Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

19 May


Originally posted by retard-tan

Wow thanks for the lengthy explanation, really goes to show how passionate all of you are for the game!

No problem! Thanks for the question :)

I love ranting about this stuff haha! I am very fortunate to have a job I care about a lot and have players who love the game so I can get paid to do it :D


Originally posted by MrCommunist123

A question regarding Map Rotation the community has been asking for a while:

u/StryderPilot and u/HkySk8r187

Hey guys!! So first off I want to say that I love every iteration of every map in different ways and have awesome memories of all of them.

With that being said, there’s a lot of nostalgic POI’s I think people would love to see return. What are your thoughts about rotating past maps in, such as Season 3 World’s Edge, or Season 1 King’s Canyon?

Are there any difficulties with doing that, or other ways players may be able to play those maps again? Thank you guys for your time!

That's a good idea.... :)


Originally posted by Stevveoi

Understandable, but instead of customization why cant you just do a pass to improve the crosshair visibility in general? In Titanfall 2 for example, the crosshairs have way better visibility basically using the same guns, optics and forgive my ignorance but a similar game engine.

Also color adjustments alone would be a massive improvement.

What are the main issues you find? Is it with specific guns or specific situations more than others? Any info is good! Always willing to take a look at this stuff and make improvements! We try to find a balance between "visible enough to give you the information you need" and "not in the way of what you are trying to see", but it's obviously never perfect! Maybe we could make a specific "high visibility" mode that players could toggle so we could help with those preferences. No promises, but always happy to hear specifics of where you have the issues!


Originally posted by T1MIOFFICIAL

First of all, great job on the new season! Shaky start but we got there in the end. Two questions that I’m sure everyone else wants to know too... 1. Will we ever see more “multiplayer” modes in the future? 2. Netflix/Amazon Prime TV series???? 🌚

  1. ye
  2. 🤐

Originally posted by jhunt42

Thanks for your time and attention! I have 3 questions:

In releasing the bocek you released it in an overpowered state to get people to use it - was this a lesson learned from the 30-30?

Has the bocek pick up rate significantly dropped since the nerf? (I for one don't see it nearly as much)

How do you go about balancing guns that few people ever seem to want to pick up and use for a significant portion of the match (eg. the 30-30)? Do you consider buffs or do you just accept that some guns just won't be as popular?

Bocek released strong and current state:

We definitely took a hint from the 30-30 and wanted the Bocek to release with a splash, there may have been a slight miscalculation on the size of the splash but we had a plan ready for if that happened. We actioned on it and have seen the Bocek level out in a much healthier state.

We playtest for hours a day, honestly, but there's just no way to simulate the absolutely massive amount of data and feedback we get once a weapon goes live. So don't stop posting those sick videos and opinion posts on balance- we may not always agree but I can assure you the weapons team is there reading and watching as much as we can.

Buff considerations:

It's not always about raw power when it comes to making a weapon viable. There may be objectively better weapons when it comes to TTKs or DPS and that's alright. There is so much more to a weapon like recoil patterns, rate of...

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Originally posted by Derpzyicecream


How is loba doing in terms of winrate and pickrate? Do you think she's too strong now?

Nah, she's fine.


Originally posted by MrCommunist123

u/DanielZKlein , What was the process for fixing Lifeline? Nerfs, buffs, and changes you experimented with before deciding on what you did?

Pretty straight forward! We identified that the passive hogging all the power was the big issue, discussed a few options to just slightly power down the passive (hitpoints on the shield, cooldown on the shield etc), rejected all of them as too complicated / confusing / unclear, and settled on "no revive shield but you can revive both of your allies at once". Then that freed us up to put a lot of extra power into the tactical and the ultimate and make them real abilities. It was one of the more straightforward updates we've made.


Originally posted by EternalXOThug

/About Arenas/ Arenas makes me feel very impressive and amazing. I never thought I could experience such a tactical fight in Apex Legends.But I find out there are some limitations in some legends.I realized I must pick up mobility legends like Pathfinder or Octane if I must loot material bins and supply bins to support my team.If I understand correctly,bins are POI in early and drops are points where the tactical conflict happens in mid/end.According to my observations, the tactical position makes the appearance rate of certain legends very low.So maybe we have chance to see a change happens when adds more arenas maps to contain more legends?My fight style in arenas is a bit single.Sry about that zzZ.


Many friends around me are wondering why not release all maps for free selection in the matching, but a fixed rotation. Is this worry about the player's map preference or some other reason?

/About Anti-Cheat/

Regardless of whether the report is suc...

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The placement of materials and loot bins is to add smaller objectives to a map that players can choose to engage with or not. We placed them in open areas to allow them to be contested and give players something to fight over. It’s very common for mobility characters like Octane to take the lead in grabbing them, which is fair, but all Legends are viable. We will be mixing up how we place these on future maps to bring out new combat styles! We’ve learned A LOT playing and watching Arenas in the wild.

