

04 Jun

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June 3, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Mini Mana Bomb (Horde) and Theramore Tabard (Alliance) are now available from Horos at any Infinite Bazaar for players who have completed Theramore’s Fall for their given faction on any Timerunner.
    • Developers’ notes: There is no more need to complete it at exactly level 35.
  • Fixed an issue where some steps of the Infinite Power achievements could be skipped for players.
  • Tuft of Yak Fur, am I right? Now they stack.
    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

June 3, 2024

Dungeons and Raids

  • Neltharus
    • Fixed an issue where canceling Dragon Strike using invisibility will lead to Chargath not casting Grounding Chain.


  • Fixed an issue where Augury of the Primal Flame would not proc certain effects such as Seal of Diurna’s Chosen and Seal of Filial Duty.
  • Fixed an issue where Tome of Unstable Power could proc from non-class spell effects such as self-damage from Vessel of Searing Shadows.

Player versus Player

  • Victories in Solo Shuffle now reward 5 crests (was 3) and victories in Rated 2v2 and Rated 3v3 Arenas now reward 2 crests (was 1).

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Mini Mana Bomb (Horde) and Theramore Tabard (Alliance) are now available from Horos at any Infinite Bazaar for players who have completed Theramore...
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03 Jun

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In Remix, yes. But don’t forget that you can go pummel those same bosses on your Dragonflight characters.

A basic rule-of-thumb for Remix is: quests drop their original loot, but bosses do not.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is intended, and we expect it to continue to drop until the end of Dragonflight Season 4.

31 May

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We regularly make combat design adjustments based on gameplay data and feedback from players on class performance. With scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, we’ll make the following changes to classes that are over- and under-performing in various areas:


  • Evoker
    • Preservation
      • All healing increased by 6%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • Moonfire now costs 0.3% mana (was 1.2%).
  • Hunter
    • Survival
      • Survival Hunter 4-set Focus cost reduction increased to 20 (was 10).
      • Survival Hunt...
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30 May

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Noting that this was fixed at about 3:25 p.m. PDT today.

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Just want to follow-up on how the issue wrapped up in this region. (Other regions had the vendors disabled from the start of the Season.)

For a brief time on Tuesday, it was possible for a few players to go over the cap on item purchases. After we disabled the vendors, we looked and found that no one had gone so far over the cap that we needed to make adjustments to them.

This is because it’s a Seasonal cap, and it increases each week. So if someone purchased an item on Tuesday morning that took them above the intended week 1 cap, it will count against their total cap in week 2.

Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding here.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 29, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue that could cause disconnects while aiming and shooting the Siege Tank during the “Battlezone” quest in Uldum.
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May 29, 2024


  • Shaman
    • Restoration
      • Resolved an issue causing the Restoration Shaman Season 4 two-piece class set bonus to be cancelled when a Healing Stream Totem expires while two or more Healing Stream Totems are active.
    • Warlock
      • Affliction
        • Resolved an issue causing Drain Life to sometimes incorrectly consume mana while Soul Rot is active.
      • Warrior
      • Protection
      • Battle-Scarred Veteran has been updated. Now, when a damage event reduces your health below 30%, the portion of that damage event that would apply to the last 30% of your health is also reduced by 80%.
        • Developers’ notes: For example, if you are at 50% health and receive damage for 40% of your health, your damage taken will be 20% + 20% * (1-0.8), or 24%, and ...
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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

May 29, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Endgame tuning adjustments have been made to Heroic Scenarios, Heroic Dungeons, and Normal Raids so that they increase in power more slowly between levels 60 and 70. Heroic and Mythic raids have been adjusted so there is a smoother transition between them.
  • Players who completed the Pearlfin Jinyu questline can now bring Lesser Charms of Good Fortune to Elder Lusshan for additional reputation.
  • Players who completed the Forest Hozen questline can now bring Lesser Charms of Good Fortune to Chief Kah Kah for additional reputation.
  • Fixed a bug that inadvertently capped the maximum stats that can be gained on a Cloak of Infinite Potential. That cap has been removed.
  • Shado Pan Assault reputation earned per boss kill increased to 1000 (was 300). This amount is available daily.
  • Elder Great Turtles and Ancient Spineclaws have migrated back to the Timeles...
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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

The realm restarts are scheduled for 7:00 a.m. PDT tomorrow (May 30).

We expect the vendors to spawn as expected when realms come back up.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Timerunners!

As we approach the end of the second week of WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria, we’d like to take a moment to talk about some very recent updates we’ve made and look forward to the next 11+ weeks that the event will be available.

We’ve now made several changes to address some issues we’ve seen, especially around max level content such as heroic scenarios, heroic dungeons, and raids. Our goal here is to address the sudden increase in enemy power at level 70 for group content and make the transition to higher difficulty raids smoother for players.

  • Heroic Scenario, Heroic Dungeon, and Normal Raids increase in power more slowly between levels 60 and 70. When first reaching level 70, players will continue to be challenged by max-level content, but that increase in difficulty should now be noticeably lessened.
  • Heroic and Mythic raids have been adjusted so there is a smoother transition between them. Before these changes, there was a stark ...
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29 May

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Today’s Alpha build update includes changes for Aldrachi Reaver Demon Hunters.

We’ve heard your feedback regarding short-duration buff windows and the rotational pressure they impose, and we’re taking steps to address that.

