Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

25 Aug

Yes, you can use all DLCs in the same game (assuming you also have the Anarchist character, you would have to select him as an AI opponent during setup). I would recommend sandbox for that, unless you want to play through the campaign again. And once you unlock the Cape Trelawney session from Sunken Treasures, you will get a huge island that should help to solve your space problems.

24 Aug

These are absolutely incredible screenshots everyone, thank you for continuing to show off your creations! I am definitely in awe of all of your worlds!

22 Aug

Originally Posted by DrogonMaxmus360
On the Epic store I noticed the new Amusement park DLC content pack is free if you have purchased the Season 2 pass. However this does not seem to be the case for the actual Ubisoft Launcher, which is where I have my copy of Anno 1800 with Season 1 and the Season 2 pass. Why is this the case? This is bad business practice and bad for your customers that have shown dedication by downloading your brand launcher.

Thank you
This is not the case, no. There was an error in the news article on the Epic Games Store that we have asked to be corrected as soon as we noticed it. The Amusements Pack is not free on any launcher or store. ... Read more

20 Aug

Hello AORUS2017,

Wow thank you for sharing screenshots of your city, those are gorgeous! The lights at night are my favorite as well, you did a terrific job of combining both DLC's to make an amazing build!

15 Aug

It is a very conscious decision that the Cosmetic DLCs should not feel overpowered, because they are only intended to give players more visual variety, without feeling like a must-have item due to gameplay benefits.

12 Aug

Game Update 8.2 add compatibility for the Amusements Pack cosmetic DLC
Game Update 8.2 added compatibility for the Amusements Pack cosmetic DLC
The Plus .exe is for Uplay+ subscribers, while the normal one is for buyers of the game. That is all

11 Aug

The carousel is from the Holiday Pack from last December
It should be said that this is not something we have just said last week. The notion that we would love to do the City Life Pack if Amusements is successful had been mentioned many times before in forum or reddit threads, so we thought that it makes sense to give everyone a chance to see it by making it part of the blog as well.

The onyl news there was the fact that we have a very concrete idea of a small pond with paddling boats that we would love to do (maybe an effect of the summer heat?)
Interesting thought...

10 Aug

While they were certainly not common place (then again, neither were World Fairs!), the concept also wasn't unheard of, as pointed out by others in the thread already (though the implementation in the game is indeed a bit "futuristic"). But, as we always, it needs to be stressed that Anno does not try to be historically accurate, and we are happy to stretch historical facts if they get in the way of our gameplay ideas (like using airships for Arctic exploration).

05 Aug

It is coming this Fall, which means sometime between September 22, and December 21"

04 Aug

The characters in the game are indeed a bit roughly when it comes to polygons, and that is fully intended for two reasons:

1. You usually spent most of the time zoomed out, where you won't notice it, and crucially
2. It is needed for performance. Anno games can have hundreds of thousands (or even millions, for some of our most ambitious players) citizens whose needs and demands must be calculated, and can have hundreds of beautiful houses on the map. In addition, you can at any time jump to any place on the map, and even the other sessions without any loading times to interrupt your gameplay flow.

While it would be nice to have prettier characters, we think that the scope of Anno is more important, as we want you to really feel as if you are building a huge, globe-spanning empire.
Heyho - feel free to share a screenshot of the issue, but in case it looks like this (random video I picked from YouTube:, that's working as intended, or rather: this is how the game looks from up-close.

The first person mode is an Easter Egg, basically.

03 Aug

Originally Posted by ammods
i'm part of the tester crew and have no access either,

You should have access though - could you try logging out and logging in again?
The link above should then get you to the forum.
Hey everyone, I sorted out your access @MrWhiteWizard and @BixelBG

If anyone else has issues with accessing the dedicated forum even though you're part of the test, send me a PM or just post here.
I'm also on the Discord, RazorBlade185 mentioned, so that's also an option (I need your Ubisoft account name, though).

Keep in mind it's the weekend now, though.

29 Jul

That doesn't mean the devs have nothing to do, though
There are future projects to work on.

Anyway, this is getting a bit offtopic considering it's about the Cosmetic DLC packs.
When we were thinking about a 2nd cosmetic DLC pack, several ideas were floating around in the team. In the end, it boiled down to 3 and instead of deciding it within the team, we thought why not let the community vote for their favourite.
In the end "A Day at the Amusements" won, but only with a few more votes compared to "Bustling City Life". So, while the former is definitely happening and currently in development, we are considering also developing and releasing the latter since the results were so close (as long as "A Day at the Amusements" is successful enough).

Releasing all 3, though, is not planned and would also defeat the purpose of a vote like this.
Additionally, every bit of extra content also means additional development time. Time the developers involved could also use to work on something else - it's a matter of weighing options, priorities and current development schedules.
Depending on the success of the Amusements Pack, there is a decent chance we may release the City Life Pack in the Fall. So that is kinda up to the players