
Valorant Dev Tracker

18 Aug


Originally posted by rikontv

@ZealousApathy what about israel? We too have been playing all this time on mostly germany/EU servers on 80-120 ping.

Unfortunately there aren't any AWS availability zones in the Levant region. Once Bahrain is live we'll explore what kind of pings Israel etc. gets to Bahrain, but my prediction is that it will be worse than Europe. If that's the case, we'll explore other possibilities, but I don't have any firm commitment on timeline etc.


Originally posted by maci01

Playing from Boston, MA and when I hit the Virginia server I get 25ms (nice!) but sometimes I get Chicago or Georgia and I see 40ms. Are there any plans to select which data center to connect to? Other games usually selecting NA East wouldn't route to Central US. I realize this is nit picky considering the video but I thought I'd ask..

This is a compromise. The matchmaker is trying to keep ping low as well as make matches quickly, which is something why you'll get matched onto Chicago or Atlanta. Other games let you pick a specific server to match on (e.g. CS:GO), but that comes with its own compromise, because you'll spend more waiting for a game (unless we make other compromises like allowing a wider skill range in a game). We don't have any plans to change this right now, but we keep a close eye on the metrics (e.g. "time to find match" vs "added latency per match") and will tweak things as necessary.


Originally posted by krazybanana

Do you use AWS servers? Pakistan, despite being close to both countries doesn't always get the best routing to servers in them. We get the best routing to AWS servers with 20ish ping to Mumbai.

Yeah I think we'll make sure Pakistani players end up on Mumbai, that's something we'll address once the server goes live


Originally posted by cndman

I cannot believe you actually answered a day old thread with 3 comments and one upvote. Thank you. I actually got an email yesterday saying this was resolved and lo and behold it actually is. Yall are pretty cool.

NP bb <3


Originally posted by DrayanoX

It's possible to choose any shard for custom games (I'm pretty sure once we used Tokyo servers for the lulz and played on 300 ms), is there some technical reason to not allow cross-shard play on customs or is it just because of latency ? I don't see too much of a problem having a little higher latency for custom games if it means we could play with more people.

If you're in Europe, you're able to select Tokyo because we added some game servers in Tokyo for Eastern Russia.

It all comes down to compromises. Is there a technical reason why you can't pick any game server in the world? No, we could make that happen. But we chose to do it this way because it compartmentalized the world into manageable chunks (e.g. a problem that affects Asia Pacific doesn't immediately impact Europe) and it works fine for the vast majority of the playerbase (i.e. there aren't really that many European players who have a genuine need to play a game in Singapore).

It's always a decision we can revisit (though it would require some non-trivial work to change), but we have a ton of other more important things to work on right now.


Originally posted by theredvip3r

Maybe you could fix the current servers that are way less responsive than the beta and death match servers

It's exactly the same infrastructure/servers running since Beta (for those regions that were in the Beta, e.g. NA and EU) and Deathmatch runs on those same servers.


Originally posted by Darkoplax

Can we get a better servers for North Africa please ? the closest one (Tunisia) is Frunkfurt and it's 50 ping at best (some of my friends go down to 40 so their internet is better probably)

But is there plans for closer servers like in South France(Monaco/Marseille) , Italy or Malta ? like anything that's close to mediterranean sea ?

Cause honestly i prefer to play in Europe but with just closer servers if possible

We don't have any plans right now.


Originally posted by khazadl

Can we know when Madrid servers are gonna arrive?

Very soon!


Originally posted by qBlackPT

Any eta on Madrid servers? For us (Portuguese) will be a big improvement in ping for sure!

Very soon!


Originally posted by hi_im_light

North East Pennsylvania. I've never had lower than around 60ms even since beginning of LoL.

I'm going to DM you to get some details


Originally posted by cleanhappylife

Same here in East Europe, everybody has 45-50ms ping on the servers. Except for some rare lucky bastards with 15ms ping.

We have some work to do in Eastern Europe. Now that we have Warsaw servers you should be getting less than 40-50, but we need to optimize some routing and you're probably still playing on Frankfurt. Hopefully you see an improvement over time. What country are you in?


Originally posted by GreatDario

Can those of us in Hawaii or the Pacific get a dedicated server?

Honestly, the player population and distances involved will never justify the investment. Sorry to my friends in Rarotonga!


Originally posted by Shadowws

What about the Caribbean? Same thing happens with 60-80 ms

Honestly, the Caribbean is about as good as it's going to get. Y'all are currently hosted out of Miami. If you don't mind me asking, are there games you get a better ping to? I'd like to see where they're hosted from.


Originally posted by Stitchlolol

In theory, but in reality we have better ping in your Singapore servers as these yield us with around 50-70 ping while Hong Kong servers give us around 100-150 with varying packet loss.

It would be better if we had the option to manually choose the servers that are available in our region. Its very frustrating to be automatically placed in HK servers and to be forced to play with 100+ ping when we know we would have better chances at consistent and reliable ping in Singapore servers.

Except that's now how it works, the matchmaker tries to put you on the server with the lowest ping. So if Singapore is better it will put you there. The problem in the Philippines is likely the inconsistency, so that's the thing we'll try to address when we're about to.


Originally posted by Grainer_M8

Really though she was bending water, since wter has healing property and her abilities looks like water btw did a rioters said this?

It's not water or ice! Lots of people think Sage is a waterbender - she isn't.


Originally posted by haikusbot

I'll send you a dm

To get more details and try

To understand why

- ZealousApathy

I detect haikus. Sometimes, successfully. | [Learn more about me](

Good bot!


Originally posted by strider_5k

All my friends here also get the same ping

I'll send you a DM to get more details and try to understand why


Originally posted by dyaa123

Will that help the players in egypt and north africa?

Unlikely! Egyptian ISPs route their traffic up to Europe, same with North Africa (check this out ), so servers in Bahrain likely won't make a difference. We'll be standing up some game servers in Madrid soon which may help some parts of North Africa (particularly Morocco).

In the future, it would be nice to have Egpytian players on the Bahrain servers so that Arabic-speaking players were together, but what we're finding is that it will be very difficult to give them a better ping to Bahrain than they'd get to mainland Europe. We;ll keep an eye on it though!


Originally posted by Chillout_Dawg

1 2 ms 2 ms <1 ms 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 71 ms 38 ms 54 ms 4 14 ms 13 ms 12 ms 5 13 ms 10 ms 14 ms 6 20 ms 17 ms 17 ms 7 21 ms 18 ms 27 ms 8 18 ms 19 ms 18 ms 9 20 ms 23 ms 23 ms 10 55 ms 54 ms 57 ms 11 * * 114 ms 12 105 ms 111 ms 102 ms 13 114 ms 108 ms 109 ms [] 14 * * * Request timed out. 15 * * * Request timed out. 16 * * * Request timed out. 17 * * * Request timed out. 18 * * * Request timed out. 19 * * * Request timed out. 20 * * * Request timed out. 21 ...

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I've reached out to GCI to see what they can do with us to improve it.