

09 May


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you share more about how the team approaches nudge buffs in pro play like what I assume the recent Vlad armor buffs were, it seems like a common sore point that people do not generally like them for "fine" champs, even if the changes themselves aren't huge

If they have room to be buffed per the champion balance framework and we think they have a chance to see pro play (eg. in a counterpick matchup or otherwise), then we may buff them. We generally try and limit this tactic to large pro play oriented patches (MSI, Worlds), or we run afoul of player sensibilities and have power creep, like you noted.


Originally posted by Derk08

To just ask a quick question, what are the arguments that Gangplank is balanced/weak? It feels like the pick has a strong laning phase and then scales harder than almost every champ in the game

Good question. We have a lot of debates internally about the power of gangplank. We think a lot of the current complaints about Gangplank are to do with "frustration", which doesn't necessarily track to "power". This isn't to say he isn't powerful, but he definitely has weaknesses. Pros are generally mixed on Tri Force build (which is more consistent, but lower damage) and the ER -> Prowlers (higher damage, but very squishy). "Strong laning phase" is insufficiently specific of a statement, though I agree in certain situations, he is strong for the entirety of laning phase.

He has a strong laning phase 1-3 for sure, but he has a very noticeable power trough and is susceptible to be snowballed against, especially in the Level 6-11 area in matchups where he has to use ult defensively. He also has a good number of decent counterpicks, is quite lacking when behind (cannot utilize vision differentials to get barrels off), especially with the squishy build .

He is one of...

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Originally posted by Omnilatent

So the current draft format does hurt overall player value there.

Could you elaborate what you mean with that? Whose player value?

Regular player value in being able to play the champions you love, but in different roles.


Originally posted by WonTonsOG

holy shit, are you the guy who made this leaguecraft 101 videos? glad to see you’re doing well.

Yep :)


Super fun to be on the show! One thing I forgot to mention during the champ diversity discussion is that Flex Picks are incredibly valuable for regular play, just in terms of being able to play your champions where you want them. But these are diametrically opposed to Pro play by making that pick instantly high presence by being a strong flex pick. So the current draft format does hurt overall player value there.


Originally posted by ewqrqaaw

cool challenges, but now I'm sad that i already did most of them in the past (playing since season 3) and won't have the energy to do it now.

also REALLY hope these things can't be done in BOT vs IA like some of recent event missions.

They cannot


Originally posted by mctiguy

Why are most champs from the "They just won't die" challenge literally have no Revive smh

It was meant to be revive + invuln. Probably was a lost in translation thing.

06 May


Originally posted by KryptisReddit

Only thing I’m concerned about in this post is their mentioning of lowering tower damage. They already do so little damage to anyone that builds armor. Hopefully this doesn’t bring back the meta of dive and kill tower at 3-5 minutes on each side.

Tower damage is being increased to help them remain relevant, not reduced

08 Mar


Idk what you're talking about... The only sions I see are yelling "cowards" and running away

26 Feb


Originally posted by SmashKNight23

How is that not enough information? You know my winrate so I win more than I lose and I just came off a decent win streak? What else do you need to know ( genuine question, not being defensive lol)

Do you mind passing your opgg and I can take a look

25 Feb


Originally posted by Ice__Berg

I get where you are coming from, but I'm gonna be honest you lost me on the example lol. Why would you nerf a champ if an objective is giga broken, you would nerf the objective?

I think the point this person is making is that champions get balanced around their interactions with bounty systems and it becomes part of their gameplay. It becomes an expectation that Pantheon is carrying a bounty most games, or that Kayle will claim more bounties than other champions on average.


Originally posted by JTHousek1

Team comps. For example, a full scaling team that’s down 3k against a full early game team could actually be even (or ahead!) and still activate Objective Bounties in their favor today.

I think this is a dangerous route to go down because it would somewhat require classifying champions as early or late game internally to the system, and inherently breaking that classification through some strange off-meta build could cause some weird cases where you can trick the system into giving bounties when it shouldn't. Maybe I don't quite understand the implementation of this if they went that route but it doesn't seem like a good idea coming at it from this angle.

It's a tricky problem for sure, but still an issue worth thinking about if there are good solutions that exist.

08 Feb


Originally posted by Pumpoflessermass

Damn, Phroxzon in the wild!

Are you planning to make more of your league fundamentals videos? They really helped me out.

Hopefully in the future but I'm also really busy right now :(


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you think the increased pen vs recently shielded targets might make it read like it is an anti shield item, at a glance I’m not sure if the payoff for the mechanic is really there

Yeah the mechanic as presented is not really pulling its weight and needs probably more power budget to be put into it


The goal for this item was that it wasn't explicitly meant to be an anti-shield item. It's a pen/burst item first for its core users & just has a nice sweetner if people have shields. The Serpents Fang design actually causes us a bunch of problems long term, in that shields are used by champion designers to create defensive moments for champions & when that doesn't function properly due to systemic tools like Serpents Fang, then it can cause issues for champ design.

25 Jan


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

You mentioned potentially tweaking the type of rift that was accompanying the dragon, if you guys did decide to bring it back would it be like in the preseason or in the regular season

Unsure as of yet, depends how the iterations go.


Originally posted by OnyxWarden

Dang, I wasn't expecting any real change until the big mid-season patch. Wonder if there were formal complaints from eSports orgs/players after these opening weeks, forcing their hand early?

This wasn't a decision related to esports (or really affected by it at all). It was a decision about what is best for players (which incidentally includes esports). We had already made the decision quite a bit before that article came out, so it was more of a happy coincidence.

20 Jan


Originally posted by BurningCactusRage

The reason the nerf was important is that it meant it's more optimal to use other mythics now, and its defensive shield was less strong since it was frustratingly strong. Yasuo and Yone may have gotten marginal damage buffs but the fact that they were so hard to kill with shieldbow is what's been nerfed.

The nerf wasn't Riot going "we just want shieldbow users to have a lower winrate lul".

Basically this. It's moving some of the shieldbow champs' power budget out of shieldbow and into other aspects of their kits/items.

15 Jan


Originally posted by LoganD1

Has chemtech soul at least been fixed bug-wise? Last time I got it (last patch I think), it only revived me 2 out of 4 times I died with it. It was very frustrating to have to pray for a coin flip to even get to use it.

If you have replays of this, can you please post them (with a clip) in the megathread. We are trying to track down this issue, it is incredibly rare (<0.01% of games) and are having difficulty getting a repro.


Originally posted by ElderWarden

I had a game we were losing 12-24. We somehow stole their Nashor and killed two of them. THEY got bounties of that action. We didn't take a single turret, so not sure how the game thought we had more gold than them. I even checked in postgame data, and they were still ahead in gold

Do you mind linking me the game?