War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

26 Aug

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct


Nope, AFAIK it's not working for rockets.

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Small update:

The cost of torpedoes used by surface vessels will be reduced by half.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

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SEPECAT Jaguar był wynikiem wspólnego brytyjsko-francuskiego projektu rozwoju nowego naddźwiękowego samolotu szturmowego w latach sześćdziesiątych XX wieku. Wraz z aktualizacją War Thunder: Ognisty Deszcz, długo wyczekiwany Jaguar wkrótce dołączy do czołówki brytyjskiego i francuskiego drzewka lotniczego!

W skrócie: Wszechstronny brytyjsko-francuski naddźwiękowy samolot szturmowy, opracowany wspólnie przez Bregueta i BAC pod koniec lat 60.

SEPECAT Jaguar, szturmowiec, Francja i Wielka Brytania, VI era.


Wysoce wszechstronny

Rakiety powietrze-powietrze

Szerokie możliwości podwieszanego uzbrojenia


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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

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The SEPECAT Jaguar was the result of a joint Anglo-French development project to design a new supersonic attack aircraft during the 1960’s. Coming in hot with the War Thunder: Raining Fire update, the highly anticipated Jaguar will soon be joining the top ranks of the British and French aviation trees!

Briefly: A highly capable Anglo-French supersonic strike aircraft, jointly developed by Breguet and BAC in the late 1960’s.

SEPECAT Jaguar, jet attacker, France & Great Britain, VI rank.


High versatility

Air-to-air missiles

Vast ordnance options



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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was not earlier, it was 12h longer.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nie, tak tylko pytam. Myślałem że to ekipa z Navyfield z którą kiedyś grałem

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Czekej czekej!

Był taki klan w Navyfield.

To cały czas to samo, czy coś innego już?


In the meantime, I can provide my cat whilst you wait)))


All of the feedback has already been relayed. Since before we even had Dev Server and during / after that too.

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

You will be able to get it after event ends.

Please use this thread to discuss:

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Zostawię to sobie na pamiątkę, jak ktoś powie, że musiał czekać tydzień na odczytanie PMki

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Kolego sten_77, w artykule znalazło się stosowne info na ten temat

Chyba, że źle Cię zrozumiałem z tym rozminowywaniem

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct


Problem jest znany i powinien zostać dziś naprawiony.

25 Aug


We already said, there is no chance of that. We do not just have tons of aircraft lying in "close enough" stages to be yanked into a major last minute. Models take months of development and are planned out well in advance. Whilst the planned contents of a major is subject to change (for many reasons), it doesn't just mean after the first dev server we can scramble a whole new vehicle together last second. Development doesn't work like that.

Not to mention, a MiG-23 involves swing wing. A feature and mechanic (and also complicated FM mechanic) we dont even have in game yet. So its not even close to reasonable to expect that for this patch. Especially since we denied it several times already.

We fully understand the wishes to see this aircraft, but once again, we are jumping to huge conclusions before even having proper substance of which to draw them from. Going by the raw paper numbers of Sparrows is not enough.


Im sure the talented folks at WT live can fulfil your wishes for such camos

Im hoping someone will cover XX764, which is currently under restoration

Or the 41 Sqd special


We dont have any cluster bombs right now in game.

The patch is called Raining Fire due to the CAS focus for aircraft.