

23 Sep

    Ubi-Keo on Forums - Thread - Direct
Scheduled Maintenance

Time: 9:00 EDT / 13:00 UTC
Estimated Downtime: 30 mins

The 3.1 patch will be deployed on Xbox One today after the scheduled maintenance is complete.

❌Vote-to-kick Removal
✔️Various Bug Fixes

See the full patch notes here
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you please provide a detailed description of the issue you are experiencing and provide a video as an example.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by WrecK3rr
How many times should one provide an example and to how many people?

Anyhow, here you go.

Link : https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthrea...g-after-update

I can confirm that this is a known issue and it is being investigated.

Please keep checking the known issues list ... Read more
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you please provide an example of this please.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I understand that this had been reported previously.

I have passed this feedback onto the dev team.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
If you received the notification in game then restarting the game should resolve the issue.

However if the issue persists please go through the connectivity troubleshooting steps and try again.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by DevonMW
I have the exact same problem with my SHD watch. It's blank and blinking red with an exclamation point hovering over it as if I have points to spend, but I don't. It's really annoying me.

As for the new apparel, you have to wait until the apparel event happens before you can get them.
I have responded to your post about this issue ... Read more
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I can confirm that this is a known issue and it is being investigated.

Please keep checking the known issues list here for updates. ...
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
For those who are saying the update is not installed, can you please try playing the game because if the latest update is not installed you would be unable to play.

It's possible that this is just a visual glitch not displaying the correct patch version in game as SoulBrotherNr3 mentioned above.

SoulBrotherNr3 would you be able to provide a screenshot in game please that shows TU11 is not displayed.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you still experiencing this?

If so does it only occur in The Summit? And can you provide a video as an example. In the video could you also show your in game sound settings.

Could you also confirm what you are using for your audio output.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry for the late response.

Your case has not been submitted yet.

Before we can do this could you please go to https://support.ubi.com and login to your account. Once you have logged in click on the menu button in the top right corner of the screen and select 'My Cases'. Click on case reference 12771561 and then add the following information to your case:

DARKZ... Read more
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all,

I can confirm that this is a known issue and it is being investigated.

Apologises for the inconvenience caused.

Please keep checking the known issues list here for updates.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
If you are still experiencing this please try this Xbox One troubleshooting then try again.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I can confirm that this is a known issue and it is being investigated.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I can understand your frustration, however I can assure you that the dev team are working hard to fix the issues that are reported.

They have to be able to reproduce the issue before they can work on a fix and some fixes may not be as easy as you may expect when it comes to the technical side of it. This is also a visual glitch so it will have a lower priority than some of the more serious issues that have been reported that can affect gameplay.

I have however updated the dev team that we have received further reports of this.

Apologises for the inconvenience caused.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by woander6
I was in no danger of dying though I was in combat. I still had my u breakable available as well as my reviver hive. A single red enemy left. My hardcore character was level 40 with good gear. Total nonsense that I get disconnected do to no fault of my own and I log back in straight away and I am told to delete my character. Please could someone look into this. I did not die, a server disconnect killed me.
I'm sorry to hear that your character has been deleted.

Could you please submit a ... Read more
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all,

I can confirm that this issue has been reported and it is being investigated.

I apologise for the inconvenience caused.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Geraszimov78
My uplay works fine. I downloaded the div2 yesterday, with no issue. I have 98 hours palytime, cloud saves loaded down properly. Today there some problem with the news feed, (unable to loading feed error message),but everthing elese works fine., but no update...Those faq steps did not work for me on the past
I understand, however I would recommend following the steps again to see if it helps as we haven't received any further reports from players not receiving the new update.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you also read through the support articles below and follow the steps provided to see if that helps:

... Read more
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you also confirm if you are both running Uplay with administrator rights?