7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

13 Nov

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't like 2d games. I'm playing Read Dead Redemption 2, excellent game.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

The art dept is still doing R&D on hair.
My own hair is progressing well, I'm successfully reversing my hair loss and am on the journey of growing it long again. It's still pretty short but longer than it's been in ages. I'm sure you can stay updated on my instagram and twitter

MM replied: No, lockpicking is shippable as is. Sure a minigame might be better but we're a small team and we can do more quest types or redo features that are shippable already.

SphereII and I coded and released a lockpicking minigame mod which your welcome to use as a startin

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, but the pipe weapons reload clunky and slow like the blunderbuss did.

They are being redone, like everything else, and do not look the same. Some have changed more than others.

No plans to bring back Trader Jimmy.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I doubt this is going to be the default.

Rivers of tears, y'know.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Binary solutions won't help much one way or another.

What I would do is to not clear all debuffs on death but cap them back to their non-lethal stages.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

That approach is easy enough by increasing the per-slot encumbrance to eleventh.

Probably just one number to change.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vanilla doesn't work that way because you end up with a debuff and then you have items in a slot that is no longer there.

12 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Specifically, I've been profiling the game and our MinEvent system, which has to do with processing all the rules in our xml files, like progression.xml, continues to take a good amount of CPU.

A good example is every 2 seconds an action tries to remove fire particles off the player, which was slow and made some garbage because it checked all the player transforms (200+). Now entities have a list of active particle effects, so basically takes zero time. The transform find function is also faster now and makes no garbage.

A19.3 has some optimizations, but these changes a

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by galdon2004: I feel that you did not read at all what I had wrote, Sylen. I am not suggesting passive EXP; I am pointing out a flaw that traps negate exp you otherwise would have earned while actively engaging a zombie if the trap happens to deal the killing blow.
No I did. You already get exp for gathering the materials to make passive traps, and you get additional exp for crafting said traps. These are traps that require zero interaction from you after placing outside of the occasional repair, which you will also earn exp for.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have no philosophical objection to that, OP. Even simple traps require time & effort. Traps are in effect consumable, limited use items, the same as bullets or grenades or any more direct ways to get kills.

I disagree with one point, though. The resources you spend actively, personally engaging in combat are never wasted. All damage you do ‘counts’ towards keeping yourself alive, and since this is a survival game I see that as always a critical goal.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Boresight: They use to be in War of the Walkers.
Yes, because they took the partially implemented code TFP has put into the game, and just enabled it. They were/are buggy as hell. If you actually played the War of the Walkers mod you would be very familiar with this.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This has been argued to death. Simple traps will not get you EXP. You don't get credit for AFKing a horde. (Which is what most players use traps for.)

Advanced traps do give exp, and is even partially shareable with your party if you put points into it.

11 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, was off last two days on a trip to Michigan.

Been working on event system optimizations.

19.3 exp is getting close.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I knew where it was heading. =P

There are multiple approaches to get there so the only chance to scale this is statistically, taking all means into account. It's up to the players how strongly they push harvesting.

If you create a mod where it's game over after you harvest one block then the vanilla balancing would suck for that.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Three things.
  1. Bows are quiet weapons, and the sneak bonus multiplier truly is substantial when used effectively.
  2. When comparing bows to shotguns, you should factor in the cost of the ammunition as well.
  3. The devs are going to add pipe pistols/pipe rifles to fill out the early game ranged weapon options.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yup, pretty much.

This only "affects" people who for reasons of their own harvest one block and one block only.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
First, Bows are precision weapons- If you're not hitting the head, you're failing. On the default difficulty, Even a Q1 primitive bow without a mod in it using stone arrows can drop normal zombies with 3-5 solid hits to the head. By the time you have a decently modded wooden bow and a mid-to-high skill level in the Archery skill and using iron arrows you'll frequently be one or two shotting enemies you hit in the head, especially if its done from stealth. By high quality compound with steel and mods you'll be close to if not actually one shotting even the beefier zombies.

Second, The damage increase from Primitive to Wooden is more than you might realize. The loaded ammunition type is reflected in the listed damage value on the bow; Further, equipped mods increase weapon damage by 15% per mod. So if you're comparing a modded out primitive bow loaded with iron or steel arrows to a freshly crafted and unmodded bow, which defaults to being loaded with stone arrows, then yo... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Bow is my primary weapon for most of my gameplay. Sure the primitive bow is not great, but it's a starter item, so it's not expected to be. Once you upgrade to the wooden bow, and again the compound bow, it improves dramatically.

Also, how is the wooden bow not accessible? Early on you just loot and visit traders. Usually have one set up by the second horde.

Your dissertation sounds like you want bows to be more on-par with guns. Which just isn't reasonable. They're currently pretty well balanced for the gameplay they are designed for.