7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

26 Oct

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shurenai:
Originally posted by BillHicks:

This is a straight up fiction. There is already female zombies for other locations.
It's not fiction. Sure, there's other female zombies for other locations- But then there was a single zombie that ONLY fit in to very specific locations, EG: The strip club, and MAYBE the bar as a stretch.

It felt like a waste of resources to them to have a zombie type that was rarely seen; So they tried letting her spawn all o...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BillHicks:
Originally posted by Teresa: They didn't change her because her breasts were showing. If they had a problem with that, they wouldn't have created her in the first place.

They changed her so that she would naturally fit into more locations than the bar and strip club.

This is a straight up fiction. There is already female zombies for other locations.
It's not fiction. Sure, there's other female zombies for other locations- But t... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KromeHWI: the new stripper model does not look like a stripper, its just a chick in a dress. she could be any old party girl. there is nothing about the model that says stripper to me.

That was exactly the point. They felt the stripper looked out of place when not at the strip club, and you can only have so many strip clubs. So she’s not a stripper anymore. She’s a ‘party girl’ that’s supposed to fit in more places.

I also think the old biker looked better, but that’s just to do with how the new one looks too similar to the Demolisher.

I push for individual variation among zombies at every opportunity. I’m hopeful that the bright clothing could at least be tinted differently on each zombie some day. I agree that the color takes getting used to. And that goes for everything, not just the zombies, since the switch to linear lighting.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shedding my mortal skin: I'd like stage-based loot a little better if it spread the loot more evenly instead of giving me something like five blunderbusses in two days. That and if we could sell more than three of one item to a Trader before they deny any more.
This one may just be me, but I'd also rather have a very rare chance to find rarer tiers while looting rather than them being removed from the lower ones altogether.
You do in fact have a very rare chance to find higher tiers when looting....but it is exactly that; Very Rare.

To the post mentioning finding ammo but no guns, next update will be bringing pipe guns that utilize the various ammunition types as a T1 version of the weapon... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I can't spell: go to coordinates 0,0

Just to be clear, the game used to always spawn the biggest city in the center guaranteed, but that was way back in Alpha 14 or so.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
On a clear day, you can see buildings in the distance. Keep your eyes peeled, and you should spot some of the biggest buildings, which spawn in cities. You could also use the built-in map previewer, but some would consider that cheating.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Best way is to wander until you find a road, any road, then follow that until you find a bigger road, repeat till you find what appears to be a main road; and follow that, Almost always leads you to a city.

IE: Spawn in the middle of nowhere, find a gravel path; Follow gravel path till you find a small one lane paved road, follow that till you find the main road it branched off, then follow the main road in either direction.

Often from a main road you can see a city in the distance; If needed pillar up using frames and then look at your surroundings.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Almost all traps give you a semi-fair amount of forewarning. There's litter everywhere, paper piles, glass piles; But above man-madetraps there's never any, as if it had been swept clean. There's one that even literally has a big 'BEWARE' sign right above it. There's others signaled by visually different floor boards. There's others signaled by a carpet in an odd place.. Another big signal is a strange absence of anything in the room. Another is a big empty space in buildings that otherwise have a lot of clutter. Some signal you by a visual difference in the ceiling on the floor below that you can spot if you're observant, etc, etc.

There's some other tells; But pretty much all fall traps are signaled in some way.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As stated by Jynx, Check your post history (Right side, under 'Your Forum Account'.

https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/4/3007801544757147074/ This is your post.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They were removed because they did not behave properly with the AI, and because players exploited them in ways that were not intended.

They have been removed until these issues can be rectified.
If you had spent a few minutes searching, you would have found numerous threads asking this question, and getting the same answer, over the past two years.

Welcome to Alpha development where gameplay and mechanics can change with every build. It's expected.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Go_Coup: Does F12 not work because the overlay doesn't work?

Correct. I have to use the OS shortcut, and then they're not easy to upload to Steam.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KromeHWI: specifically, i dont like the new biker model (the old one was scarier and bigger and more interesting and intimidating), and i also dont like the new stripper model (because... well, you know why). the new stripper model does not look like a stripper, its just a chick in a dress. she could be any old party girl. there is nothing about the model that says stripper to me.

im also not a fan of how colorful all the zombies are now. there was a bleached, sunfaded, greyness to the zombies before that really added to the dead factor to me. granted ive gotten used to it, but i dont like the bright colors as much as the muted ones from before.

that said, there are some zombie changes that i do like more now, such as the crawlers.
just saying, not all change/progress is good.
Not all change/progress is good; But in this case the goodness is very subjective to the indi... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The grand majority of people play solo, or closed co-op. This is not a game designed to be a large MMO with huge dedicated servers the way games like Ark or Conan are. It's designed specifically around single-player or small co-op with friends.

25 Oct

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your system specs, map size, and how long you waited would be helpful to determine if the game was truly frozen, or wasn’t given enough time to generate the map.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As I recall the waterworks is a tier IV building. Whatever your max quest tier is, all traders will heavily favor that tier. The general consensus is that they should rejigger this to offer more lower tier quests. For me on tier V, it’s meant alternating Shamway Factory, Shotgun Messiah, Shamway Factory, Shotgun Messiah. So at least your waterworks fatigue will be temporary, before tier V fatigue sets in. :buzzed:
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
What version number is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen when you play now?
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I logged a bug for this during A19 experimental. Hope it gets fixed.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Spills51: I have seen that by other Devs who worked on a game or a franchise who eventually wanted to move on and try something different
Sure. Plenty of devs have hit that point.........after close to two decades of working on the same franchise, with creative constraints from above, with pressure from publishers to hit deadlines causing them to have to cut a lot of their hardwork from every single game they make.. An example of this being Sakurai. The first Super Smash bros game came out in 1999. He didn't quit his vision for two entire decades.

Everyone 'burns out' at different times; But all the stress from people on high can really drive that burnout time forward, like adding accelerant to a fire.

Originally posted by Spills51: Even if keeping a game in EA is a viable way to make sure I consistently pay my bills....I...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If noone is online, Time is frozen. If one player is one, then zombies will only spawn in the vicinity of that player; not near any other base(s) you might have.

Also gamestage is determined by player level and player time survived- The actual day number doesn't matter anymore. It could be day 4000000000, and if a level 1 player who's been playing for 30 minutes goes through a horde night, they will get a stupidly easy horde that might spawn 5 zombies, tops.

So don't stress it.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kamashii:
Originally posted by PvtLenny: Well thats a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bummer. Cus what drags the game down is the clunkyness and graphics. Also the lack of content when you reach higher end contet, is a massive shame.

I just dont see patching as a good solution. They are only satisfying people like you and me that already know the game is good. But try getting a stranger to start playing something like this from scratch. Its a hard sell for sure. Cus the game is clunky, and doesnt ...
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