The Mari server is back up and ready for players. We will continue to monitor the situation closely. Thanks for your patience!
The Mari server is back up and ready for players. We will continue to monitor the situation closely. Thanks for your patience!
This maintenance has been completed ahead of schedule, and servers are now back up and ready for play. We’ll continue to monitor stability across US West closely.
This is incorrect to my knowledge. I will double check to be thorough, but the bans should not be temporary.
It is; we’ve had folks on the team working 24/7 around the clock since launch. These things all take time and collaboration in order to resolve. With many of the ongoing issues, it is often not the case of a quick fix that can be put in place like a switch to turn the problems off. It takes building, implementing, testing, and multiple steps that lead to improvements over time.
We are very aware of this issue, and it is a top priority for us to get fixed as soon as possible. Our support team is working in overdrive to dish out bans and is doing a speedy job, however we will need to get some new tools and improvements locked in place for this to take a sweeping effect. This is the part where I do have to tell you we are working on it, because it is true; the team is making progress behind the scenes now. Bots/cheats/etc are tricky to give more details on, because if we do, it opens up opportunities for folks to try and work around what we have shared.
This is something we raised to the teams to a bit ago; let me follow up to see if there is any update I can share (Launch and outstanding launch issues have taken a bit of a hold over everything at the moment of course…)
Yes, this is another top priority for us
We have been open about starting outfits being changed and marketing materials being more reserved since before the release of the game (including in my quoted post at the top of the thread) – this has not changed, and continues to not change. However, to me it is confusing to see completely different skins being compared across regions when they are just that… different skins. It is no secret that there aren’t tons of purchasable skins available in the shop right now, but this is not a matter of censorship, just a currently limited shop selection (and more will be added over time). If you have doubts these being covered up, feel free to redeem your Platinum Skin on a Soulfist.
When it comes to calling out increased diversity as “censorship” that is your prerogative to have opinions on, but I want to be clear that is something we will not change. When we announced that we would be bringing Lost Ark to the West in June of last year, we stated that we would be inceasing NPC div...
Read moreAll servers on US West will be coming down for a quick maintenance beginning at 12 PM PT. This is expected to last approximately 1 hour, and we will let players know when servers are back open and ready for play. At this time, the Mari server will also be re-opened alongside the other US West servers.
UPDATE: The Mari server will be coming down at 11:40 AM PT as the team works to address these issues. We will let players know when things are back up and running!
Mari issues are actively being worked on by the team: [Issue] Server Stability Investigation - 2/28
Will provide an update as soon as possible!
Please see the banner pinned to the top of the forums: [Issue] Server Stability Investigation - 2/28
This is actively being worked on by the team now
This error code throws for a whole lot of different issues, but since you are currently on the Mari server right now I can assure you it’s being actively worked on by the team
We are still aware of the situation regarding queues, however, as previously mentioned, we have hit the hard limit for increasing capacity. Because of this, our focus is on fixing the ongoing stability issues that come with being at capacity, especially surrounding things like ongoing matchmaking issues.
Just hopping in to confirm that this is escalated with the team and under active investigation – while other servers were affected last night, it seems like most issues have settled themselves into Mari. Will provide an update as soon as possible!
Thanks for the reports, all. This is continued to be under investigation with the team, and we’ll share an update as soon as we can.
The feedback is appreciated – we will be sure to share it with the team for discussion
El equipo está investigando problemas relacionados con la estabilidad de los servidores, incluyendo los jugadores que se “atascan” en pantallas de carga o cuando intentan viajar, principalmente en el servidor Mari (US West). Proporcionaremos una actualización tan pronto como sea posible.
L’équipe est en train d’enquêter sur des problèmes concernant la stabilité des serveurs, et notamment sur des joueurs qui se retrouvent “bloqués” lorsqu’ils sont sur un écran de chargement ou lorsqu’ils tentent de voyager sur le serveur Mari. Nous fournirons des informations supplémentaires dès que nous en aurons. Merci de votre patience.
Das Team untersucht aktuell Probleme im Zusammenhang mit der Serverstabilität, welche unter anderem dazu führen, dass Spieler “stecken bleiben”, wenn sie auf einen Ladebildschirm stoßen oder versuchen, auf dem Mari-Server zu reisen. Wir werden ein Update zur Verfügung stellen, sobald es bereit ist.
Vielen Dank für eure Geduld.