
Anthem Dev Tracker

27 Jan


Originally posted by _Bill_Brasky_

Ok you're right, not the way to talk even if frustrated.

Thanks for the quick reply and it's obvious everyone's working on it overtime.

It's upsetting feeling like something shouldn't be pushed forward if it's not ready to deliver on certain promises. Regardless, not much can be done beyond what is.

*** Also for people having infinite loading issues: deleting the profile data in app storage and restarting seems to fix it. ***

Now how do I get the friend invite to work if I've linked my EA account... Maybe it's been resolved but I can't find the solution anywhere.

Edit: Disregard. The link worked. Thanks for being timely and responsive, and continuing the hard work.

Thanks Bill, I appreciate your reply and thank you. I’m really glad that you were able to get around some of the loading issues.

For the friend invite problems are you just not seeing the links show up on this page?

And you’ve logged into the same account that you’ve got linked? I would double check that too. If you need help verifying that your EA account is linked you can reach out to Customer Experience and they should be able to switch them if needed (...

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Originally posted by NyuuPingu

Basically if you want to put something out there on multiple platforms it has to go through certification. That generally takes a fair amount of time, about a month for the whole process in this case.

That's on console you mean? Or do you also need to go through something on PC?

Thanks for all the insights - it's incredible, especially on a Sunday. I hope you got some pizza.

All platforms have certification, PC included 😊.


Originally posted by amezibra

about a month for the whole process in this case.

basically you are saying that anything not fixed right now won't be for launch patch ?

No, a lot of these issues have already been fixed...

Just they were fixed at the end of December or early this month... which was unfortunately too late for the demo 🙁

There is a difference between releasing a full demo and a patch though, patches are generally a lot faster to turn around.


Originally posted by _gravy_train_

The final game will have your teams health bars and a little radar icon telling you which direction they are in. It just wasn't included in the demo.

Yep, this! We added a squad widget after some feedback from the closed alpha. 😊


Huh. (I'll forward this along) 🤔


Originally posted by Valyris

Give us an extra day or something. I still havent been able to play the first bloody mission...

Hey Valyris I’m not sure if we’re able to do anything like that. We are going to be granting a unique vinyl to everybody who was impacted this weekend. We’ll continue to try and fix these problems so people can get in and play. Thanks


Originally posted by KingNothing53

u/biocamden hey man! Games great but idk if anyone's said this but I just ran into a glitch where enemies were invisible/ghosts. I'm not sure if the person I was with was dealing with the same issue (he was a rando) but it seemed like it bc we both were just kinda shooting and throwing attacks out randomly. We did manage to kill one (health and ammo dropped) so I'm not sure what was going on. Also super minor but some subtitles from a mission I left were stuck on the screen until I left tarsis. Overall though I'm having a ton of fun with the game. Thank you!

Thanks for the report KingNothing. I’ve seen something similar to this. I worked around it by dying a few times and then eventually they all loaded in properly.


Originally posted by vb0b0

Thanks for that answer /u/BioCamden, really hoping for 60 FPS on the PS4 pro!

But regarding the current demo build, is that unlocked frames at the moment? Is this how the game will be upon release or will it be locked down to 30fps?

Seems as certain points when the frames aren’t dropping, there above 30 and would just like to know if that was intended or not.

I’m unfortunately not sure vb0b0. I believe it’s unlocked atm, not sure about launch.


Originally posted by Gkaruk

@BioCamden - thanks for taking to the time to come back to me, appreciated. I replied below to this post with the solution my son and I identified. Turns out must have been registration of the key on EA.COM to Anthem server backlog or something. AS you see my son noticed my key has not been claimed, despite my Origin App showed I had the demo, downloaded and could run it. I reclaimed the key, it registered and thus solved the issue. PS: All on the one and only account I have :)

Oh that’s awesome, glad you were able to get that working. Have fun Gkaruk


Originally posted by platysaur


I really want to enjoy Anthem but it’s hard to get past the frame rate and performance issues I am experiencing on the Xbox One. Granted it is the base model but that doesn’t mean I should have a sub 30 FPS experience. I turned off motion blur and chromatic aberration too. It seems I am not alone and that other Xbox owners of various models experience this.

I guess my comment here is to make you aware of the issue and secondly, I want to ask if there are any plans to address or fix this issue for launch or once it launches?

