No luck with Firefox either, this is how it gets stuck in all of them:
Ok last idea I’ve got. Open up a private window (Ctrl-shift-n) and navigate to the same page there.
No luck with Firefox either, this is how it gets stuck in all of them:
Ok last idea I’ve got. Open up a private window (Ctrl-shift-n) and navigate to the same page there.
Hey Zach, I believe Customer Experience needs to assist with that one. Can you try loading their web hat service in another browser? They should be able to help you get in.
Did you guys look at OW tanks?
For example Roadhoag would be really useless without his healing ability no matter than he has the most HP.
Collossus need healing ability, because you are too often sitting behind rock with very low HP wondering what now.
In that example Colossus is more like Reinhardt with a deployable, destroyable, and rechargeable shield but no self-healing.
Read moreHey r/AnthemTheGame! I'm Nishimba and I've been playing the Anthem Demo (obviously) on PC. I don't intend the title to sound like I'm bragging, but I thought that you might consider my thoughts to be more trustworthy. I've played the game for 13 hours, and I've got all 19 gear on my Storm (which appears to be max gear in demo). I'm loving the game so far, currently I'm going through and completing as many available challenges as possible to get all of the Blueprints + more Coin etc.
tldr, game is great, some issues, some negative thoughts, but it's still a fantastic experience.
So far the game has been a great experience. I've had a few hitches here and there, some rubberbanding, some infinite loads, sometimes getting booted to the main menu, and so on. But other than that it's been fantastic. First I'll cover what bugs and issues I've found so far, then I'll go into my full thoughts on some of the game systems. So her...
No worries Nishimba! I have your post saved already to follow-up on soon. I’m doing what I can to collect and consolidate the feedback to take to my team.
I am not sure where to put this so I will reply to you.
Crowd control removal doesn't seem to work as intended. Visual bugs when I am rooted as interceptor and then spam jump. Also, using the CC break ability on interceptor does remove the CC.
Love the game tho! So much fun in the demo even with the infinite load screens and having to do quests over! Thanks so much for creating this experience :)
Yeah I ran into that a ton myself and it was super frustrating. I believe this is something that had already been addressed but I’ll check into it.
I felt like I had to use both of the two available component slots on armor and shield increases to offset the weak base health amount. Each slot grants 800+ of each, so 1600 total I believe, but I was still getting chunked.
There is a blue shielded scar unit which jumps up and hovers in the air before it uses its incredibly powerful machine gun. That unit in particular shredded my full health to a 1/4 in two seconds on hard mode.
Overall though the colossus is still really fun, and I am able to consistently defeat the stronghold even with random players in matchmaking.
Can also fly at them with your shield out to slam them to the ground which helps too. But awesome feedback thank you.
I’m getting downvoted here... which is fine. You have a right to do that. But why? I’m literally being transparent and telling you facts.
As disapointing as some of these bugs are, seeing the team on Twitter, Reddit and official forums/channels respond is a great sign and fills me with confidence you all care for the game.
Wish I could try out a 2nd Javelin on the demo but I can at least tell the gameplay is great in the Ranger
Hey TheStarCpre! Everybody should now have all 4 javelins unlocked after relogging.
Would there be a chance, unless already addressed in the final version of the game, that we would get components/parts for the javelin we are playing as instead of ones for the other javelin’s? I’ve gotten 3:1 ratio of components for colossus and storm when I unlocked interceptor
Yeah that is certainly something we can review. I’ll bring it back to the team. Ideally on launch you’ll have all 4 javelins so they will eventually be useful (or just for parts) but I understand the desire to have more focused loot.
BW’s damage control and communication should serve as a model for all AAA titles approaching launch. I wasn’t able to access the demo this weekend, but as a BW fan since “Baldur’s Gate II”, I’m excited to see what you have up your sleeves with this new IP and that it’ll be worth the wait. Be sure to take care of yourselves in the coming weeks.
Edit: spelling
Thanks for that WoahBroRainbow. Also I love your name haha.
Ok can we get some acknowledgement from bioware about the awful performance and optimization of xbox x and ps pro, because ive heard nothing from them regarding the awful performance
We’ve been looking into it but I don’t have more than that for you at the moment Next. Thanks for reaching out.
Was doing Hard Mode of the Stronghold and had the last fragment for the encounter underground with the tunnels. I was disconnected while carrying the fragment, and when I loaded back into the game the fragment was gone. We were unable to complete the event and had to exit mission due to this bug.
Hey Tarous thanks for the report we’ve been a few reports of other issues like this.
I'd rather have a job as a coder ;)
We are always hiring! Especially awesome coders :)
Pm me if you're serious.
Wow, I can't even play the game and I am getting down voted? I am happy to report that I was able to cancel my preorder. Talked to 3 EA Advisors, no one helped me get past the title screen Spent hours wasting my time. stronger together with the down votes, right /u/BioCamden ?
Hey Von, sorry that you had this experience. There have been various login and connection issues that for a large number of folks have been resolved. The updates to those problems are being tracked here (
I wish you luck in the future and I'm sorry the demo didn't meet your expectations.
Can we Please, please get a FoV Slider for release. I don't wanna zoom into the back of my characters head when i fire my weapon. Or in a tight space and all i can see is my giant head.
That's not my dept but I'll pass it on to the gameplay and camera folks!
The problem has been replicated and recorded. It effected my menu, but closing the app fixes the issue.
Thanks for showing us. This should be fixed in the release build, but I want to keep a close eye on it. Please report it again if you see it, I'll be watching for reports!
Read moreI'm writing this because I think this could be a fantastic game, but it has a lot of little quirks and faults that holds it back. The post will seem negative, but I really like the gameplay. This is feedback for the PC version, as that is the only one I've played. The general theme will be that the gameplay is very cool, but everything inbetween is not. Not covering server/connectivity.
- Post Processing: Medium or below turns off motion blur, but also makes it feel like the game renders only about half the number of frames that the fps counter displays. 80-100fps feels more like 40-50. This is fixed with it set to High or Ultra, but then motion blur is on.
- Some of the advanced graphical settings don't apply until you restart, or have little to no impact on visuals or performance.
- While in Tarsis, there is some weird mouse acceleration/smoothing going on, making mouse movement feel really sluggish.
- ...
Somebody give this person a job in QA! Great writeup, and we read this stuff. Believe me it matters to have specific, polite constructive feedback. Thank you.
Has since been fixed. :)
I think more ambient sound would make fort tarsis feel more alive
100% agree. We are on it.
They’re the sexiest inty I’ve seen so far 😍
& if you haven’t already, anyone reading this should check out the dev stream where they fight two ursixes with u/BenIrvo & Emily from the quest design team, even though they ran into a bug, it’s been the only showcase of how a part of end game will work!
Haha thanks for noticing, I spent AWHILE on that paint scheme. I thought it looked pretty slick.