Moving to support so folks there can look into it, but we’re also taking additional escalations as these reports increase
Moving to support so folks there can look into it, but we’re also taking additional escalations as these reports increase
If a character is Level or 11 or higher, when they are deleted their name will be recycled for reuse after a 60 day period passes (once the character is out of the pending state)
I’ve moved this thread to the player support section, as our CS team will be able to directly assist. If you believe you have been falsely banned, you can also open up an appeal through a web ticket: Lost Ark - Support | Amazon Games
(Update, we’re also seeing a lot of these reports and doing some extra internal investigations)
We are well aware of the bot problem, however it is not relevant to the data that is being looked at for this topic.
We are waiting to receive full details on what exact changes are being made where, and will share those later in the week.
Sure, I understand where folks are coming from with this argument as well. However, lots of the players here on the forums are very experienced or skilled when it comes to Lost Ark; a majority of players in the game are brand new, and content needs to strike the right balance between feeling like something that is an achievable accomplishment vs something that is actively frustrating.
Of course, I am happy to report this viewpoint/similar viewpoints and concerns, and all that jazz to the team, and will do so. Just want to give a bit of perspective behind this as to where it is coming from.
While we are always collecting direct player feedback, this decision was not made due to forum threads alone. It was primarily based on in-game data collected about how frequently players are able to find success with this content.
We will have more details to share about the exact changes later this week, as the original post mentions.
I posted this in another thread, but current success rates for some of these contents is less than 10%. I understand there are a lot of skilled and hardcore players that are concerned about content nerfs in the future, but right now dealing with early game content there needs to be a balance between having players feel accomplished vs frustrated. Yes, folks can take time to learn and improve, but for many players if they are doing something repeatedly without having this experience of getting closer, they will simply move on from the game – which is where striking that balance comes in.
This is interesting – have you done a full restart of the game/steam? If so, please open up a ticket here so that one of our GMs can move your character: Lost Ark - Support | Amazon Games
To be clear here, the devs that work on balancing the game are not the same devs that work on game connectivity or infrastructure.
For reference here, this choice was not only made in response to the forum thread – the team primarily looked at success rates of the content in the list before making this decision, some of which were extremely low (under 10%)
But as always, I will let the team know.
Si bien la dificultad es un tema candente cuando se trata del contenido del juego final de Lost Ark, hemos visto muchos comentarios sobre raids y mazmorras específicas que han dejado a los jugadores con la sensación de que son más tediosas que divertidas. En respuesta a estos comentarios, ajustaremos la dificultad del siguiente contenido T1 y T2 para facilitar un poco las cosas.
Guardian Raids
Abyss Dungeons
Este cambio tendrá lugar durante nuestra actualización semanal, y añadiremos más detalles en las notas del parche.
La difficulté est un sujet épineux quand on en vient à parler de contenu de fin de jeu et nous avons pu voir de nombreux retours à propos de certains raids et donjons qui sembleraient plus fastifieux qu’amusants pour les joueurs. En réponse à vos retours, nous allons ajuster la difficulté du contenu des paliers 1 et 2 afin de faciliter un peu les choses:
Raids de gardiens
Donjons des abysses
Ces changements seront apportés avec la mise à jour hebdomadaire et nous vous donnerons plus de détails dans les notes de mise à jour.
Die Schwierigkeit von Endgame-Aktivitäten in Lost Ark ist derzeit ein heiß diskutiertes Thema und wir haben aus der Menge an Spielerfeedback gesehen, dass bestimmte Raids und Dungeons eher ermüdend als unterhaltsam sind. Als Reaktion auf dieses Feedback werden wir die Schwierigkeit der folgenden K1- und K2-Inhalte anpassen, um die Dinge etwas einfacher zu machen.
Guardian Raids
Abyss Dungeons
Diese Änderung wird während unseres wöchentlichen Updates vorgenommen und wir werden so bald wie möglich weitere Details zusammen mit den Patch-Notizen veröffentlichen.
Difficulty is a hot topic when it comes to Lost Ark’s endgame content, and we’ve seen a lot of feedback around specific raids and dungeons that have left players feeling like they are more tedious than fun. In response to this feedback, we’ll be adjusting the difficulty of the following T1 and T2 content to make things a bit easier.
Guardian Raids
Abyss Dungeons
This change will take place during our weekly update, and we’ll have more details to come once those patch notes are shared.
This has not yet been fixed, and will likely take a client patch to sort out when the fix is ready
At this time we do not have plans to grant anything additional to players regarding this situation
Can confirm these folks will not be welcome back in-game, even with “temporary” bans – they’ll be gone forever very soon. Consider them sacrifices to help improve our tooling
Thanks, I will make sure to follow up on this internally.