
Valorant Dev Tracker

31 Jul


Originally posted by Funkyfreshprince

He mentioned that in a perfect world they'll want 5 duelists, 5 healers, Etc. 5 of every role.

They will then watch team comps and if comps are 5 of the same role then they will work hard to fix it.

It's important to call out here that "healing" is not a role - "healing" is just an output (something that characters can do) in Valorant. Our roles are Duelist, Initiator, Controller, and Sentinel, which are all focused on how players initiate engagements and fight over territory. "Healer" is not a role, but we will probably release agents in the future that can heal allies - it's not great that Sage is the only one that can do this right now. That is not the same as to say we want an entire "healer" class - we want agents who heal to do so because it allows them to perform their role, NOT have healing define their role. If that makes sense.

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Originally posted by Zarerion

They did in the past. Short version is that both first shot inaccuracy and spread rng exists as a balancing lever to make weapons better or worse in different situations. Long range weapons should give you an advantage over close range weapons at longer ranges, even if the raw player skill might be even between the two combatants.

Using your loadout suboptimally is supposed to be punishing.

yo, you're great


Originally posted by sylvainmirouf

You're asking too much

Not at all - that was always the intention of the system. We just haven't gotten around to enhancements yet.


Originally posted by TrueLolzor

stupid jett... teleporting instead of reviving her teammates


This is Ask VALORANT. We collected your top questions from under a certain frog’s hat and chose a few to answer every other week. Weapon skin animations, VALORANT lore, hit reg, and custom Agent keybinds are on the docket.


Have you considered an option to disable the special animations / sound effects of gun skins? While the aesthetics of the skins are pretty nice, all the effects around them can be distracting.


Yes, we discussed this a lot before launch. There are a few things that we had to consider first before we started building any tech to support something like this, including how players would react to custom effects, animation, and sound.

First of all, we’re committed to fixing anything that compromises the competitive integrity of the game. If it’s objectively interfering with our players’ gameplay, we’ll fix it (like we did for the ...

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30 Jul

EDITOR’S NOTE: These notes were found among the files of Killjoy. They’re here without alteration. The first file is undated, but there’s good reason to believe it was written to roast Brimstone.

OK Brimstone, I read your Beginner’s Guide. Maybe too long. All you needed to say was—have me on your team! 

I know you like that thing you do when you yell at the sky, but with me, tactics beat firepower. So, let me remind you how I’ve already thought of everything.


Equip and deploy a bot that hunts down enemies who dare to get in range. When my killer robot friend reaches its target...boom! Enemies who ...

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I love that you depicted us wearing business attire


Originally posted by wanttoplay2001

So both swarm and alarmobot are similar to cyphers trips where they appear when youre near it?



Originally posted by cornmealius

Thank you, how about alarm bot? Can that be “scouted” before getting hit by it?

Yup! And even if it does see you you can still shoot it and destroy it before it explodes.

29 Jul


Originally posted by hvk13

I hope we can destroy the grenade or I'm gonna be paranoid af when defusing

You can destroy it, yup. When you close, it's stealthed like a cypher trap and you can shoot it to destroy it.

Killjoys often place swarm nades on the bomb post-plant, but once players get used to that, they check for nades before going for a defuse - they're easy to kill if you're looking for them.


Originally posted by Duradello

Can the swarm be killed/disabled by enemies after it is triggered? Is it like "a molly you can kill"?

Once it's triggered, no - it just turns into a molotov effect. You've got to shoot the nade when it's dormant to destroy it cleanly.


Originally posted by obstan

Really want to see the molly trap stats. Everyone complaining about a turret with pretty mediocre stats, but to me the nanoswarm seems the most OP thing about her.

Molotov equivalents already have 0 counterplay in this game, if killjoy gets a plant down, she can just throw hers onto the bomb and remote detonate it from miles away without any lineup or projectile time. Combined with another molly character, she is huge in securing an easy postplant with so much pressure for the retaking team.

If her alarmbot is not destructable, also looks really easy combo trap to top it off. I hope all her skills are destructable to place in some counterplay.

All of her skills are destructible. Her alarmobot and swarm grenade are visible when placed, but quickly stealth - similar to Cypher's trapwires - but you can see them when you're close by.

Killjoys often place swarms on the bomb post-plant, but astute players can shoot the bees before defusing, so KJ can't just play off of the defuse sound alone. I imagine post-plant bees will be quite effective for the first few days before people figure this out, though.