
Anthem Dev Tracker

27 Jan


Originally posted by HeartySalmon

Dude (or dudette) has been ALL OVER the bug threads responding and taking in the feedback. I really hope this level of interaction BW has shown so far continues after the game releases. It is incredibly refreshing to see more than one person from the team so active and not being snarky or condescending when issues come up. BW, so far, seems to lack the over-arching tone deafness than some other unnamed houses seem to have sometimes.

Issues aside, I think there's a huge gem of a game here and I'm looking forward to the end of February. Thanks BW!

Thanks a ton for the post HeartySalmon, though totally not necessary. We committed to be here through the thick of it, and frankly it's our job to hear the feedback, criticisms, and opportunities so we can make it better. Thanks to everybody who sent me positive messages over the weekend, really helps. <3


Originally posted by HeartySalmon

Yes the whole team has been great so far. Just highlighting the yeoman's work of u/BioCamden in the bug threads as that is a daunting task keeping up with that much feedback.

Thanks Hearty, really appreciate it. :D


Originally posted by chadorable


Thank you for sharing the love! I think we need to see a stream from your perspective now...

Hahaha maybe, that would be awesome. I'll see if I can convince Ben and AJ to let me.


Originally posted by CaptainCosmodrome

I like the idea of javelin specific components that greater augment that javelin's central themes. I hope you are doing this for all of them.

Yes we do have Javelin specific components for all Javelins :D


Originally posted by Gstonereppinboi

Thank you so much for your response. Tell Mike we thank him also. We love you guys, continue your hard work!

If it is at all possible, leave the frame rate uncapped so we can manually change our ps4s to 1080p. Then down the road you guys can add an official option in game. Please don’t capcthe frame rate. Thanks again! /u/biocamden

Thanks Gstone! Not sure if you already saw this but Mike did have a tweet about this one:


Originally posted by SteelPhoenix990

Any update on rubberbanding and lag issues like this?

Latest I have from (

  • Rubber-banding during free roam and/or missions. - Mitigated (details below)

  • Potential User Workarounds & Details: Rubber Banding: We identified problems in our infrastructure that were causing some rubber banding. We have already made changes to our back end to improve the performance and will continue to do so over the weekend.


Originally posted by Imayormaynotneedhelp

Hey are you aware that the respawning system is bugged? It'll countdown at the bottom of the screen, but you're stuck there until someone revives you. Also, in areas where you can't respawn, can we please get some kind of spectator camera?

Good feedback on the death screen stuff. Not sure what we'll be able to do here but we've heard a lot of feedback about it.


Originally posted by giraffeman34

So I wasn't crazy when I saw an astral projection of my javelin still fighting?!



Originally posted by Pendrych

u/Darokaz, u/BioCamden - I apologize if tagging you in a post is inappropriate, but in yesterday's thread, any kind of feedback on actual gameplay was more or less instantly buried.

  • Fort Tarsis: A minimap would be extremely helpful, both to help with flipping back and forth to the full map and the fact that the full map is a bit cluttered and (to me) was still easy to get turned around on.

  • Fort Tarsis: Many people have commented on the walk speed feeling slow. While I think it could be sped up a tad, and I do like that it feels much less powerful and swift than piloting our Javelin exosuits, the main problem to me is that the footstep sound effect is completely out of synch with the movement. It sounds like we're shuffling quickly instead of striding, or that we're supposed to be running/jogging while our movement speed seems indicative of a walk.

  • Exosuit Movement: I've piloted th...

Read more

No worries Pendrych I understand. I went ahead and grabbed all of this and threw it in an email to myself to parse through with the team. Thank you for taking the time to write this up.

Some points I can speak to:

  • For inscriptions for other Javelins on items, this is actually a string/icon bug. So if it says "Ranger Grenade" it is actually giving bonuses to Storm/Interceptor/Colossus Q or LB/L1. It just is confusing in this build.
  • We have since added more UI elements you may have seen in the latest Dev stream (team UI and team compass to indicate where they are). Not sure about a mini-map but I'm sure it's being discussed.
  • The 0% bonus to inscriptions is also a bug and not intended, these also should be giving various number bonuses but showing as 0% in the forge.

You've got some excellent points. I hope you enoyed playing!


Originally posted by KNIGHTL0CK

This is awesome. Almost regret picking the Storm first. (Almost. Not quite. The Storm is amazing.) But I can't wait to try out the Interceptor when the full game gets released.

Currently sitting at work and hating that I won't get home in time to play more of the demo before it closes. You guys have been great at staying active with the community. That alone is 80% of the reason I got hyped for Anthem.

No ragrats. And thanks for the kind words.


Originally posted by Metalwell

All right! Because in other games, I have reported that "sounds" were causing issues especially the reverb effect and they fixed it, therefore I thought it may be related!

Probably a bit of both :)

We have optimized a lot. Hopefully it's better!


Originally posted by trojanguy

What about sprinting? I have it on good authority that there's even a couple events at track meets (for humans) named after sprinting.

Interesting................. 😊


Originally posted by MiskatonicUStudent

I know I'm kind of late, but I thought the guns sounded great. I only used the starting assault rifle and an LMG but they both sounded heavy without being so loud that they drown out all the other sounds. Good job.



Originally posted by Thalarian17

I was able to test for a couple hours today. All I did was switch my in game audio settings from stereo to headset and I have been unable to replicate it since. I have had sound effects blackout and become mute for a short period, or stutter slightly, but it always fixed itself later on. I was in the PSN chat as well and nothing on my console was effected.

If there is anything else you need to know, I will be happy to assist! If you need form of audio recording to hear the issues, I will be happy to send some when it occurs again tomorrow.

Good to hear! Keep us posted :)


Originally posted by Metalwell

Hello, I don't know if this is addressed or actually relevant, based on my prior gaming experiences there can be something wrong with "low frequencies" of the abilities that causes some FPS drops. Can this be related? Everytime a Storm uses a fireball or lightning the game fps drops with a huge low frequency skill sound. Maybe you this can be something.

Probably more related to all visual effects that get spawned :)


Originally posted by Kuipo

Easy fix. Allow jumping. Maybe even sprinting in town ;p

You're a madman... Humans don't "jump"! 😊


I must go. My people need me.


This is awesome, love to see some really strong interceptor play.

Insider tip, the Interceptor ultimate leaves a lingering DoT attack (in the form of the Interceptor’s projection continuing to attack) on any creatures you hit. So in many cases the most effective overall DPS is to actually attack as many different enemies as you can. Obviously continuing to attack the same target still does tons of damage but it can be awesome to “share the love” haha.


So this is an example of one of the things that has changed since we locked the demo down. Just to be completely transparent, we took the metal platings (ie: gold) and wear states and locked all but the defaults behind progression in the game. No mtx or coin or anything, just good old fashioned rpg progression.


Originally posted by bigboybenny12

you know... i was looking forward to playing colossus but once i did...i felt like a glass cannon rather than a tank.

he does STUPID damage but the lack of overshield means i get shredded... not being able to fire and use abilities with your shield active means i have to expose myself to get off an ability. iono i wanted to love this class but i keep getting rekt.

One thing you may have noticed is that once you start getting Colossus specific components they have MUCH more armor and shields than the universal components. This is an attempt to combat this exact problem. We are certainly looking at other ideas though. Thank you for the feedback.