

14 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

After a quick investigation, looks like this was impacting all three of the solar ornaments (Hunter, Warlock, and Titan). The team has disabled the ability to purchase the 800 Silver versions, and we will be issuing refunds to those who were overcharged. The 500 silver versions will continue to be available on the seasons page.

Thanks for the post & screenshot, OP! This is indeed a bug.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the feedback. We'll continue to pass it along.

More specifically:

  1. Reputation granted from Telemetry Data does not feel appropriate

  2. Some highly desirable ghost shells have undesirable perks

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback - this ties in to a lot of threads at the beginning of Shadowkeep, where players were asking for the world loot pool to be refreshed. While we've added some reprised weapons, many players feel they're out of reach due to the pool size.

Will pass this along!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

As a question to all, how do you feel about the current catalysts on alternate exotics?

Some give basic stat boosts, where others give alternate functionality.

This ties in to some of the exotic quest feedback we're getting right now, where some people appreciate the lore but wanted more in terms of depth. If a catalyst is appreciated due to kill count/gold box, but doesn't bring much change to the exotic itself, would it incur the same poor feedback?

Would love y'alls thoughts.

11 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Roses are red, a Titan protects’ve been killed by the architects

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by dmg04

Some bugs can share the same priority levels, but one bug with a larger amount of conversation takes longer to fix due to the complexity of the issue. Other times, bugs with a loud conversation can go on without a fix for lengthy amounts of time, as the cost to address it could override the actual benefit.

In terms of player beneficial bugs, I'd like to give an example of an issue that was just discovered that may be fixed in a shorter amount of time than expected. Players can currently hide their weapons/arms, which is leading to some pretty cool content creation. While this bug is benefiting players, it's actually causing issues with memory in the game. The team is investigating the full impact, but things like this could lead to nasty issues the more that players use the bug in public areas. Think error codes, crashes, or other. I admit from a personal side, I'm sad to see the bug needs to be fixed, but a cursory look at the issue indicated a fairly low wake fix...

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Following up!

Looks like the team has been investigating for a bit, and they're planning to address this in future hotfix. Don't have specific details on the changes they're developing or when exactly to expect it, but will be sure to cover it in a patch note preview.

10 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Reevoo12

There's a lot of confirmation bias in this idea that bungie fixes player benefiting bugs and not player hurting bugs. They fix both, just read all the patch notes and you'll see that.

Part of the issue is the game breaking bugs that let you do insane damage completely ruin the player experience in certain activities. That's not really true of one ability on one subclass tree not working sometimes. So the former rightly gets higher priority.

Some bugs can share the same priority levels, but one bug with a larger amount of conversation takes longer to fix due to the complexity of the issue. Other times, bugs with a loud conversation can go on without a fix for lengthy amounts of time, as the cost to address it could override the actual benefit.

In terms of player beneficial bugs, I'd like to give an example of an issue that was just discovered that may be fixed in a shorter amount of time than expected. Players can currently hide their weapons/arms, which is leading to some pretty cool content creation. While this bug is benefiting players, it's actually causing issues with memory in the game. The team is investigating the full impact, but things like this could lead to nasty issues the more that players use the bug in public areas. Think error codes, crashes, or other. I admit from a personal side, I'm sad to see the bug needs to be fixed, but a cursory look at the issue indicated a fairly low wake fix...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the post. We've been seeing a few similar threads about difficulty, or the lack thereof, for players deep in to the endgame. Will continue to pass it along!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I am still hunting mine.

Hash tag streamer loot

09 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gleepot

u/dmg04 any update on wishender? I'm still confused if this is broken or intentional, and if not is a fix high on the priority list?

This will be fixed in next weeks update.

I fully understand this will bring some negative feelings to players, as they enjoyed the unintentional increase to damage. We've brought this feedback to the team, which could be considered for future updates when looking at Bows overall.

Again, not a promise, but wanted to give more info.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Edg4rAllanBro

I think they should really consider sending a popup message to players if someone they reported has been banned. Right now, people don't have a whole lot of faith in the anti-cheat, so letting them know it's working will massively improve morale and get people to actually report cheaters.

This is something we're discussing internally. We sent out some "a player you have reported has been removed" messages in the past. May happen again in the future, if we can!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ZekromZZ

EDZ obelisk will finally be not broken and eververse will stop winking at me creepily every-time I visit the tower! Now I can only hope they will fix armor mod menu lag.

Team is investigating perf issues. We'll check with them on the menu load times.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by sstpierre88

You guys announcing something Monday?

Nope. Monday's the day after a weekend, when we get back in the office.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gustygardens

Welcome back! Any chance we could get some thoughts from the Crucible team in the next TWAB? It doesn't have to be anything too juicy, just some acknowledgement from them would be cool. Even if we don't get that specifically, it'd still be nice to hear from them and what their plans are for it.

I think a lot of us would really appreciate a more open line of communication between that part of the team and the community.

Also, Bones of Eao when?

What specifically would you like to see?

Now, before we get ahead of ourselves, this isn't a promise for a Crucible section next TWAB. This is another way of me asking for your feedback.

We've got points on matchmaking and rewards. Today we spoke to Game Security, which will help to remove more players who are cheating. What else would do you feel needs priority?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by brianxbang

Hold up. Is this the first TWAB that doesn't start with "This Week At Bungie??

Editing snafu. Fixing shortly.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DefinitelyNotThatJoe

I occasionally run into players who macro either in crucible, usually rumble, and in strikes.

I don't see how y'all can fix that other than having something like "If player doesn't kill an enemy in five minutes then they get booted" or having a vote to kick option.

I do know after some changes in the Shadowkeep timeframe, Idling in Crucible/Strikes was reduced as players weren't getting rewards.

We'll check with the team to dig a bit deeper and see if more can be done.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kidsnextdorks

Got my first ever sum of all tears from using it. I was shocked, since I'm not that great. The gun is great.

Pics or it didn't happen!

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the Devils were reminded of their ruin.

Hello, and welcome back to your weekly roundup of Bungie and Destiny 2 related news. We’ve entered our final week of the Dawning, so get to baking if you haven’t already earned your Sparrows. You have through next Tuesday to complete as many double XP bounties as you can! Additionally, the Sundial has been kicked up a notch with a Legend difficulty. If you’re looking to get the Savior title or round out your Pinnacle power drops each week, get your fireteam together and challenge these Psions in the ways of old.

A new Exotic has also made its appearance, packing a little bit of Unstoppable heat, so to speak. Load up the Sundial and start your quest to acquire the Devil’s Ruin Exotic Sidearm.

We’re still warming up from our holiday hibernation, but we’re hitting the ground running! This week, we have an update from our Game Security team, an announcement for a fundra... Read more

08 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

How frequently are you loading in solo? Do you find this is happening at any specific times, or randomly?