Allowing players to choose their own map has a bunch of issues we want to avoid. The most common is a favorite map getting fast matchmaking while other maps suffer from poor matchmaking. It’s a tricky balance, but I'm sure there is more that we could do to help alleviate the problem of players waiting for their favorite map. We’re always testing new methods, but it takes some time to figure out what we think scales well with a large population. As for now, the rotation times k...

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Originally posted by CFogan

Lifeline question!

Allowing players to use knockdown shields while being revived by lifeline was a pretty common suggestion, was there any particular reason the team decided against this route?

Yeah! Because hands-off revive is already crazy powerful. There was no need to put even more power into it. The kit suffered from the problem of too much power being concentrated in the passive, and we do not solve that by putting more power into the passive.


Originally posted by EddBlueBard

Can you please explain to me a little bit the impact that the Gas nerf caused on Caustic? How different was his win/loss ratio?

The PVE missions we had back some seasons ago were extremely fun for me. Are those missions going to return?

Are you considering a buff of Revenant in terms of mobility? There are a lot of zones in which I cannot climb with Revenant, so the passive is a little bit useless.

What are the odds of having collaboration skins? For example, Warzone will have skins based on Rambo, or Fortnite skins based on Marvel. I would love to have a Kiss-themed Fuse, or a Mario-based mirage.

Can you please explain to me a little bit the impact that the Gas nerf caused on Caustic? How different was his win/loss ratio?

Caustic's win/loss ratio barely changed with the nerf. It went from 5.1% to 5.0%. His PICK rate however dropped a lot, so there's a lot of survivor bias here; the common explanation is that only Caustic mains stuck around after the nerf, so that kind of self selection undid a lot of the impact of the nerf. We're thinking about what to do with him--we could just up the damage again, maybe find an inbetween point where he's okay, but I want us to spend some time thinking of non-damage outputs we could use on the gas. The goal is that people should be terrified of your gas and try to leave ASAP. That's currently not the case, and we will fix it. No ETA, as always.


Originally posted by thisnotfor

Yeah I see what you mean with certain ults, but it would be nice to have a more controllable way of getting your ult at least, maybe through knockdowns giving ult charge. Though even just having high prices for the powerful ults would work as it will balance out the strength of the ult by weakening your weapons and healing items, and for the powerful ults that have a 2 round cooldown an extremely large cost could be on them to make sure you basically have to go on a eco round by buying nothing else or next to nothing else to get them 1 round earlier than you would via the round cooldown system.

Yeah I could see an argument for lowering some of the ult prices


Originally posted by reeze7

So I have a question, now with the removal of low profile how can yall justify that revenant (with his hitbox) takes the same damage input now as wraith , lifeline and wattson? Not that i‘m against removing low profile entirely but me against a rev 1 vs 1 is just very easy to hit compared to wraith. I think some tweaking (fortfied finally?) would be good and appreciated! Thank yall ! Especially @danielzklein

Haven't looked at Revenant's hitboxes in a while but if memory serves, he's very similar to Pathfinder: tall, but very skinny. We think of hitboxes as the total amount of shootable space exposed to you at one point in time. He clearly has more than Lifeline/Wraith, but not THAT much more.

We wanna avoid modifiers like Fortified and Low Profile going forward; it makes it so much easier to tune weapons when you don't have to take all these multipliers into account. It also feels bad to be reminded that you just take more damage every time you pick the character. I think the way forward is a combination of kit tuning and adjusting hit box sizes. We've got some stuff cooking for your edgelord murderbot (no ETA other than soon-ish) and once that's released if he's still struggling we'll take a look at his hitboxes.


Originally posted by CallMeSpoofy



Ok first question for you two; but first wanted to say Arenas is SUPER fun and I really enjoy when I thought I wouldn’t. Anyways currently there is a leaver problem in Arenas. Have you thought about allowing players to join mid match(if they wanted to) as a small solution?

u/ashsmashreed Love Valk, but what is her scanning thing in the air? Since her passive is the jetpacks, missiles tac and airplane ZOOOOM ult?

We are working on a fix for the leaver problem! I'm hoping to have something out soon.

Join in progress can be nice for big casual modes that keep rolling along but for me personally, I'd be pretty annoyed to queue up for Arenas and get into a losing match then have to requeue.


Originally posted by MrCommunist123

Viewmodel FOV

u/RV-Eric or u/AmusedApricot

Hey Respawn developers! Coming from other source games, it was always fun to enable the console, in order to make specific adjustments otherwise not available. Would you ever consider allowing players to access the developer console to make changes such as, predominantly, viewmodel FOV, or would you consider that too risky?

