Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

11 May

A big thank you to everyone who participated!

We will soon start a team-internal vote with all your entries and announce the winners in an upcoming Union Update.

08 May

Following you can find the links to the release notes for GU 7.2 and today's ... Read more
Following you can find the links to the release notes for GU 7.2 and today's ... Read more

24 Apr

With all the tools necessary to construct a palace worthy of an industrial magnate, we are sure that many of you have already created some amazing and lavish palace complexes! The ideal time to start another creative contest and ask you to share pictures of your architectural marvels with us.

Find all the details HERE on the Anno Union.

This thread is solely for posting your screenshots - if you have questions or... Read more

03 Apr

GU 7.0 was released on March 24th, all additions, changes and fixes can be found here on the Anno Union.
GU 7.1 will be released today (03.04.2020) at 2PM CEST. You can find the full release notes here
GU 7.0 was released on March 24th, all additions, changes and fixes can be found here on the Anno Union.
GU 7.1 will be released today (03.04.2020) at 2PM CEST. You can find the full release notes here

12 Mar

Hey Anno Community (bet you missed hearing those words over and over, eh?), we hope you enjoyed your first glimpse at Season 2 as much as we did! It is safe to say that your enthusiasm for the reveal has fueled the team since, as we are busy putting the finishing touches on Seat of Power, our first Season 2 DLC which is already releasing on March 24.

As we announced during the Season 2 reveal stream, every DLC will once again be accompanied by a free Game Update to improve the game for all our players, regardless of whether they have bought the DLC. This will start with Game Update 7, coming on March 24. However, before we share the full release notes with you closer to release, we wanted to make you aware of a few important balancing changes that may affect your cities, so you have enough time to prepare before the update hits!

So, let us talk about balancing. Seeing how Anno is mostly played as a single-player game where players spend dozens (if not hund... Read more
Originally Posted by DataX
Can You tell me where I can buy Seasons Pass 2 on Steam?
The Steam release of the Season 2 Pass is sadly delayed until March 24, when it will go live alongside the release of Seat of Power.

Originally Posted by Nemesis2112
Perhaps you should have marketed it that way in the first place.
Which is exactly what we did, using this exact sentence: "we annou... Read more

11 Mar

Originally Posted by Ch0ky98
Season Pass 2 is not available right now on Steam, they are working on that
Indeed- apologies for the delay!
Hello and welcome to the community, KanayeShogun1. I hope that you like the game, and find some fellow players to enjoy multiplayer with!

10 Mar

Hey RazorBlade185,

the Season 2 Pass will of course also release on Steam for all owners of Anno 1800 there.

Unfortunately, this currently takes a bit longer than we hoped.
I'll update this thread as soon as we have news regarding this topic - sorry for the delay.

Prior to the release of The Passage last December, we excitedly announced our plan to deliver even more Anno 1800 to our 1 million+ pioneers of industrial revolution throughout 2020. This presents a unique opportunity for the Anno team, as it means that Anno 1800 will be receiving more postlaunch support than any previous game in the series! In the past, development of content has ended a year or so after the release of an Anno game, with the team moving on to the next title.
With Anno 1800, we are excited to have the chance to flesh out the world of the industrial revolution even further, with new systems, citizen tiers and yes, even a new continent. Enter stage right: The Anno 1800 Season 2 Pass, which will be adding three exciting new DLCs to the game this year!

Learn first details about all 3 DLC by ... Read more
Glad to hear you are excited! There is nothing to sign up for currently, but if you previously signed up for our testing, then you could also be under consideration assuming we do any future testing phases.
Hello dima4239,

Welcome to the forums! Yes, the DLC's do add extra content for the Sandbox mode. I will link information and more details that go more in depth on each DLC below. Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.

... Read more

07 Mar

Hello Quor321,

Welcome to the forums! I would recommend checking out some YouTube videos, or the Anno Wiki to see what the DLC is like. That way, you may be able to make a better more informed decision, and see if it is something that you would enjoy.

Happy gaming!

04 Mar

Hello pve87,

Welcome to the forums! The DLC's have certain requirements that are needed to unlock in order to access the new content. You can find the details below per each DLC needed to unlock the content.


Sunken Treasures

... Read more

02 Mar

Hello Constans338,

Welcome to the forums! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. I am sorry to inform you that there are no plans to add Active Pause in the game. Please see this response from our Brand Manager ... Read more

28 Feb

Thanks for your feedback, but we are not currently planning to add additional supported languages to Anno 1800. We always evaluate which languages to support on a case-by-case basis for every game, to see where a localization makes the most sense. Unfortunately, the Hungarian gaming market is fairly small, making it more difficult to justify doing so.
