Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

14 Dec


Hello corwyn7,

Welcome to the forums! Which DLC were you eying? Are you enjoying the base game so far? Sunken Treasures is one of my personal favorites, but the Season Passes will give you the most bang for your buck!

13 Dec

Hello rokragent888,

Welcome to the forums! I would recommend verifying your files to see if this fixes the issue for you.

If the issue still occurs after verifying files, please feel free to reach out to our Support Team for assistance. ... Read more

09 Dec

The issue is still under investigation by the Ubisoft Connect team who we're working with on this matter.
As soon as we have news, we will of course let you know.

Apologies for the inconveniences.
Hey, haven't heard of such an issue before and also didn't encounter it myself.
If you're using mods, please disable them as PoPPYTAT suggested.
Please also verify the game files, just to be sure.

If the issue persists, feel free to send me the affected savegame and ideally record a small video clip showing the problem

08 Dec

Never heard of such an issue before, to be honest.

Please check for 3 things, which I could imagine could otherwise cause issues:
- Anno 1800 should be launched as admin
- Savegames are saved in Documents/Anno 1800. Some players upload their Documents folder automatically to the cloud (Windows One Drive) by default - the game does not like this
- An antivirus software or firewall could be protecting the folder from access or is blocking Anno 1800 from accessing it. Please check if any of your security software is interfering.

Otherwise, our technical support - as linked by Humility - is the best way to move forward. Ideally attach a small video clip of the issue.

07 Dec

Hello Noonie167,

Welcome to the forums! Anno 1800 is not available for Mac OS, it is Windows only. As Brumiros stated, you may want to look into Wine or Bootcamp, as those programs allow you to run a Windows OS on your Mac.

24 Nov

As stated before, as soon as we have an update, we will let you know

This issue affects multiple games after the switch to Connect and the responsible team is currently investing it.
You can also stay updated via our support page: Read more

23 Nov

Hello GeilerHengst36, welcome to the forum.

I am moving this to general discussion section of the forum as this is more of a gameplay advice question, hopefully one of our players or the community team will be able to give you some tips!
Originally Posted by Tobias02763
Same about season 3
Earlier this Summer, we said that there were "currently no plans" for a Season 3, which was accurate at the time. We have however very clearly and definitely said that we won't be adding land combat to Anno 1800, without any qualifiers like "currently" or so attached.

19 Nov

Hey Anno Community,

Yesterday, we answered the question that had been on many of your minds recently: What does the future hold for Anno 1800? And since pictures can say so much more than mere words, we answered with our Season 3 Teaser, which you can watch once more right here:

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We are very happy to confirm that Anno 1800 will be back for a third Season of content in 2021! While we don�t want to give too much away, there a few things we can share:

  • Season 3 will once again consist of three new DLCs, all of which have been inspired by community feedback and wishes
  • Season 3�s DLCs thematically r...
Read more

16 Nov

Thank you all, we've forwarded the info to the team. They have enough for their investigation, we'll keep you updated

14 Nov

We have also got confirmation now from the team that it's fixed now:

You might have to restart Ubisoft Connect.
Hello everyone,

thank you for reporting this issue.

We've forwarded it and will keep you updated

13 Nov

For yesterday's Game Update 9.1, you can find the release notes here
For yesterday's Game Update 9.1, you can find the release notes here
As stated above, this is an issue related to Ubisoft Connect which can't be fixed just by ourselves but together with the Ubisoft Connect team (and is not only present in Anno 1800).

For anyone affected by the recent issue with the Club/Connect Rewards being shown as unlocked in Ubisoft Connect itself but are locked in the game, could you please provide info on the following points?
- Are you using mods?
- Are you playing offline?
- Do you have the game updated to the latest version? (9.1.968978)
- Did you receive any popups in-game or from the Connect Client (at the bottom of the game)

09 Nov

Hey all,

we're aware some players are still having issues with their rewards since the switch to Ubisoft Connect.

Right now we're in contact with our colleagues in the Ubisoft Connect team and hope to have an update on the matter for you soon.

Thank you for your patience.

02 Nov

Hello everyone,

thank you for pointing out the threads on reddit.

Since the release last week we're getting feedback and reports across multiple channels and are going through it for the next update.
As it's been the case before with Anno 1800, in addition to the big Game Updates we're also releasing smaller updates in between to address bugs and other concerns.

As soon as we have more information on the next update, we will of course let you know.


30 Oct

You can find the full release notes for Game Update 9 here.

29 Oct

Heyho, it's great to hear you enjoy the soundtrack of "Land of Lions", our friends at Dynamedion (who are responsible for the soundtrack of the last few Anno titles) will be pleased

No promises, but we can have a look if there's a way to also release the DLC soundtrack on our channels, e.g. Ubisoft Music on YouTube