Off the top of my head I’m not sure - but I’ll query this with one of our Gameplay Developers and confirm when I hear back from them
Off the top of my head I’m not sure - but I’ll query this with one of our Gameplay Developers and confirm when I hear back from them
We’ve looked at this, and there is a bug here. It appears that several weapon illusions are being displayed incorrectly in the UI menu when they shouldn’t be, as they are not obtainable (this is intended) from either Adventure mode or Chaos Wastes.
From what I can gather, these are the weapon illusions being shown incorrectly:
* Banishing Blade
* Pegasus Bulwark
* The Doom of Anmyr
* Marazthrundtak
* Kalancoggrund
Though, we’ll check this again in case any are missed from here.
Apologies for any confusion caused!
Thanks for the report @Janotil!
I’ve added this to our database for investigation.
Glad to hear that @krusader666! thank you for the update and providing your solution steps
D’oh! Apologies - a discussion I had with another developer about this got a bit muddled
Please ignore what I said above! To clarify - depending on DLC, weapon illusions are granted on purchase, with Shillings and by Okri’s Challenges.
My understanding is that these weapon illusions may not be obtainable. I’ll query this internally and try to find out, and I’ll update you when I get to the bottom of it.
No worries, I’ve updated this in our database. Thank you!
@Complexspeggle, I’ve checked this internally and I’ve been told that the rewards for these challenges are Shillings, and the skins mentioned are obtained by opening chests.
Are your challenges displaying different rewards? Could you please provide a screenshot if so, as this may be a bug.
Hello! Please:
In that window, are all CPU cores checked?
Hi @krusader666,
Sorry to hear that!
Please can you try the following:
This can be repaired using the EasyAntiCheat_Setup executable located in the Vermintide 2 ‘installers’ directory. The path to this directory on your PC will be similar to this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer Vermintide 2\installers\EasyAntiCheat
Failing that, it may be worth it to try cleanly reinstalling Vermintide 2.
Let me kn...
Read moreHi @shadowrygger,
Sorry about that - this specific crash can occur when trying to use a premium career on ‘Modded’ realm before first loading the character on ‘Official’ realm.
We’re working on a permanent fix for this, but for now please load into the Official realm as Warrior Priest, and then switch back to Modded.
We’ll check it out, thanks for the report.
As for Hukon’s Sundering, this should work with the Engineer, but requires 50% gun charge use.
Thanks @ZinStonehead! We’ll take a look.
@nevermay We’ve checked your account in the backend and nothing appears to be amiss (and we also found no backend issues for other players that reported a similar issue).
The only thing I can suggest is to try the PlayStation Support troubleshooting steps here:
Hi @armyantsrule,
Veteran weapon illusions are included on weapons obtained from chests/vaults. However, when upgrading a weapon to veteran tier it is not possible to get them with illusions.
You’ve mentioned upgrading other weapons and these having skins, but this shouldn’t be possible
We’ve received some other similar reports, and we’re looking into it.
Apologies as I don’t have an immediate solution, but I’ll update you when I hear something!
Hi @Complexspeggle,
Can you please let me know your Steam Profile URL (or Gamertag / PSN name) so we can take a look at this for you.
Can you please provide your console log from the session this happened?
To do so:
Thank you!
Thank you for the detailed report
I’ve queried this with one of our Gameplay Developers and have been told it’s very likely an oversight. I’ve raised this in our database and we’ll take a look!
Sorry to hear that. If you can provide a crash report, or your console log from the session(s) you crashed we can take a look
Are you playing in the ‘Modded’ realm here? I believe this may be mod-related.