Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

26 Mar


Originally posted by concretecowboi_

Also why does the pub matchmaking system feel tighter than ranked my experience in pubs as of the last 3 seasons have been bad as a solo queue and duo queue. I don’t think I should be matching with preds in diamond, Masters is fine but I feel if you’re a pred you’re the best of the best and should only play against the best of the best. Preds should have only be able to matchmake with only preds even if it means longer matchmaking time


Originally posted by PoliteChatter0

The biggest ranked complaint I hear from people is how miserable the soloq experience is, nobody wants to be fodder to a sweaty triple stack who are running circles around the lobby

I know you guys said that something like Mercenary mode in Call of Duty (only soloqers playlist) is not viable to do in Apex but is there anything you guys can do to help soloqers out?


Originally posted by Firm-Constant8560

Why is there such resistance to create masters/pred only lobbies?

If it's queue times, maybe create master/pred lobbies only for duo/3 stack, and if they want to solo-queue then they get the shorter queue times while being dispersed among the diamond/plat teams?

Supplemental: After queueing through diamond and watching numerous streams of masters and pred players, I've realized that masters lobbies don't exist. It's always 3-18 masters/pred players being put into diamond/plat lobbies, and just farming kills. I get that you're trying to keep queue times low for everyone, but when the top ~1% of your playerbase is only farming lobbies filled with people that are of markedly lower skill, it's not fun for anyone. There's minimal challenge for the masters/preds (who are 3 stacks 99% of the time) and everyone else is just sweating while hoping they're the last to get jumped on by these professional players.

If the competition for pred spots is who can farm the mos...

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Originally posted by Matyeev

Playing rank, plat 1 rn, peak d2.
Why am i in the same lobby of #30 Pred? why is more than 3 pred teams in my game?
I understand that if i am diamond i can play against masters and preds but right now im not diamond, also why my teammates on the exact same match are gold?


Originally posted by I-AM-NOT-THAT-DUCK

Why do we not have a SoloQ or ranked Solos gamemode when we see how successful it is in other games, i.e. Fortnite, League of Legends etc.


Originally posted by Naive-House-7456

In ranked, are there any ideas or plans to either:

1) reduce/separate masters and pred players from high plat and lower diamond ranked lobbies?

2) Offer RP loss offsets for diamonds and plats killed by preds/masters (in exchange for being fodder for their faster queue times) ?

3) Or something else? Thanks


Originally posted by FamilyGB

Same here. 4080/14900hx. DX11 was buttery smooth. DX12 feels like I'm playing 60fps even when I'm getting 240. I've tried using only one monitor as I've experienced the weird windows monitor issues as well but the game still feels horrible and I never had issues on DX11 even with multiple monitors.

Any chance you're using Discord while player? We've had a few similar reports from players who saw improvement after disabling the Discord overlay specifically. Lmk if that helps at all.


Can confirm that DX12 is required as of the mid-season update. We dove into some of the reasoning as to why we had to move away from supporting both variants with our first comms back around the launch of From the Rift. Some more details are also in our latest patch notes. Keep us posted if this poor performance continues after the initial compiling and we may have some suggestions to help.


From JP Community

Is there a particular reason why skill-based matchmaking is not applied in Mixtape mode?

25 Mar


Can confirm that DX12 is required as of the mid-season update. We tried to give folks as much notice as possible about this change both in and out of game, with our first comms back around the launch of From the Rift. Some more details are also in our latest patch notes. Lmk if your PC supports DX12 and you're unable to get the game to work with the added callouts in the PN.


Have you tried disabling Adaptive Resolution FPS Target in the Video Settings (more specifically, setting it to 0)? If not, give that a whirl and see if it helps at all. This has been flagged internally either way.


From our ZH community:

Since the SBMM mechanism causes matches to become increasingly unbalanced with fewer players, what measures could be taken to bring more people back to play?


From our ZH community:

Why is the match intensity in normal matchmaking noticeably higher than in the ranked?


[11:30AM PT]: Thanks for joining us! Our Matchmaking AMA has now concluded. For those that didn’t get a direct reply, please check out the dev’s replies as there may have been an answer to a similar question. 

There were a couple of anti-cheat questions as well. While these were off topic and couldn’t be answered today, we’re looking at hosting an AMA for anti-cheat soon.


Hey, r/ApexLegends!

This is a big one. We’re going to be diving into your matchmaking questions and feedback. If you need a jumping point, here are our last two matchmaking updates: ...

Read more External link →

22 Mar


It's a reward on the new player pass prize track. If you go into the passes menu and scroll the the prize track for the new player pass (which he will have assigned ), you'll see an image of what looks like a bot head. That's the unlock. Once he unlocks that level on the prize track, he will unlock all legends in bot royale.

17 Mar


Heads up, legends!

We recently identified two issues that we wanted to give you an update on.

1) On March 11 there was a brief period of time where the Spark Bonus Meter wasn't updating. This has since been fixed, and all players who completed the bonus meter or lost progress on their bonus meter have been granted one Beast of Prey Pack.

2) Additionally, there is an issue where it looks like Beast of Prey Packs do not count towards unlocking Loba's Heirlooms. This is a visual-only bug, and these packs do count towards unlocking her Heirloom.

External link →

13 Mar


Know this is now older, but wanted to share some quick insights. Team dug into this one and found a bug related to it. TLDR: some of the player data hadn't fully loaded prior to the Rank Distribution screen generating which resulted in some players ranks defaulting to appear as Rookie for this match. That default is incorrect and we have a fix in progress. Cheers for the flag and helping us find this bug.

11 Mar


Can confirm that this challenge is also for any mode and this is a visual error only, kills in all modes are being counted. The BR tag should not be there for the "250M kills" challenge. Cheers for the flag.


Originally posted by ScontroDiRetto

Bullshit, the event ended last week and i didn't get the skin since my counter was stuck at 5K, great job, ty

We did two rounds of grants to cover folks with stuck event trackers, last one went out March 7 after the event had ended. If you're not seeing this reflected, could you drop me a chat with your in-game name and UID?