Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

12 Feb


Thanks everyone for the kind words. We've all been pretty shell shocked and humbled by this whole week. We love Apex and always believed it was something special but the response we've gotten is just unreal. We have lots of work to do. Lots of things to fix and improve, and lots of content to make this year. We're in this together now!

Thank you to you all for an incredible launch. So excited to keep it going.


Let's just say someone is on to something...

11 Feb


Originally posted by kaveldun

Just wanna chime in as someone who also suffers from motion sickness in the game due to the head bobbing.

Love the game aside from this, and want to play it right now, but I can't. It's not worth playing 2-4 games to then feel queasy and nauseated for hours afterwards... So unfortunately I'll have to make the call to stop playing the game until there is an option to switch off head bobbing.

I want to post this for visibility, since there's likely many more like me who suffer from motion sickness in the same way. This also ought to be a very quick fix to just throw in an option that disables this, as it wouldn't affect gameplay in the slightest.

EDIT: typo

EDIT 2: There exists a ticket for this, if you want you can vote on it -> https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Feedback/Motion-Sickness-Please-RE-don-t-forget-...

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Hey all, appreciate the feedback. We're listening.

Few things that would help the team understand how this is affecting you folks as we look into it.

  • What Legend are you playing? Does this feel worse or better with other characters?
  • When does it bother you the most? Sprinting? When weapon is drawn? When weapon is holstered?
  • What FOV are you playing at?
  • Have an examples of other FPS games you play that you don't experience this?

Originally posted by Risky_Feat

That being said, is it possible for my name to be displayed to another user? :o

I don't know exactly how the cards work when you are in training but I do know it draws data from players that are present. I think it's showing the current "champion" of the server.

So technically, yes, it's possible


Originally posted by stsknvlv

Ooh update is coming next week ?? This is super great ! Very excited. Thank you 👍🏼♥️👍🏼♥️👍🏼♥️

I'm working towards doing a dev update post once a week at the least. Thanks!


Originally posted by stsknvlv

Hello Jayfresh ! Can you please share some info about upcoming (i hope so) update ? Next week, or in 2 weeks ? There is a lot of people on PC who experiencing performance issues on decent/good PC's, would be so nice to have some fixes for it ♥️♥️♥️

Totally hear you. I'll make sure to include those in updates next week. Appreciate the patience!


Originally posted by obstructivejustice

Is this to address some of the crashes people have been experiencing?

Unrelated but the crashes are something we're continuing to work on.

10 Feb


Originally posted by daan87432

Game is so good I can't even think of 5 right now so here's my top 3: ​

  1. Overall leaderboards

  2. Mozambique needs some work

  3. Top 3 squads get rewarded with crafting metals, maybe max 3 per day ​

The moz is fine


This week has been absolutely incredible. And that's still is an understatement. But us at the studio, we know we're not perfect and the games not perfect. So let us know your thoughts. If you had to rank 1-5 of good QoL (Quality of Life) features you would like to see, let us know now. I'm trying to put together things I can talk to peeps in the studio. Also Actual buggs (like falling through map and getting killed) report to https://help.ea.com/en/apex-legends/apex-legends/. They have been really awesome with helping us figure things out.

But in the end, eff me running on a Sunday morning! You all have been amazing to talk to and to see such positivity in a reddit is so rare. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Everyone is dumbfounded in the studio and cannot comprehen...

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Originally posted by Bpatts12

Sorry I forgot to put platform, I’m on ps4

Left dpad


You can request for health/shields using the health wheel. Hover over an item and press ping


That’s actuallly pixel jack cooper from Titan Toons not Megaman 😎

    /u/dko5 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ThiccBoi_

Please don’t pull an epic games and over nerf it

Bugs get fixed. Easy enough.

09 Feb


Originally posted by PopoMopoDopeo

Can you maybe fix the game, for some of us it just crashes even before the game starts. Easy anti cheat appears and it goes straight back to origin, or you just don't care that 3000 players out of millions can play the game. (When it crashes event viewer shows bad_module_info and I'm running latest version of win 10, gtx 1060 driver version 417.71, i5 7400 please for the love of god fix it)

Slide in my DMs I’ve seen reports of people running into that issue but it resolving itself on 417.71 drivers

    /u/dko5 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PopoMopoDopeo

Can you maybe fix the game, for some of us it just crashes even before the game starts. Easy anti cheat appears and it goes straight back to origin, or you just don't care that 3000 players out of millions can play the game. (When it crashes event viewer shows bad_module_info and I'm running latest version of win 10, gtx 1060 driver version 417.71, i5 7400 please for the love of god fix it)

Please get in contact with EA support so we can help track down this issue https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/

    /u/dko5 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

If you're on the same connection, it probably has to do with the router you are using. Please contact EA support with your router model number and firmware version.