

23 Feb

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Wir werden unsere Server am 2/23 @ 5 AM UTC / 6 AM CET herunterfahren, um ein neues Update zu installieren. Wir erwarten eine Ausfallzeit von 2 Stunden. Vielen Dank für eure Geduld.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nous arrêterons nos serveurs à 2/23 @ 5 AM UTC / 6 AM CET pour déployer une nouvelle mise à jour. Nous prévoyons un temps d’arrêt de 2 heures.

Merci de votre patience.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Lost Ark servers in Europe Central and Europe West will be coming down on 2/23 at 5 AM UTC / 6 AM CET for a hotfix. Downtime is estimated to last up to 2 hours.

  • Applied a fix to help address matchmaking issues. We will continue to monitor matchmaking closely after tonight’s hotfix.
  • Fixed an issue with the Launch Event showing an item level 1420 Rapport Chest as the Day 15 reward.
  • Fixed an issue where the [Weekly] Battle Item Bundle stated it can be claimed 10 times. This has been changed to reflect the actual purchase limit of once a week.
  • Fixed an issue with the 10 day Attendance Event on the Europe West region. The Day 3 reward has been changed to Una’s Tasks [Daily] +1 x10, and the Day 6 reward is now Rare Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x10.

Thank you for your support and patience as we continue to fix bugs and resolve issues in Lost Ark.

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We are working on a multitude of improvements for this now, and will have more to share as things start rolling out – it is going to take a combination of efforts to address this appropriately, including but not limited to improvements in filters, tools, systems, and additional processes.

I do want to call out that having a 24/7 GM to ensure insta-bans is not a viable solution. With some quick math, area chat is separated by zone, which means there would need to be an individual in each affected zone on each server. Let’s be generous and say there are only 5 zones that have it bad on each of our nearly 60 servers (rounded), which means there would be 300 GMs doing this at any one time. Say they have 8 hour shifts each, then to cover 24 hours, you’d need 3 different people… so with a low estimate, that would be 900 staff members dedicated only to this. While that would be crazy convenient, it’s not a feasible solution.

Regardless, we are actively making improve...

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I am looking into this now…

22 Feb

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports! This is being investigated now, but in the meantime restarting Steam may address this issue.

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We are still working to get one to share in the near future, but for now our immediate future roadmap is that all of our focus is on fixing the ongoing issues that we’ve been facing surrounding launch

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Unfortunately this is not a possible solution, because the game’s architecture does not support an infinite number of players on servers. Once things get too crowded they start going sideways, so right now we are working on ensuring we can maintain stability with the massive population.

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At the moment, Twitch Drops can only be claimed once per account unfortunately

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Thanks for the report – this has to do with the ongoing store issues, and we are currently waiting on a patch that will resolve this.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report – this has to do with the ongoing store issues, and we are currently waiting on a patch that will resolve this.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately this is related to the ongoing store issues. We are currently waiting on a fix for store stability and latency with Crystalline Aura, as well as other lingering store and product inventory issues, which should resolve this. Apologies!!

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Any real money transactions through third parties are always going to be a bannable offense in any Amazon Games (and most other online titles as well), whether they’re currency selling sites or G2A. No matter how good the deal might look, it will always lead to the potential for either (1) losing your entire account to a ban or (2) getting scammed out of real money.

If anyone wants to do some light reading, all of our terms and conditions surrounding the game can be reviewed here: Legal | Lost Ark - Free to Play MMO Action RPG

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At the moment, Twitch Drops can only be claimed once per account. If these remain in your product inventory, you can claim them on any region or server, but once they are out they will be tied down

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I would love to see this too! No idea if it is possible or on the radar, but this is a fun piece of feedback I can pass along for the future.

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Thanks for the report – hopping in just to let folks know we are aware of this occurring, but a full restart of Steam may resolve the problem

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Cash shop items will definitely rotate and increase in variety in the future.

As others have stated, we do have some ongoing issues with the store, so we do want to resolve these first and foremost.

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We are actively working to improve our tools surrounding bans, anti-cheat, and all that good stuff. In the meantime, please report these folks (are bots folks? bots.) when you can, so that our support staff can execute order 66 rapidly remove them from the game.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry you experienced this. I’ll definitely pass along the feedback about the in-game reports, but since you have the screenshots handy, you can also submit your report with a web ticket: Report a Player or Guild - Support | Amazon Games