Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

13 May


Wow... It was pretty wild to see them all in one compilation. I forget sometimes how much work has gone into these. Glad to see people still enjoy them. Thanks for putting this together. It must have taken a while.


Originally posted by ModmanX

Makes sense, though do you guys have any plans for other badges? Maybe you could make one similar to the Assassin badge, but instead of getting 5 kills, you have to ace the enemy team a certain amount of times.

Yeah I'd like to make more but we have to get a little more creative with them, so maybe having more round based challenges might make more sense so you can't cheese them. Something like win a match without using the same weapon twice, or deal X damage per round.


So we actually had this but cut it because it would encourage some really weird behaviors (e.g. throwing rounds to extend a match so you can deal more damage)


Originally posted by Akuren

Hey, I have a small request. Whenever you get around to this system for skins, would it be possible to let us view event/recolor legendaries, even if we couldn't obtain them? Maybe put it behind a filter/toggle similar to Overwatch.

I do think it'd be neat. I spend a lot of time actually looking at old skins in dev builds internally. I wouldn't want it to be more frustrating. But I do like the idea of a "vault" or "museum" of sorts rather than making people google the old skins...


Originally posted by thedoomfruit

I don’t know if this will get your attention 11 days later or not but what about having banner/badge combos for each Game Mode?

So we can save a character card for BR that loads when we queue for BR and also a character card for Arenas when we queue for Arenas?

I bet it’s already in the works, huh?

I bet it’s already in the works, huh?

I love this idea. And we certainly have discussed it. I wouldn't say "in the works" but definitely something that's on the table.

12 May


Originally posted by Void-Ultiking

Thank you for the info and great job of making sure this game stays fixed!

Also do I need to give you the usernames of the exploiters or let them go? I wasn’t able to report them to Respawn because I’m on Xbox and only went to Microsoft. However I don’t think anything would happen to them.

If you want you can DM the names to me and I can send them to Hideouts to pass judgement


Originally posted by Void-Ultiking

In their tweet they said that they postponed the fix

Fix is live now. Bots like this will actually have to step up and win their fights


Why do you wanna buff Loba? Loba's CRAZY strong now.

11 May


Today's two-part patch details:

5/11/21 Update

10:00 am PT Server + Client Patch:

  • Fixed an error that was preventing players from logging in ("Array index 1 is out of range")

  • Arenas matches will now end if there are no players left on the enemy team

  • Arenas should now track “time survived” more consistently

  • Arenas should no longer display the "Apex Legends" screen transition with incorrect textures sometimes

  • Fixed low detail player models in the lobby. Goodbye derpy blob Legends, you will be missed

  • Valkyrie's passive no longer highlights players that are not alive and/or in spectator mode

  • Bloodhound will no longer be able to see tracking markers for Valkyrie while she’s using her jet pack. This is a temporary measure done to improve stability—we’ll look to restore this in a future patch

  • Addressed an error with the Stats pa...

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Originally posted by JLTplayz

Completely unrelated but do you think that valk will get nerfed as a lot of people are enjoying her

Too early to tell; we have only limited data, and the first day or so was impacted by the bug where you could only run OG characters due to inventory server being down. Right now she looks fine, but it could go either way from here in the next week or two.


Originally posted by Mohatax995

Hi, I just wanted to tell you you did a great job this season. Im really enjoying it, I havent played this much since season 4. I also have a question, when did you start working on the arenas? Like how long it took to make the new mode?

And this is unrelated but can you check this bug? Its not gamebreaking but it shouldnt be too hard to fix (I think) https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Random-music-pack-option-not-working-in-lobby/m-p/9469984/highlight/true#M39618

We started working on Arenas in October 2019; the mode was originally inspired by DotA autochess of all things--it had all these fights going on all over the map at the same time. We very quickly realized fighting the same squad over and over rather than a tournament structure was vastly better--you could actually adapt to what they were doing and react round to round.


Originally posted by TheDeadRed

Is the design philosophy for arena maps going to affect any POIs on maps in the future? IE: you introduce a new town takeover or are working on a POI for a new map and go in thinking "This POI is going to be an arena map so let's design it that way"?

I'm really not a level designer. You'd have to ask one of them. What answers I have are gleaned from conversations with the real experts. There's an AMA coming for Legacy at some point--that would be a good time to ask this.


Originally posted by FIFA16

Pleeeease could you ask whoever addresses this really nicely if they could try to maintain the tightest possible clearance for legends to take off - although I appreciate that may be a lot to ask!

I love how Valk can redeploy through even the smallest of gaps, and it’d be such a shame for her “clearance radius” to just be increased 3x to allow for all 3 players to fit through a single gap. I understand this may be challenging given how Valk can freely rotate while waiting to take off, but this is one of those “Apex things” I love so much, like calling a Care Package in through the chimney of Hammond for example.

We're currently trying a thing where whenever the squad has to squeeze through a tight spot on the way up with Valk ult they basically all collapse into Valk. Doesn't make a lot of PHYSICAL sense, but might be the best way to fix the "get stuck under geo and fall out of the map" bug. No ETA yet, but our engineer is working no this!


Originally posted by JustAnAverageGuy20

Day 7: trying to alert a dev

Rampart walls have an exaggerated muzzle flash effect that hides the enemy and makes it impossible to aim past 50m

Mirage isn't super strong. His decoys still die when they traverse on bad geometry. The trails add too much visual clutter. And he basically needs a better ultimate & passive. Same goes for Rampart.

Aim assist still doesn't lock on to decoys, and the footsteps in the ultimate aren't very convincing either.

Consider a dev alerted. We know about rampart muzzle flash (part of the design and her power budget); you're straight up wrong on Mirage being weak. The aim assist thing is something we'd like to fix down the road but don't really feel it's high priority.


Lookin’ great bud! The skies absolutely belong to you now

10 May


A true legend right here. Proud of you man. Keep pushing forward. ❤

09 May


Originally posted by tempuserforrefer

One thing I've noticed is as a solo queue player, I almost always get queued with a duo. My guess is that's intentional, although it may have an unintended effect of producing a team withlittle to no comms, as the duo is communicating in discord. Three or four seasons ago when I last solo queued my way through plat, seems like I was teamed up with more solos with more comms and a generally less toxic environment. Wasn't a horrible experience solo queuing last season, but it was a step or two down from the better experience a few seasons back.

I love those points. It is an interesting theory. I will check what's what. As for the truth of the algorithm behind it, it really depends on what rank you play, the higher you get, people tend to party up, so the less solo there is.


Originally posted by czulki

How would eliminating the network aspect of the firing range put "a huge strain on the machine" ??

What he said + memory.