Hey Platysaur, thanks for the report. We are definitely aware of the problem and will be looking into this ASAP.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey Bill, while I understand that you lost a bunch of time this weekend and you were hoping to play, it’s really not cool to talk to people like that.

This game has been in development for 7 years, hardly a “quick cash grab” my friend. Sorry for your problems.


Originally posted by a_tortoise_IRL

FINAL (?) EDIT: This turned into a small Colossus megathread somehow, even though I originally posted this only to talk about components. Y'all did this. Thanks to everyone for the feedback and discussions, and a special shoutout to whoever gave me gold or silver. You're a bunch of sweethearts.

  2. More random edits here and there based on comments made by other posters below.
  3. Added a video with 3 minutes of footage in the stronghold on hard difficulty. Bottom of the post for what suspiciously feels like an Aliens remake, friends.
  4. Latest: added more stuff to highlight different builds. If the original post read like flamethrower + coil was the One True Way, I apologize. Other players are playing the colossus radically differently when it comes to dishing out damage and it's wonderful to see.

There's a lot...

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Great post - thanks!


Originally posted by Darrius909

I know I’m late but during tyrant mind on xbox my game crashed in the boss fight and I tried to rejoin and when I did I was unable to renter the boss fight I was stuck outside a door and my teammates had to fight without me

Ok thank you for the additional report Darrius.


Originally posted by BaobabOFFCL

Hello Sir/Maam.

I have been playing literally all day into the night.

Apologies for my rude comment. I shall delete it.

I love this game sooo much!!! :)

Thank you for this experience and thank you for for all of the help you and your team have given us.

I look forward to trying out my Legion of Dawn edition!!!!


Hey Baobab so glad to hear you got in and are loving it. And no worries about the comment, I know it was frustrating. Appreciate you replying.


Originally posted by MOCDETH

It’s never happened on any other game or movie or anything like that, completely unique to this demo. Like I say, the audio cuts out, it does it regardless of the headphones but when I am using the headphones I hear slight ringing, I thought this might be important info to maybe get to the bottom of the problem but maybe not lol. I can deal with this kinda thing it’s no issue for me quitting and loading the game back up. Hopefully you can get to the bottom of it by launch. Other then that problem the audio in this game is fantastic! P.S I have altered the audio settings in the client, I set speaker configuration to ‘headphones’ and dynamic range to ‘wide’. Could this be something to do with it?

Yeah it's probably unrelated to that in this instance. We appreciate your patience and want you to let us know if you can repro this in the ship build for sure. Thanks!


Originally posted by WarMachine425

I booted up the game one time and had the main menu theme music still playing even after loading in to Fort Tarsis. Overlapped on top of the market radio music too.

Yeah that has to do with login event ordering. Sometimes, in this build, it doesn't shut off. Going into free play and back should fix it


Originally posted by vb0b0

Yes please, can we get a response on this? /u/biocamden /u/benirvo

Hey Vb0b0, here's a tweet from Gamble that should clarify where we're at with this one. Tagging u/gstonereppinboi for visibility.


Originally posted by Imayormaynotneedhelp

Seriously, this game is one of the most fun I have ever played... When it works. I cannot load into ANYTHING without the load screen hanging at 95%. That bug is singlehandedly ruining the experience for me, and hundreds, if not thousands of other players. But I must say, once you have the server/loading issues sorted out, you will have a gem of a game on your hands.

Comments like this make it worth it. Thank you very much.


Originally posted by MOCDETH

Hahaha, I hope not! I use headphones plugged into my DualShock 4 so that might be difficult but I’ll try. It’s ever so subtle so I don’t know if you’ll hear it through my tv speakers. The sound completely cuts out first then the ringing happens, it’s happened 3 times in the Tyrant Mine stronghold and a few times in freeplay I’ll try to monitor what triggers it, but right now it seems like it’s random.

Errrr highly recommend not using the headphone jack on the controller. It's over BT and is subject to a lot of interference in general. Not sure if it's related, but may be?


Originally posted by MOCDETH

I get a tinnitus ear ringing sound every couple of hours!!! All other audio cuts out and I just hear a long beep until I reboot.

Sounds like a low health treatment, but I'm sure it's not lol. Can you send me a video?