Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

05 Mar


Originally posted by fly-me-to-the-fun

Loba's ult doesn't work on mixtape and it has been like this for months, maybe a whole year. Is this intentional?

No. Sounds like a bug.

We'll just have to remove Loba from mixtape for like a month, maybe a whole year.


Originally posted by DredgenYor229

Regarding Revenant. He was known for his ability to silence legends. Now that more legends are gaining this ability, will it be possible for him to gain this ability once again? Maybe during his ult, he can dispence ONLY ONE Silence ball for balancing. Or to make it easier rather a perk ability replacing the "Detect enemy squads after squad wipe" but also gaining only One Silence ball. I'm sorry, I just missed his silence. 😂

Revenant now silences them ...with murder.

When we reworked Revenant, one of the things we had problems with was how his silence orb made him play a more poke / denial style of play - which never really fit the fantasy of his character the way his new aggressive angry monster robot under the bed style has. Silence isn't inherently a bad element for his kit to have, so there may be opportunities in the future there, and he could definitely use a more exciting upgrade in place of Murder Machine.


Originally posted by Electrical_Ease4875

Will Caustic ever see a rework or buff to his kit? TTK time feels phenomenal for his current gas damage. His damage just wasn’t very helpful before but now that players are swinging fights they are taking ample damage in some encounters. Shamefully his ultimate regardless of its upgrade is seemingly no more useful than his traps. It would be amazing to see his Nox Vision Passive be more useful and normal. I would love to maybe see gas damage nerfed for either the original stun coming back, or possibly a some kind of rework to his gas grenade. And if rampart has near instant wall speed we could really use a trap animation increase. Thank you guys for all of the opportunity to communicate as a community again. We love apex. Caustic main no matter what

No plans for a full Caustic rework at the moment.

But we are actively looking at ways to buff our favourite gas-puffed marshmallow man.

Your callouts on the effect on his gas are pretty spot on, and we'd love to see Caustic play off his gas advantage - maybe even play in it more more - while not dipping too far back into the endless slow or overly oppressive gas damage ramps of the past - so it's a tricky problem to solve. Love the way you're thinking about potential solves for the animation deploy speed and such too - they're good potential angles to help with the feel of his setup speed.

No insights to share yet on when and what we're looking at with him, but we're not letting him fester and plan to give Caustic some love soon.


Originally posted by RoadtoVR_Ben

Caustic feels like he’s been in a terrible place for many seasons now. What can be done to revive him?

I'd use Lifeline or Newcastle. They're so hot right now.


Originally posted by ChefZealousideal5256

CAUSTIC! Any talks about tweaks to his kit or an insight for the future of this Legend?

LEGEND! We have been talking about him and his future.

Mostly around how tweaking his gas either makes him an unstoppable monster - or a stinky vagrant that no one wants around... So we've been discussing options to make him more versatile, nothing to report yet, but there's desire to make a change to him.


Originally posted by Nikamenos

Love yall guys, Season 24 has been very fun!

I'm sure new legends is a hot topic, but my question is: Is the plan to revamp the loadouts of all classes and identities, i.e (support and assault rework), before adding additional legends to the roster?

Glad you're enjoying it!

Technically, yes.

We actually did adjust the Recon and Controller classes back in season 22 - but in hindsight didn't push hard enough on them to have them make as much of an impact across the meta. Something we adjusted for seasons 23 and 24.

And with Skirmisher's being the final class to come online - all five will have have had a new adjustment by the time we see our newest Legend take the stage.


Originally posted by Baellebabe

A lot of Assault legends are getting updated but Mad Maggie still the same, is there any plans to update or change her ult since it's unreliable and usually hinders more than helps? Or is it intended

For the Assault Season, we targeted specific Assault Legends who were under-performing to breath new life into them - which is why we had a focus on Ash and Ballistic.

Others like Mad Maggie and Bangalore for example were performing well, so they needed little adjustments ( Assault perk alone was enough ) to feel good.

The Ult is a good note, and something the team has talked about a few times. It was always designed to have an element of chaos to it - that's Mad Maggie all over.

But there are definitely elements of the Ult we'd like to improve on at some point - and some simple quality of life changes we'd like to get rolling on sooner than later.


Originally posted by pribru62

CAUSTIC please buff him up. The only thing going for him is that he was viable in indoor or closed spaces but right now there is no reason to use him. Nox vision is broken and the gas damage is abysmal


But only because you asked so nicely.

Jokes aside, we're looking at him - but if Larson has his way, the gas daddy will return with very snazzy leather chaps.


