We are still working to set things up & get everything in place – there is not a broader update I can give right now, but the team is dumping a ton of hours to move quickly on opening this up
We are still working to set things up & get everything in place – there is not a broader update I can give right now, but the team is dumping a ton of hours to move quickly on opening this up
Just have to collect it out of your Product Inventory, currently
These have not been granted yet.
We are extending this – I don’t have the exact new timing, but we are extending the window to make sure more folks can get this without stress
Hey folks, this is out for a fix - please see the top of this post for an update: Update on Current Top Issues
Hey everyone! We have some new updates on this shared in yesterday’s post: Update on Current Top Issues
In short, we plan to get this fixed in our next update (hopefully this week). In the meantime, thanks for all the Steam IDs, but no need to keep sending them as the team was investigate enough and we should have a fix soon ...
Read moreI think the Cerberus mount specifically is because it is an NA-exclusive item, which means that there was likely not Korean sound files for it.
Other missing effects might be due to missing files – unchecking and rechecking the DLC so it reinstalls may help fix this
This might have to do with the errors happening with Crystalline Aura appearing/not appearing for players, which is out for a fix
Oh this would be SUPER cool
Shop is set to rotate with new items during different periods, there will be more coming and going over time
Same! SGR is committed to making gender equivalents of each class over time, but unfortunately we don’t know how long that might take. Female Berzerker looks to be next on the list
60 days
Read moreThis is a bug that is out for a fix!!
Read moreI believe this is related to the ongoing shop issues which are out for a fix
Yep! Please mind it is not an extra full pack, but what is listed here: Team Update: Founder's Packs & Server Status - News | Lost Ark - Free to Play MMO Action RPG
Please see this: Update to Character Name Deletion
No, either will work
It will come later, we will let players know timing around that grant when we have it
Understood – this is all tied to the ongoing issues with the store/product inventory, it is out for a fix. We will also make a change to allow people a longer timeframe to redeem founder’s packs to get the bonus
This is an ongoing issue that is out for a fix. Your stuff remains unharmed, even if you can’t see it.
We are going to extend the claim window to ensure folks can get their bonus Founder’s Packs as well