If not, would you consider adding a setting for viewmodel FOV?

Since it's a competitive multiplayer game, I doubt we'd give dev command access stuff in general, as it would be ripe for abuse and cheats! I'm also not sure if even ships with the game like that? As far as viewmodel FoV, I'm actually not entirely sure! There's a lot of math to adjust for main camera FoV changes and all that, so I don't know how much code work it would be to support vm fov as a player facing setting? I also would say that our artists and animators work really hard to present the game in the way they think looks best for the player, and forcing our viewmodel animations to work with lots of different vm fovs seems perhaps too limiting. I will follow up with folks and see how feasible it is and how people feel though!

Random aside just cause I see the sentiment a lot... It's not really a Source game, the engine started as a fork of Source, but it's pretty significantly different in tons of ways. No shade to you at all, thanks for the question! I just want to m...

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Originally posted by crystalliite

Can we choose different banners for each mode please 😩

It's something that's come up but there are UX problems to solve (now requiring players to manage double the amount of banners can be annoying for many people!) so it's not as easy as just increasing a number.


Originally posted by miathan52

What do you think about encouraging variety? I find myself buying the same 2 weapons in every arena match... is that intended, and is that a good outcome of the system?

I think variety is good! It's currently setup in a way to allow you to react to the previous round and pick a weapon for how you want to approach the current round. Enemy team is sniping? Maybe you counter with range or maybe you rush. The other team is going through a similar thought process at the same time. This can often lead to going with your favorite weapon every round, which I see as good and bad. I'd like to encourage you to branch out but also want you to have the option available for the current situation. We've explored some solves around this but it's much too early to really talk about.


Originally posted by coldmexicantea

Are there any plans to bring TDM style mode to apex?

... [Redacted]


Originally posted by Superderpygamermk1

u/pinedsman would you consider not ending a win streak in arenas if a player disconnects from your team? It’s disheartening for me when I’m on a 5 or 6 win streak and I lose because both of my teammates DC.

On another note, I am currently loving arena, the game mode is fun as hell and was a great addition to the game

Yes we are working on Loss Forgiveness for Arenas


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/danielzklein hey Daniel, been a while since I could ask you about character dev in an AMA. I wanted to ask if there were any cool scrapped Valk spells you can share and if there is any major differences or similarities between working on a champ vs a legend

Spideraxe! Buddy! Good to see you over here! It's been forever. For those who don't know: Spideraxe is League of Legends' Frozenfroh. He's everywhere and knows everything ;)

Fun story about Valkyrie: when I got hired at Respawn in December 2019, I immediately got terrified that I wouldn't know how to make characters in this game, so I sat down and sketched out like 9 paper kits for Legends before I knew anything about how this team makes characters and thinks about gameplay. Looking back at them now I'm like, oh boy, did I have a lot to learn. But! One of the characters I sketched out on paper was a jetpack user who could take to the sky to reposition her entire team. Then I came to the office for the first time in early January 2020, booted up the internal build, and saw Steven DeRose's prototype for Valk, and I immediately knew what I had to do.

There aren't many spells that got left on the cutting room floor; when I took her prototype over, she already had jetpac...

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Originally posted by WafflesSoakedInTears

Hey! So...arenas! Loving it so far. Great change of pace from BR. I wanted to inquire about potential future maps. Custom maps aside, there are obviously some very popular POIs many people would love to see in arenas. Skull town, fragment east/or west, or other popular BR pois, with some adjustments to make them more suited for arenas of course would make great maps.

But this brings me to my question. Would you guys be open to experimentation with different styles of arenas maps?

Something like Estates would be extremely interesting. I know the first initial concern is probably the size. Concerns about rounds ending too fast, confusing or cluttered combat, awkward engagements or fights that are too chaotic. But, I think most of these potential concerns could be nullified or at least viewed in a different light.

With estates being a small POI, it could offer something unique. Somewhat of a shipment or Nuketown situation, where you have an extremely fast pa...

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Hey! Thanks for asking! We've got a ton of ideas for future maps and the team is working hard on new custom maps as we speak.

In terms of POI usage for Arenas, we have a plan to use new ones every season. Estates has been highly requested along with a few others (Skulltown) but I’m tightlipped on which POIs we choose to use in Arenas. :)

We’re VERY open to experimenting with different style of Arena maps. We’re trying wacky ideas and some spicy locations; some not even POIs but open fields in BR maps. However, when it comes to the size of Arena maps, we want to be careful that Arenas doesn't turn into TDM. We carefully choose locations or create custom maps that allow teams to breathe, strategize and create pacing that starts off slow and ramps up in intensity over a period of time. We tried some smaller maps internally, and it gave rise to reactive combat that rewarded twitch shooting and that doesn’t give time for teams to strategize while on the move. Plus, some ...

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