

12 Apr

I appreciate the conversation around the DZ, but please remember to be respectful towards each other in here.
Particularly with #4, while I can understand the want for Blueprints in particular, how do you feel allowing all that soft progress to carry over will impact the progression through the game for that new character?
Glad this all got sorted! Thanks for coming back with the answer, too.
I believe it is there partially to give a slight comeback mechanic for the team falling behind in order to help keep the game interesting. Rather than let a team that is streamrolling the other further accentuate their lead by putting the power-grab point in the middle. How does it feel when PvP games are closer and more competitive, even if done artificially?
A reminder that the forums are a place for constructive critique and criticism of the game, not a place for slinging mockery and insults at each other. If those parameters cannot be met, the thread will be closed. Thank you.
Originally Posted by weam-dreaver
I am trying to find the Military G36, no matter what quality or roll.
I just can't seem to find it at all. It's the G36 version with long barrell.

I am farming weapon crates, CP3, getting proficiency caches... nothing.
It's like this weapon is not even in the game, at least for me.

Is the loot really random or is there like a weekly rotation of specific items?

Again, I am not farming for a good version, I am just looking for any version at all.
RNG is a fickle fiend, my friend. But I hope your luck turns soon.
Hey everyone. Closing this thread due to general toxicity and trolling. As well as the fact that the thread has only gotten more off topic since being posted. Thank you.
Hey IH8YH59, don't get me wrong I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you may want to edit and add to your posts rather than repeatedly posting new comments with additional information. Thank ya, and keep it up!
Lots of really insightful advice here, everyone. Loved getting to read through all of your stories and build info.
I appreciate the feedback here, everyone. I know a disproportionate amount of my deaths recently have been at the hands of the flamethrower enemies - sometimes questionable sometimes not. How do you all feel about the amount of damage from flame-effects? Especially as it burns through that last bit of health?
Originally Posted by Final-Wynn
Or they could just close threads about bugs with the message. Please post the bugs in the Tech Support sub forum.
Yes please! Along with as much information and detail that you're able to provide!
How long do you feel it should take between running the same landmarks? Or alternatively how long do you feel a clean sweep rotation of all landmarks in a DZ should take?
Love this stuff... really interesting and well put together video. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for letting us know about this, MetalGod. If you happen to have any video or photos of this happening, please submit them along with a bug report to Ubisoft Support. I'll be sure to make a note of this as well.
Hey orrthehunter, I know that the ability to transmog backpacks has been a topic in the past - are you talking about something similar to that or an entirely different backpack apparel item slot?

10 Apr

It sounds like the game is still afoot?
I appreciate the suggestion, everyone. This is something that has come up in multiple forms over the months for sure and always brings an interesting conversation with it. This thread has been no exception, you've actually covered most of the points I typically bring up.
What do you feel is the most pressing flaw of the game? How might the game be impacted by having three entirely isolated Specializations rather than 3 base templates to work off of?
Just a reminder to be respectful on the forums. We're here for conversation and discussion, not competition.

As a slight tangent from the OP: How do you feel playstyle can also have an important influence on the mods you might want to run?
Originally Posted by Scarlet_007
His complaint isn't about progression, its the difficulty reward system. he can run that same instance 3x on story mode in the time it takes to run on heroic with way less stress and difficulty. 1 story mode mission gives as much gear on the same tier as a heroic mission. The only difference is the specific boss drops more loot however the overall dungeon drops the same. So you are turning a sub 15 min run to a 45 min too 2 hour run for 3 pc's of more gear from a single boss. Unless you are farming a merciless that's crap and even then its still crap...

...People like rewards, and candy.

With my initial post it was primari... Read more