@pinicus Thanks for the update, I'm pleased that you were able to complete the quest.
@pinicus Thanks for the update, I'm pleased that you were able to complete the quest.
@hrkmvbczx I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced this.
Can you please ensure you have the latest game update installed and can you play a side quest then try creating a manual save afterwards, quit the game then load the manual save to and see if your data has saved. If it has can you play another side quest then check in the bottom right corner afterwards to see if you can see the save icon. Also go to your save files and see if there is a recent auto save showing.
@sbnorthstar I can confirm that this issue has been reported and is being investigated.
Can you please provide a video whilst you are in the camp and use your Odin sight to show there are no enemies with a key.
@jonnom77 The trophy lists are separate for the PS4 and PS5 version. I'm afraid that the trophies will not automatically pop when you load your save. To unlock the trophies that you have already earned on the PS4 version for the PS5 version you would need to either complete the required action again or complete a quest or side quest.
If you experience any issues with unlocking any of the trophies after completing a quest, side quest or by completing the action again then please let us know.
With regards to your game progression, can you please explain what you m...
@pinicus I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing this.
Have you tried loading a previous save before you started the mystery and tried completing it again? If not can you please try that to see if it works.
I would also recommend sweeping the full flower patch with your weapon if you haven't tried this as some of the hares tend to stay in there.
@timc4796 I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue.
I have only found one other post where another player has encountered this. They were able to complete the quest by speaking to Sigurd first who gave them another quest to go to Norway, in that quest they needed to speak to Randvi again and the option was available to report on Vinland.
Can you please provide a video to show that you have completed the Vinland map and that you are unable to speak to Randvi, then can you try the workaround I mentioned above to see if that works.
@timc4796 I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues earning a gold medal in the Lolingestone mastery challenge.
I am unable to see any other reports of the particular issue you mentioned, however I know that some of the challenges can be difficult to achieve gold medals in, I am still trying to achieve all the gold medals myself. Have you waited for the enemies to move or change position so you are not in their line of sight before you move or attempt an assassination?
I have also not seen an 'avenge player' corpse within a mastery challenge, to my my k...
@thagodfeara I'm pleased that you were able to complete the trial and obtain a gold medal.
@bravehearts You're welcome.
Please keep checking the ...
@gladi8ordude Apologies for the late response.
Thanks for reporting this issue, I have forwarded it on to the development team to investigate.
@greentea13121 As Ubi-WheelyDuck previously mentioned the issue has been reported and is being investigated.
Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
@spirantcrayon22 Thanks for the video provided.
Can you also confirm when this issue started to occur? Was it before or after the Sigrblot festival? And does it only happen if you load your save in Ravensthorpe?
@thenorfolkian Thanks for the information and the video provided, I will forward this on to the development team.
@veval_72 You're welcome
@robintristus968 Thanks for your post.
@Raklorage Can you please try again and collect the key upstairs first as robintristus968 mentioned and confirm if it work...
@niknoknor You're welcome, and there is no need to apologise, we are here to help
@elventis I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to confirm the kill on the Zealot 'Callin'.
Can you confirm if you used an ability to kill him and if so which one? Can you also provide a video to show that you are unable to confirm the kill and also show the location on your map where he is.
If you have a previous save that you can load before you killed him then please try and see if you can kill him again and confirm the kill.
@rcdeschene Thanks for the information provided, I have forwarded this on to the development team.