Originally posted by ApexFemboy

What was the logic behind not allowing the controller class passive to reach the fifth pip of armor? It’s already a hard to use passive compared to some of the other class passives (especially assault and support) and under the new armor rules it feels like it rarely comes up. Alongside that question, are controller legends earmarked to get their own meta shakeup season?

thanks for all the work you do! (P.s. add Sheila kills tracker for rampart even if it starts at zero)

The addition of the Red Helmet as the only item in the game capable of pushing a Legend to have the extra health was an important shift for the game that we needed to evaluate on it's own merit.

If playing a particular class of character granted access to this extra tier - we would have muddied the data around how that change impacted the experience. So we opted to ensure all characters followed the new ruleset.

Additionally, in this version, shooting someone with red armor, and seeing those red effects speaks to a prize you can earn and obtain. If that player was red, but they're also a Controller Legend - do they just have the perk? Or are they carrying something you can take?

However, we're well into the season now, know how the Red Helmets play out across the field - so that may become an opportunity for Controller Legends in the future, and something we've been discussing.

Controller Legends are not marked for a meta-shakeup season. They had the...

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Originally posted by HammyA

With the recent changes to TTK do you think now is a good time to look at Wraiths Q animation delay and the possibility of removing it overall. Is there room to discuss this or does require more data from season 24?

We've been looking at Wraith.

The Skirmisher class update is fast approaching - so it's a good chance for us to look at Wraith and evaluate options. I think there's enough data from season 24 so far to do this evaluation with as well.


Originally posted by concretecowboi_

Also is it possible to get back the improved healing perk for support legends? it made them feel better and more suitable to team comps as your support legends could carry more heals for the team and it really didn’t make support class feel overpowered, that was the one thing that made support class actually good before it got needed minus the regen health.

It's possible, and it has come up before internally.

It will be something to consider for the class after the dust settles on the Assault and Skirmisher class changes.


Originally posted by concretecowboi_

Was the pathfinder nerf necessary? I just honestly want to understand the thought process behind it? Are skirmishers going to receive a class upgrade which would make him overpowered? Because for a character that has nothing but zips he’s a big walking hit box every 15 secs which makes no sense

Pathfinder was an unfortunate victim of his own success.

Despite the massive change to the support Legends in s23, Pathfinder remained the second highest-picked Legend by a large margin, and given the plan to elevate Loba and Mirage at the split and Ash and the Assault Legends the season after, he was due for some time on the bench to allow other Legends to step up to the plate.

Skirmishers are set to receive the next class update - which Pathfinder will benefit from, and we have plans to give him back some love in the future.


Originally posted by Apexlegends

Question from our ZH community:

Regarding the buffs to the Assault and Support classes, when will Legends in other classes receive similar buffs or reworks?

Soon. Very soon.

And if you've been counting the classes to receive new perks over the last few seasons - Skirmisher Class is next up to bat.


Originally posted by NC_Pits

Are we going to get new legends in a regular pace again? Or is every season going to be a guessing game on whether we get a new legend or not

The honest answer is that the release of new Legends has not carried the weight or impact that they once used to. And new Legends are a considerable effort to stand up across many departments of the game.

Not to mention, creating a new Legend that fits alongside the current roster without overshadowing or being overshadowed is no easy task.

With previous recent Legend releases, there has been a lot of early excitement around the Legend for the first two weeks - then once the honeymoon period ends, and everyone drops back to their mains again - they're back to playing the same legends and comps they played last season, and the season before that... and it was starting to feel stale for a lot of folk. Which is something we don't want.

We want the game to feel more alive, more responsive to the community, and more fresh when you come back each season - which is why we've shifted towards more frequent, impactful ( and sometimes overly spicy ) meta changes that a...

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Originally posted by Apexlegends

Question from our JP community via Twitter/X

Are there any planned updates for specific classes? It seems like certain classes receive updates more frequently than others. Will there be a more balanced approach in the future where all classes are improved equally?

Skirmisher Class is next.

While each class is being focused on, and the perks that come online have been coming in fairly hot, we do want to ensure when all is said and done each class feels a little more balanced.

So, like we saw with the Support class, we should expect to see the assault class perks simmer down a little after the season.


Originally posted by Apexlegends

Question from our JP community via Twitter/X

Will Fade and Rhapsody from Apex Legends Mobile, ever make a return to the game?

There are currently no plans to add the Mobile Legends to Apex.


