
  • Fixed...
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22 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 22, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Added clarity to the quest “The Great Water Hunt” to speak with Mudmug before gathering water.
  • Nostwin now sells Glyph of Shadow for Priests.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the quest “Where are My Reinforcements?” from proceeding as expected.
  • Improved the respawn rate and treasure from rares and rare elites across Pandaria.
  • Increased the amount of bronze and raised the drop chance for threads of time from airborne bronze.
  • Fixed an issue where players who faction-changed could not use the group finder for dungeons and scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the quest “Riding the Skies” from granting the appropriate Cloud Serpent mount.
  • Fixed an issue causing Wise Mari in the Temple of the Jade Serpent to not spawn Corrupt Living Water as intended.
  • Hutia was out of control in the Jade Forest, and has been convinced to relax a b...
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The vendors are now in-game.

21 May

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 21, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Players experiencing phasing issues from Wrathgate or Battle for Undercity quests that are deprecated in Cataclysm Classic should now be in the correct phase in Orgrimmar and Undercity.
  • Hunter
    • Hunter traps are now faster and more consistent in their arming times.
  • Shaman
    • Fixed an issue with Shaman Greater Fire Elemental dealing too much damage with its Fire Nova spell.
  • Warrior
    • Fixed an issue preventing Slam from being logged properly in the combat log.