@chaotix_g Hey there, and apologies that you're running into this issue. Our teams are aware of this issue, and are investigating. Can you please let me know if this only happens in Deathmatch?
@chaotix_g Hey there, and apologies that you're running into this issue. Our teams are aware of this issue, and are investigating. Can you please let me know if this only happens in Deathmatch?
@the-weasel Thank you! Could you possibly provide a short video of this happening, so I can add it to our team's investigation?
@lunchboxhead64 Hey there, sorry to hear you're unable to buy Rainbow Six Siege credits! Can you first attempt to disable your Steam overlay, to see if that helps?
@toshiroarai Hey there, I'm sincerely sorry that you had to encounter this behavior. Unfortunately, the reporting in-game feature does not ban these players immediately. However, if your report results in a ban, you will be notified. Make sure as well, if you have video evidence, to use the format in the thread below to report players.
">@maqu1na @Elch0101 Hi there! I'm sorry that you both are encountering this issue with the gunfire occurring constantly. We're aware of this and investigating - could you let me know if this occurs in each game session you play, and if not, if it only happens on a certain map? In addition, any video of this happening would be helpful to our team's report.
@saltycrxcker0 Hey there! Sorry to hear you're unable to mute other players. Our teams are aware of this and are investigating. Please check the post on R6Fix to add your info if you'd like, and keep your eye on ...
Read more@coneyno Does this only happen when you alt+tab out of the game?
@thanosss23 Hey there, I am sorry to hear you're experiencing these FPS drops. Are you using a wired or wireless connection? When did you first notice these drops occuring?
@lieflotje @HiddenOne_86 Hey folks! Thanks for reaching out to us on the forums. While I do not have any info at this time about the Ostara festival returning, I'd advise that you keep your eye on our ...
@robarxi Hey there, sorry to hear you're unable to proceed with this quest - can you please provide a short video demonstrating your issue, so I can investigate further? Thank you!
@shenny1979 You are very welcome! Have a great week.
@basel19751224 Thank you for letting me know! Can you please ensure that your save is uploaded to the cloud, so I can add this information to our team's investigation?
@shepherd-n7 Hey there! Can you please tell me if you play Assassin's Creed Valhalla on multiple platforms?
@valhalla2015 Thank you for your update, and I appreciate you sharing this workaround!
@stanleycupboy Thank you, I do see a save for you! Can you please confirm your platform for me?
@sarganius_s2 Hi there, I am sorry to hear you're unable to launch Assassin's Creed Valhalla on our PS4. Can you please let me know if you're getting any specific error messages?
In the meantime, I'd like you to have a look at our PlayStation 4 basic troubleshooting guide to see if you're able to launch your game after performing these steps.
@ric050676 Hello there, and thanks for reaching out to us on the Ubisoft forums. Per our Forum Rules, we can only assist here in English. We invite you to kindly translate your message into English moving forward, or reach out to us on our ...
Read more@shenny1979 Hey there! New releases and content are indeed not applicable for discounts or codes. Sorry for any confusion and frustration caused.
@zuzko Hello there! Sorry to hear you're encountering this lag while playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla. In addition to the troubleshooting provided by @Ubi_Plush, can you please m...
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