Originally posted by -LaughingMan-0D

1- What is the rationale behind LTMs that drastically change balance taking over pubs?

One big issue with these LTMs (Relics, etc) is that they take existing balancing and throw it out the window. For many of us, Pubs is a place to enjoy the core game of Apex without sweating it out in Ranked. When LTMs that massively change the core balance of the game takeover Pubs, you're taking away that casual option.

And with the recent TTK changes, having max juiced up weapons makes the game feel like CoD.

(Side note, wish you made Redemption the takeover instead, as it genuinely provided a vanilla+ experience that addressed the core issues of Pubs, ie lobbies dying out too quickly).

2- Ash's new dash is so incredibly fun, and its the main reason I decided to come back to the game after a 2 season hiatus. What's your opinion on extending that movement philosophy to other legends? Can we please see wallrunning come back to the Titanfall universe, ...

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On your second question...

This is the double-edged sword of movement in our game. It's really fun, and really powerful. So why not give it to everyone? The players obviously want it!

Our job as designers is to separate what players want from what players need. Apex is a game with deep mastery, discovery, and interplay between Legends. Movement mechanics and map, loot, weapon, and Legend design are all interconnected... you can't touch one without affecting the other. What would happen if we gave Ash dash to everyone? It would feel fresh and fun for a week, but then some issues would bubble up. Caustic's whole kit isn't designed around that level of movement. He doesn't need to dash to conduct experiments on his enemies, and he doesn't want other people dashing because he's all about area denial and crowd control. Controller legends on whole would take a hit. Same with Recon. Grenades are less meaningful now because enemies can just dash away. Map design becomes l...

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Originally posted by RedditDan00

Is there a reason why the TTK changes were all made at once? I'm not against a meta shakeup, but we went from an incredibly heal-heavy, survival-heavy meta to

  • No red armour
  • Harder to earn purple
  • No helmets
  • Damage buffs on all guns
  • No double heal for supports
  • Ash releasing incredibly strongly

I'm not against those changes in theory, but at all once they've totally flipped the game on its head and imo swung the pendulum too far the other way.

Is the aim to eventually find a middle ground, rather than creeping towards it with smaller changes?

To answer your question directly: they were all made at once as the culmination of a couple design teams (namely weapons and Legends) working to shake-up the "survival-heavy" meta with the tools at their disposal. For weapons, that was widespread buffs and some loot massaging (inspired partly by how punchy weapon identities felt in Launch Royale and "loot creep" over the course of five years). For Legends, it was a new Class focus that excelled at intiating and closing out fights, with a goal to elevate a couple Legends that were always middle-to-bottom of the pack in terms of popularity and power fantasy. In early playtests, it just felt good to convert damage into kills more consistently... we knew there was something there worth pursuing.

To answer that second part: It's easier to find that middle ground by taking big (measured) swings and reacting. It also creates a more dynamic live experience season over season, and resets the skill floor in some ways, allowing player...

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Originally posted by No-Score-2415

Are there any big plans for skirmisher, specifically Wraith?

She feels pretty bad when all the other portal legends have strong perks for it. Also Ash feels way more like a Skirmisher than Wraith right now.

Yes. Personal bias aside, I'm excited to get Wraith back to her effective skirmishing state.

Ash does have "Skirmisher" elements, but similar to Valkyrie, she has some overlap with another class. Her tactical is still very Assault-y (all Skirmishers have movement tacs) and since nerfing the dash cd her squirrelliness it's not quite as omnipresecent. But, we've shifted Legends to other classes before and it's definitely something we evaluate when looking at the lineup patch to patch.


Originally posted by -LaughingMan-0D

1- What is the rationale behind LTMs that drastically change balance taking over pubs?

One big issue with these LTMs (Relics, etc) is that they take existing balancing and throw it out the window. For many of us, Pubs is a place to enjoy the core game of Apex without sweating it out in Ranked. When LTMs that massively change the core balance of the game takeover Pubs, you're taking away that casual option.

And with the recent TTK changes, having max juiced up weapons makes the game feel like CoD.

(Side note, wish you made Redemption the takeover instead, as it genuinely provided a vanilla+ experience that addressed the core issues of Pubs, ie lobbies dying out too quickly).

2- Ash's new dash is so incredibly fun, and its the main reason I decided to come back to the game after a 2 season hiatus. What's your opinion on extending that movement philosophy to other legends? Can we please see wallrunning come back to the Titanfall universe, ...

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In regards to Q1, update just went live to address this and there are some additional details in linked thread.