Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

09 Jun


Hello! It should be up and running normally by now - are you still having problems?

08 Jun

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Reverted economy changes in the Chaos Wastes.
  • Fixed a crash when claiming multiple quest rewards where (at least) one reward is a cosmetic
  • Fixed a crash when throwing grenades.
  • Fixed a crash when enemies despawned and spawned in at the same time due to packet loss.
  • Fixed players with bots triggering rush intervention. Specials should now be at a manageable level. Solo players, rejoice!

Thanks for the report! This specific crash should be fixed in our next patch :slight_smile:

07 Jun


Our Xbox players are experiencing some problems at the moment, which we’re working on resolving. It’s possible this is related. Please hold off for a couple of days whilst we work on cleaning this up, and should you still be experiencing issues come Thursday, please let us know. :slight_smile:


Hi @soulswitch,

Though no crash report window is appearing, can you please provide us with your console log from the relevant game session?

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We’re working on this right now, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.


We’re working on this right now, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.


We’re working on this right now, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.


Thank you for letting us know, we’ll look in to this.


Hello! It looks like you’ve since been able to log in and play as normal, is that right? :slight_smile:


I recommend to try updating your GPU drivers:

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Thank you for your report - we’re looking in to it.


Thank you for reporting, we’re aware of this crash and working on it.


I believe I have responded to your submission via the Support Portal :slight_smile: my reply may be in ‘Spam’. Thank you!


We’re working on resolving this for all right now! No need to send us your GamerTags any more.

Thanks for your patience all, and apologies for the inconvenience.

03 Jun


We’re going to be adjusting the forums purpose a touch, and whilst it’s being put in to place we’ve somewhat let it slip on our focus when it comes to pushing news! That’s on us.


Please could you PM me your GamerTags? We’ll look in to it!

01 Jun


Hello! Firstly, what caught my attention is the hitches you mention when somebody connects to your party. We see this issue often with players who have VR headsets connected to their PCs, where the headset is set as the default microphone. Do you have a VR headset connected?

Otherwise, disable the In-Game Voice Chat and see if there’s any improvement in your performance. It’s possible it’s related. Keep us posted!

31 May


Hi @Cranked

Sorry to hear that!

The logs indicate a GPU-related issue. I recommend running through all of our ‘go to’ solutions here:

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