Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jun


Originally posted by Ishigami-the-Kami

Is Daniel literally the only one in charge of buffs and nerfs?

I'm ultimately responsible for all nerfs and buffs to Legends, yes. I sign off on changes jaybiebs makes and so the horizon stuff is 100% on me as well.

As a side note, and this applies not just to talking about video games on the internet, try not to make sweeping statements about other people's intentions. You're guaranteed to be wrong and you'll only end up pissing people off.


Originally posted by Mirage_Main

Sad we'll never get another buff for the bamboozle boy because he's apparently Predator material based off of one video that showed a Predator not using a single decoy and winning lol. Highest we've ever seen is B tier and that was with the invisible push. The Dance Party rework was great until they nerfed it with the holo-emitters coming out of invisibility which makes it stupidly easy to spot the right one. Something that still hasn't been fixed because Daniel only wanted the holo-emitters to be the only tell, but now there are 3 due to bugs.

This type of post is the reason most devs don't come here. When you take a small thing I said a while ago and just keep bringing it up with all this malice and spite I don't see why I should volunteer my time here. I'd really love to hang out here and talk with the subreddit more, but people like you make that an exercise in self-harm.


These stats are so off. I wonder where they get them from. Anyway octane's been most picked ever since we buffed the jump pad

05 Jun


you can also press Use to open doors but this is better

04 Jun


I get the cynicism from some Redditors on this but nobody made us do these badges. Individual devs care about these issues and Respawn leaders want to use the power of the studio to be a force for good, however small.

That’s why when we put these badges out we include a message from the devs who worked on them, so they can tell you directly why they care. Example.

03 Jun


This is super cool!

Love how the depth of field makes the figure look small

I bet this would work well with a resin printer. I hear they are better for small deitailed things like figurines

31 May

29 May


Originally posted by Timmy_Timmy_Timbo

I love how into the game y’all get. Everyone (even me) is always gonna have their complaints, but y’all have made and maintained the best battle royale IMO.

Thank you, much love <3


Originally posted by Weenaru

Do you have a rule where employees must use the dev badge when playing or something?

Definitely not. I think it's fun so I have it equipped on all my legends.


Literally me haha. Whenever I see a Spitfire, I think yeah sure I could pick that up to hold some attachments and swap it out later for a Flatline. Then a little voice in my head says, yeah dude but what if you get a kill with it and they see your dev badge. I just ping it and walk away.

28 May


I love this far more than I have any right to.

27 May


Originally posted by justjoddat

does level disparity even mean anything? I've played with some really bad high level players. high level just means they play a lot, not that they're good.

you might be with a level 50, but it could be a great players smurf account...it works both ways

You are right, I am speaking about skill when I say "level".


Originally posted by Feschit

Overall the fairness of a game is pretty even

How do you measure this? I have only anecdotal evidence but in my experience games were only fair when I played in a 3 stack where the game started to match us with other diamond 3 stacks. And that's only like half the time, the other half are either a stomp from our side or we get stomped.

Solo queue is always, without a single exception either me carrying the whole game or we get absolutely stomped. There is no inbetween.

You are right, it is extremely difficult from anecdotal data to draw conclusion but it helps us to identify and verify those intuitions. We measure every games. What are the skill of people involved, the expected outcome of the match,how long you waited to get into a game, what was the team composition etc.

So in your case, I may look to your trajectory as a player (to try to put what you are expressing into metrics I can analyze). Then we would look at your "stomp", so certainly your 3-0, 0-3 matches. Does it really represent 50% of your game played, trying to see why it happened (what were the level of your team mates / opponent, premade / not premade ), etc. Then I would try to generalize your player profile if I can see trends in the overall population of people playing Arenas.

And it is how we can iterate and make it better, so thank you for your feedback!


Originally posted by NichtVivianVeganer

Yeah, same here. Plus the two low level players usually have the same [CLUB] tag.

But I do believe this is what Respawn wants with their match making, so little you can do unless you get as good as people like Hakis who can just stomp game after game.

Not really. I am working on it.

Overall the fairness of a game is pretty even but we understand it is a bit tiring when level disparity is high in your team composition. It will improve.

26 May


Originally posted by Epicdragon12345

Serious question:

Did you have to spend your own money on the pathy heirloom or did you hack it in for yourself?

Sometimes Respawn leadership grants us a bunch of in-game money so we can try out the content our lovely colleagues are making, but I’ve also spent like $500 in game. I think the gloves were a grant tho


Originally posted by lil_star_gazerrr

u/rkrigney hi, I fourth the comment above the comment above the comment above of me

hi, I fifth the comment above the comment above the comment above the comment above me


Originally posted by qwerty-isnt-a-simp

Nice path stats 👍

Hardly ever play him but I do what the daily missions command lol


i'm not that good but THAT game was one of those where it all just clicks

GG friend