

22 Sep


Originally posted by sephelutis

was the bug fixed? because its still in my game

That has been fixed, and should be retroactive. Very odd that you're still experiencing the issue. Which platform are you on, and are you sure you haven't turned off the updates? If you see it in the newer version, please report a bug using ALT+B and PM me the ticket number.


Originally posted by thraxalita

that's good to know, do you know anything about this one?

Did you leave a bug report via ALT+B in-game? If yes, please PM me the ticket number.


Originally posted by thraxalita

oh that explains why I have 0 military experience, spent a while the other day looking through decrees trying to figure out why I wasn't getting any

It is a bug. Addressed in the coming patch.


Originally posted by CapitalTax9575

It’s a wierd bug. I know only one other person who has it

It's a recent problem that came with 1.0.4d. We're addressing it in the closest update, which is almost here, matter of less than 24 hours now if everything goes well.


Originally posted by Trierarch

Thank you! I'm having the same issue. Any idea when the next build is coming?

Within 24 hours unless something critical delays it.

20 Sep


Originally posted by Live-Statement7619

Is it game over if their MC dies once? Is that what this mode means?

I look forward to this being over within a week due to nat20s

Yup, it's that mode. We'll see :)


Originally posted by Yashakami

I'm very excited to see this. A very good concept for an event. I'm interested to see the teams they put together for it!

We'll soon find out!


Originally posted by mscomies

I thought the whole point of the last Azlanti was to limit the number of saves to prevent savescuming. Unless they're using soft rules and aren't actually using the ingame last Azlanti option.

Technical issues and bugs are the only option where you can revert. Participants are asked to make save backups manually for that, just in case. Otherwise, all decisions and deaths are final :)


Originally posted by TimeToCollision

u/OwlcatStarrok Can we have above image updated from time to time with lets say "bloody trails" who died and who is still in :D
I can compile (for free) compilaion with people's death if content creators share their VODs somewhere :D

It will of course be updated as they proceed :)


Originally posted by joeDUBstep

Im worried about the Last Azlanti mode with the game in it's current state. A much better state than PF:KM at launch obviously, but not without some game breaking bugs.

Don't be. In case of bugs it's allowed to revert to an older save by the rules of the challenge.


Originally posted by worm4real

I actually love the design of the city (at least after I figured out moving the camera makes the platforms move)

If this is intended or a work around I think is the real verdict here. If the whole idea was that you rotate your camera and the city responds, to me that kills any sense of the city. It's no longer "alive" it's just reacting to something that as far as the game world is concerned, doesn't exist. Either they didn't bother with making it navigable without that trick or gave up.

If there is some system for navigating the city that is broken, then it's on them to fix it. Was this segment designed before they decided the camera would rotate? Does it actually make more sense and work better from a fixed perspective? Who knows? They just need to fix it.

Camera rotation affecting the city is completely intentional :)


Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

I hope there will be highlights and stuff compiled after the event. I don't think I have the time and energy to try to keep up with all the streamers as it's happening.

After and during, of course!


Originally posted by discocaddy

Yeah, maybe there can be a director's cut expansion thst fleshes out the last chapter. Things happen so fast and world shattering events and reveals come one after another without properly developing them.

My guess is they ran out of time and money, it's a huge undertaking making a game this big, and writing takes a long time when you have to account for all the possibilities.

What sucks the most however is you don't get to play a lot after your transformation. Such a shame.

There will be a DLC with cosmic scale stakes that allows you to continue playing with your maxed level characters :)


Challenge for the proud name of the Last Azlanti begins! Make your bets - who will become the winner?

Track the progress of your favourite streamers, communicate with them and discuss the challenge at:



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Originally posted by forgotterofpasswords

they may had plans for it but had to cut corners due to time and money constraints

There was no feature cut in Kenabres :) It's just a massive city that our artists wanted you to feel the scale of.


Would be grateful if you reported a bug when you experience this and PMed me its ID :)


Actively working on it. Hopefully being fixed in the next build.

19 Sep


Originally posted by Dreadmaker

Thank you! I know you guys have to be swamped. The game is so, so good :) thanks for everything!

Thank YOU for the understanding and support!

18 Sep


Originally posted by Bazzza33

And the undo it a bit by having him yelp like a puppy when your lvl 1 wizard poked him with a baby tier crossbow lol that was pretty funny. Him going 'eyouch' when a single bolt hits him

At level 1 though a bugbear could stomp your ass dead so expectations for worfing arent that high

That crossbow bolt wasn't so simple, you'll learn it when you come back to the destroyed market square :)


Originally posted by Dreadmaker

Reasonably easy to reproduce - cast any cure spell, for example, while your caster is out of immediate range of the target, but not out of walking range. Like, 20 ft out. They'll cast the spell, walk to the target, and then the turn will end - they won't actually cast the spell. It notably doesn't waste you slot - you can pick the spell again and try to cast it again the next turn, and it won't cost a second slot - but it should activate itself on the first turn, and it doesn't.

Works fine if you cast the spell IN RANGE already. But, if you're just out of range, it won't work sometimes.

Investigating, thank you.