Dude (or dudette) has been ALL OVER the bug threads responding and taking in the feedback. I really hope this level of interaction BW has shown so far continues after the game releases. It is incredibly refreshing to see more than one person from the team so active and not being snarky or condescending when issues come up. BW, so far, seems to lack the over-arching tone deafness than some other unnamed houses seem to have sometimes.
Issues aside, I think there's a huge gem of a game here and I'm looking forward to the end of February. Thanks BW!
Thanks a ton for the post HeartySalmon, though totally not necessary. We committed to be here through the thick of it, and frankly it's our job to hear the feedback, criticisms, and opportunities so we can make it better. Thanks to everybody who sent me positive messages over the weekend, really helps. <3