Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

07 Jul


‘Dave’ is my flavour of the month, woven betwixt my normal staple of Kubbi, StoneOcean various game/movie/tv soundtracks, various synthwave playlists.


Hi @petyros443,

This can sometimes occur due to a backend hiccup and it failing to sync. Can you please try restarting Vermintide 2 (possibly a couple of times) and see if the Warrior Priest career is then available for you?

Keep me posted.


Hi @brownie,

Your logs show you’re encountering a GPU-related crash. I can see your drivers are a little behind, so I recommend starting by updating these. You can find how to do this, along with other potential solutions here:

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06 Jul


Hi @TenacitatemSors,

Sorry to hear that :frowning:

Regrettably, there isn’t anything we can do to immediately resolve this, but we’ll reach out to Steam and hopefully have it sorted in the near future.

In the meantime, this issue does appear to be sporadically popping up and resolving itself in most cases, so do keep checking!

Truly sorry for the inconvenience while we get to the bottom of this.


So we have performed all the requisite steps to have this work. We’ve ticked the boxes in the EAC portal, included the files in the appropriate places. Problem is, as you can see, it doesn’t work. We’ve been in touch with both third parties (in this case Epic and Valve), but we’re at a bit of a roadblock truth be told. Those who would work on really digging in to the weeds on this are indeed digging in to Darktide weeds, so aren’t able to spend sufficient time liaising with Valve and Epic to figure out why it’s not working despite doing what seemed necessary.

In short, work on this is on hold for now. We’ll bark up this thread should things spin up again.

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Hey there!

Our console developer has been out so that delayed things some, but I just checked in (was on vacation to a family wedding, myself!). It looks like we’ll be submitting to cert on the 15th. From there, it’s a matter of getting a yay or nay from Sony. I believe there are some crash fixes in there, but I need to play catchup a bit more to see what they are (I have a sync Friday). This patch, when it’s released, should get you up to date to PC.

Hang in there!

04 Jul


Last time we saw this, a player’s Anti-Virus was interfering with their set Affinity. It’s my understanding the Anti-Virus set the Affinity for our anti-cheat service Easy Anti-Cheat, which Vermintide 2 then inherited. It’s worth looking at what’s set for Easy Anti-Cheat to start with, and whether your Anti-Virus could have something to do with it.


Sorry to hear this. Could you please PM me your PSN ID so I can attempt to look up your crashes?


Hi @Bearwarwithbear,

These crash reports all indicate that you’re running into a GPU-related crash.

Please try running through all of the potential solutions for this here:

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We’ve done a platformer/run and gun/metroidvania type game before… Just sayin’.


:smiley: Thank you from all of us!

01 Jul


Confirmed as not an intentional change, and QA have been able to reproduce the issue. :slight_smile:


Can confirm that it’s intended for Grail Knight ult to not trigger melee weapon traits :slight_smile:


Do you happen to have a controller connected?


I suspect an oversight, but I have queried and will report back to you!

30 Jun


Appreciate the detailed breakdown @CitizenKhaine! I’ve passed this on internally.

I can’t make any promises about these cosmetics being made available, we’ll initially need to look at tidying up the UI to make sure illusions that aren’t obtainable won’t be visible to prevent further confusion. From there, we’ll likely have some discussions :slight_smile:


I’ll query this again, seems these weapon illusions are causing some confusion all round :sweat_smile:


Hi @BarbarianStarship

I’ve chased this internally, and regrettably the patch required to resolve this issue has been delayed from our original estimated date :frowning:

I’ve been told the new aim is to patch mid-July (likely the week beginning 18th).

Thank you for your continued patience with this, and apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.


I think the illusions may be incorrectly visible from the Weapon Upgrades/Overview menu for the respective weapons.

29 Jun


Hi @TenacitatemSors,

This appears to be an intermittent problem that affects some players, and seemingly ‘fixes’ itself a short while later. Are you still unable to see or purchase the Sister of the Thorn Cosmetics Upgrade now?

It’s a rather strange issue, but we’re aware and looking into it!

In some regions, prices can drop below Steam’s pricing threshold which can also result in a DLC being unavailable to purchase, though I’m unsure if this is the case here :thinking: