7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

22 Nov

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The character is largely a blank slate survivor- It's as if the character got amnesia and then you took over; Simple skills that seem obvious to you are not to them. Also you'd be surprised at what portion of the population doesn't know 'simple' cooking skills like how to make bacon without undercooking, burning or leaving it rubbery; likewise for eggs.

You start with 4 skill points that you obtain from the tutorial so you can pick up things you consider essential; Or thing that you think it's stupid for your character to not know. Drop one of those points in cooking and don't fuss over it so much.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep! 7DTD is cross-platform between Linux, Max, and PC; Should work with any combination of the three to play together.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Usually they will drop down to the next underground air space. I have a bug report submitted on this with video detailing the issue.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Blitz4: Loaded that map I generated ~8000 size, this time it took 1:02 to load. Pretty sure my cpu was pre-occupied, if I notice anything else strange I'll post it here.

That 1:02 sounds comparable to when I was playing on an i7-2600, though that was a few alphas ago. I'm glad you're doing better than 6 minutes now. As a reminder, there are three pregenerated maps included with the game for those that don't want to generate their own.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Wane:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Well considering it's circa 2013, and has DDR3 RAM yeah it kinda is. Even at stock speeds of it's time it wasn't a top-end contender. Hell the previous generation of Intel chipsets ran faster than it, and had less of a RAM bottleneck.

No offense, but not only is it extremely dated now, but it wasn't even all that great when it was new. You can't even reliably overclock it to keep it current like I was able to do with my i7-3930k.
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Wane:
Originally posted by Spider: I don't know, but from the looks of your 7DTD screenshots you are playing on a potato. holy crap that's ugly. It looks to be graphics glitches, but I think it is due to settings, and not the actual game.
Gtx 1060 6gh intel i7-4765t 16gb ram is potato? Ok then
Well considering it's circa 2013, and has DDR3 RAM yeah it kinda is. Even at stock speeds of it's time it wasn't a top-end contender. Hell the previous generation of ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For an 8k map, 20-25 minutes on that GPU is perfectly normal. They're working on speeding that up. Ideally they would prefer that it was under 5 minutes, and that you would be able to make up to 16k. There's still a lot of work being done on the RWG algorithms.

Originally posted by Power Button: the map generation for me is like 4 hours. Well, I play it on i3 with only 4 GB ram.

it's worth it.
Yeah, when you have no RAM, it's going to use your Pagefile on the really slow hard drive. That will make it take considerably longer. And if your GPU has less than 4GB VRAM, it's not even able to use that to boost the speed.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That does sound unusual, if the map really is generated already. If Navezgane also takes this long, we'd know for sure that it's not generation-related. I'd say load times are less than 30 seconds for me. If you post your specs, we could narrow down if your hardware is likely struggling or if it's something else.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The way to restore your stuff would be to allow cheats/enable creative mode and grab what you need from there. It’s cm in console to toggle creative mode and u to access the menu. It’s dm for debug mode if you need more time before the next horde, or you could again adjust the settings for no horde.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'd have to look to be certain, but pretty sure it's listed in the tooltips on the loading screen.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by aY227: If one (or only a few) person makes a mistake - it's his fault. But if it happens constantly it's a design flaw.
I mean.. In the grand scheme of things, maybe 100-150 total people have made this complaint, and that's being rather generous, in my view. 150, even 200, out of 20,000-40,000 daily people is pretty close to as good as it can get.

No matter how good the design, Some small percentage of the population will manage to not get it right/recognize it/understand it/assume it doesn't do that/not bother to check if it does/not bother to check the existing ingame journal which iirc has a topic covering the inventory icons(Might be wrong on this one; But the rest of this still stands.)
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep. I've seen it several times when a structure that was teetering on the edge of collapse had something change that pushed it over the edge. Usually the cause is plants. People don't realize that as plants grow, they get heavier.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
How long it takes will depend entirely on your CPU. Saying your server is at 400% CPU is rather pointless also. The server our group uses for hosting is capable of 2400%. So by those standards 400% CPU is only at 16% utilization.

For your average dedi hardware that meets recommended specs, you're looking at 2-3 hours to generate an 8k map. Since map generation was changed in a18, we have been recommending that you generate the map in your client (average 20-25 minutes on recommended hardware), and then copy it over to the server and use it.

This is a result in the map generation being managed by the GPU now, which is something the dedi client doesn't have access to. So it's forced to use the CPU instead, which is considerably slower at performing the calculations.

And all of this is assuming you have an appropriate amount of RAM to generate the map, and it's not having to use swap.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, that sure looks like the red dot used for the laser sight mod. Is your game modded? If so, please check if this happens in vanilla.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by aY227: They will try to avoid a traps, so maybe TONS of spikes could help.

It wouldn’t have to be traps. They only avoid traps because they’re in the way, the same way a tree is in the way if they don’t go around.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That would seem like a zombie apocalypse staple. The question is if it has an operational role that isn’t already filled by spikes or barbed wire. Note how people asked for more types of guns, alpha after alpha, but the devs didn’t bite until they were ready to adopt a three tiered system to make guns unique from each other. Perhaps concertina could be the ‘tier 2’ barbed wire fence.

21 Nov

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please don’t grave dig old threads.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This one?

Have a laser pointer on your weapon?
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rocco:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: Probably! A screenshot or two would be helpful here, including where you intend to be. In general, they’re going to take the path of least resistance, so you’ll want to shore up everything other than your intended entrance to the point that it’s the easiest path for them to take.

Do pressure plates count as the "resistance" you talk about? I have a clear path to my bunker, like a tunnel with pressure plates and dart tra...
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