By reducing the frequency with which Art of the Glaive triggers, we open up some room to let your buffs persist for longer periods of time; we intend for this to smooth out the precision required and generally introduce more flexibility on timing. We’ve adjusted the value of several related effects to compensate for this slower cadence and will be continuing to iterate on pacing.

Please keep the feedback coming!

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Hello, Priests.

We’ve updated the Oracle tree for this week’s build with a few changes. Primarily, we’ve updated Premonition to rotate through its spells only by casting Premonition. There is no longer an option to change the spells based on casting spells on the global cooldown. We like that players will rotate through the available spells and removes complications with choosing which Premonition to use after casting each Priest spell. We’ve also replaced the capstone with an effect that triggers all Premonitions at once after each have been cast. While this effect is not available immediately in combat, we feel that with 2 charges of the spell and the availability of a cooldown reduction talent there is space for the effect to occur during your activity of choice.

We’ve removed Prompt Deliverance, which reduced the cooldown of Purify. Oracle Priests can still uniquely use Premonition of Insight to lower Purify’s cooldown if needed during a clutch moment, but we’ve de...

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Greetings, Death Knights.

In today’s new Alpha build, we have updates to the Blood talent tree and new talents for the not-yet-implemented talents for both Frost and Unholy.

Our focus for Blood updates were heavily focused on the tree layout, updating existing talents to have more synergy with Blood’s kit, reducing the amount of 2-point talents, and moving a couple talents baseline (like Crimson Scourge and Death’s Carress). One major pain point we’ve heard expressed with Blood is how much friction there is to pick up Gorefiend’s Grasp in content where you may need it. In response to that we’ve updated the tree to have Gorefiend’s in a much more accessible location. While we generally like the accessibility it has in the new tree, we’ve been testing it internally and have realized that its new location has made it a bit difficult to avoid in scenarios where you might need the AoE grip. We will update the pathing again to make it still accessible but a bit more optional...

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Greetings Warlocks.

In today’s new build, we’re focusing on the Affliction and Destruction specialization trees. We’ve changed the structure and pathing of both trees and would like to provide context for some of the other changes you’ll see in this build.

We’ve moved Darkglare upwards in the tree to make it much easier to get. We’ve shifted talents to the third section and added new talents to increase how many options are available. We’re evaluating how many two-point nodes are available and are looking to revise in a future build.

We’ve also looked at Haunt and increased the amount of damage it does baseline to make it feel more impactful upon cast. We’ve introduced Improved Haunt as well, which is a new talent that further expands upon Haunt. Lastly, we’ve moved Haunt to the second section of the tree to make it easier to pick given how much it adds to Affliction’s single-target toolkit.


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Hello mages!

We have another round of changes to all three specs showing up in the build today, and wanted to provide some more context for you.

Time Anomaly
In general, we’re happy with the gameplay around Time Anomaly. We feel the randomness it provides can create some fun (and frustrating) moments across pulls that helps to add texture to the Mage experience. An outlier here is for Frost Mage, which across all three specs has the weakest bonuses by a decent margin. We’ve changed Time Anomaly to now grant Brain Freeze instead of Fingers of Frost for Frost Mages to help increase the impact that this talent creates for that spec specifically.

For Mages who want to opt-out of the randomness of Time Anomaly, we are adding a new talent: Inspired Intellect, which will provide a flat increase to your Intellect. We’d like Inspired Intellect’s tuning to hit the expected value of Time Anomaly across a reasonable amount of pulls, and we will make ad...

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This week is mostly a suite of effect tuning for Druid of the Claw. Several Druid of the Claw bonuses provided uneven value to different abilities or specs, and we’ve adjusted the bonuses granted to various abilities to give them more comparable value.

We also adjusted the defensive value that the tree gives Feral and Guardian Druids. Tank specs should generally get more defensive value than DPS specs from their shared trees so that the tree doesn’t become a lock-in choice for DPS players in hard content, and Feral Druids of the Claw were getting a lot of defensive value.

Our intention for the Empowered Shapeshifting / Wildpower Surge node is for it to offer mostly defensive value for Feral and a mix of offensive and defensive power for Guardian, with a passive and more active shapeshifting option. Wildpower Surge should offer meaningful damage for Guardians who use it regularly (as well as granting them the defensive bonuses of effects like Ursine Vigor and Wildshape ...

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Earlier today, in order to address an issue with items that can be purchased for Conquest, we sent all of the Conquest vendors on a vacation.

We’ve been working diligently to understand and fix the issue, but it has turned out to be a particularly tricky one. At this time, we don’t know how long it’s going to take to fix.

Something we do know is – we’ll probably have to do realm restarts to make the fix for this work correctly and bring the Conquest vendors back from their trip. So you can keep an eye out for scheduled realm restarts to know when we have it all sorted.

Thank you for your patience!

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May 28, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue that was causing Glubtok to summon adds in Normal Deadmines.
  • Fixed an issue with many guild profession achievements not tracking as expected.
  • The Twin Peaks battleground is temporarily unavailable while some issues are addressed.
  • Death Knight
    • Fixed an issue with Desecration not being removed by Bladestorm.
  • Druid
    • Leader of the Pack’s tooltip now correctly states that the Druid’s melee critical strikes in Cat and Bear for cause them to heal 4% of their total health (incorrectly showed 5%).
  • Hunter
    • Primate Hunter pets now understand that they can’t move while using their Bad Manner ability and will successfully cast the spell without interrupting themselves.
    • Furious Howl will no longer stack with other % Crit chance increases such a...
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