Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

15 Jun

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Reverted the majority of economy changes in the Chaos Wastes.
  • Fixed a crash when claiming multiple quest rewards where (at least) one reward is a cosmetic.
  • Fixed a crash when throwing grenades.
  • Fixed a crash when enemies despawned and spawned in at the same time due to packet loss.
  • Fixed crash when being knocked down while affected by Blazing Revenge.
  • Fixed other, various unspecifiable crashes.
  • Fixed players with bots triggering rush intervention. Specials should now be at a manageable level. Solo players, rejoice!
  • Fixed a softlock caused by players pushing Shadow Lieutenants in the pit at the middle of the Temple of Shadows arena.
  • Fixed players getting stuck in the DLC promotion screen when a second controller is connected.

14 Jun


This is GPU-related, and there are many references to DirectX 12, so to start with I’d recommend switching to DirectX 11 within the launcher’s ‘Settings’ menu.

Failing that, please have a look here:

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We’ll look in to this. Could you PM me your GamerTag, please?


This crash should be resolved in our upcoming hotfix. Apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime!


I’ve checked this internally and the shrine changes are intentional.

Also, I can confirm a change to Chest of Trials - there are different challenges now, other than just bosses and grudge marks.

Likely just missed off the patch notes - I’ll see about getting them added. Apologies for any confusion!



Today we are super excited to share the new Chaos Wastes update with you. Be’lakor is live now across all platforms! This free update contains the new Be’lakor presence in the Chaos Wastes game mode along with fixes and tweaks. Together with this update, new Premium Cosmetics are available in Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders.

Below you will find more information about the new update.

Be’lakor is a master of terror and illusion … the first mortal to rise to the exalted rank of Daemon Prince. Disowned by the very gods he once worshipped, he has spent millennia searching for the power to challenge them directly. With the balance in the Realm of Chaos upset by our Ubersreik five, he might just finally have found his opportunity …


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We’re currently investigating this crash - apologies for the inconvenience @Jaffawer!

13 Jun


@soulswitch Unfortunately we require your console log, as opposed to your crash dump. Thank you :slight_smile:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs
  4. Locate the console log that corresponds with the session in which the issue occurred, by looking at the timestamps in the log names
  5. Upload the appropriate console log here

Looks like the same crash as the other. Thank you!


Hi @Harridas, could you please provide us with your console log from the session this happened?

Thank you!


Thank you for reporting - I’ve raised this to our database for investigation.


I’ve passed this on to our Backend Engineers and will report back to you soon!

10 Jun


I do have an update! Unfortunately, due to the nature of your crashes, it requires a patch (and cannot simply be updated via the backend, which does not require a patch). The patching process is quite lengthy for console (compared to Steam), so I predict the patch will be released during the week beginning the 20th, however I cannot say this with complete certainty right now. :frowning:

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience, I completely understand how this could sour your experience especially as new players. Of course, if you would rather opt for a refund, please explain your issue to Microsoft Support who will be happy to help with that.


I wish I had an immediate solution, but this will require some investigating… The last time we received an influx of connectivity-related complaints was due to a Steam client update, so that’s piqued my suspicion. I’ll have to look deeper in to this.


I’m aware a small number of players have noticed an increase in these errors, and I’m attempting to identify some patterns and consistencies.

There were updates to the Steam client that included connectivity changes on both the 12th and 21st of May. Could this correspond with when you started noticing these issues?


Sorry to hear this. I’m happy to help with a refund, and I’ll send you a PM shortly with some more information.

At this point, I’m unable to say whether or not it will impact you in Darktide, as it’s all dependent on which anti-cheat provider we use.

09 Jun


I understand you have Gsync enabled in the NVIDIA Control Panel - is Vsync set to on or off in Vermintide 2’s ‘Video’ menu?


Hello! Is this still an issue for you after the latest patch? :slight_smile: