Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

19 May


Originally posted by TheMilkMan0907

Does other countries in Africa count towards the South African player base? A developer said that SA has at least 1/3 of the population of their Australian server. Does other countries in Africa play apex (South Africa NOT included) ?? Many African gamers would play apex if it had local servers like other games .

I'm personally bummed about this issue because I think our ambition is to serve players no matter where they are in the world, but the market realities and infrastructure limitations in Africa are making us fall short of our ambitions there.

It's something we're pushing to improve but we don't have imminent solutions.


Originally posted by landenone

So far I have LOVED Arenas, and have even found myself playing it more than BR. You guys have done a fantastic job.

I have noticed that I seem to get a lot loss XP overall than I do with with BR. Is this something that may change in the future, or is this intentional?

Oh yes, the XP thing is actually a bug and we're working on a fix!


Originally posted by EncouragementRobot

Happy Cake Day rkrigney! Today is your day. Dance with fairies, ride a unicorn, swim with mermaids, and chase rainbows.

lol i f*ckin' will, ty


Originally posted by BloonH8TR

Will Pathfinder and crypto get a passive for Arenas? There are no survey beacons in arena so he's going in with no passive and Crypto's passive relies on Hack, and i don't believe being able to see scanned enemies as a teammate counts as a passive since you can see scanned enemies when a friendly Bloodhound scans.

We look at legends as a whole and not necessarily just the passive or tactical in a vacuum. Pathfinder does well in Arenas despite there being no survey beacons. I have my eye on Crypto and considering some changes for how to help him out a little.


Originally posted by x5hadau

I get that you gotta make the game profitable, but there's gotta be a way to prevent the player from feeling cheated when they buy something. $18 (realistically $20) is a lot to ask for one cosmetic item. As the game grows, is there any potential movement towards more affordable content across the board? People want to buy these things, but it's hard to justify it or feel good about it.

A pricing question! One of the scariest of all! Our monetization guy's answer below:

Pricing is tricky and something we think about constantly. A couple of things I want to talk about here for more context:

  • Respawn is gameplay first - Because of that, the first goal we tried to adhere to is that gameplay isn't locked in anyway around monetization and that it doesn't feel pay-to-win. That's why Legends are grindable and Legend Tokens are generally easier to get to unlock Legends (yes, we know that has led to other challenges we have to fix...math is harder than people think and when your assumptions are wrong, it's hard to adjust). With that goal accomplished and the game not feeling pay-to-win, the other half of the equation we have to think about is how to keep the business healthy so we can keep making more Apex!

  • Content creation costs - As much as people think we can turn cosmetics out easily b...

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Originally posted by 7EyedManGoatOnACross

Hi! Thanks for doing the AMA :)

Any plans to allow crosshair colour customization? Lots of players are turning to the colourblind options to help make the sights more visible.

No current plans for crosshair customization unfortunately. Apex's crosshairs are actually quite complex and technical. They don't just grow and shrink in size due to hipfire spread! They move based on aim point movement due to animation and such, change color and add elements sometimes due to character abilities (pathfinder grapple), fade in and out based on sprinting and ammo, go transparent on and off with ADS and menus, and all sorts of stuff. Building a system such that we can present options for players, preview the results, and hook all that data deep into our crosshair UI script would be a really massive undertaking, and it would make future changes and new crosshair additions way more difficult. It's just not high on the priority list in terms of bang for the buck sadly.

It would be nice, and maybe we can get some smaller scope stuff in like color adjustments, but no promises for now, sorry!


Originally posted by polish_my_grappel

Who do I need to kidnap/blackmail/sternly talk to about getting Skull Town in Arenas?



Originally posted by WafflesSoakedInTears

What balance changes do you see potentially coming to arenas? Weapon pricing, ability pricing and cool down, etc..I know Jay Biebs probably has some thoughts on this.

Also, what does the future of arenas look like? I would be super excited to see some alternative game modes or ltms. A bomb defusal or respawn mode could provide a great change of pace! Thanks in advance for answering if you end up doing so

u/RoboB0b answered this in a previous post

As for the future of Arenas, the first thing on the table is Ranked Arenas. Can't talk about when that's coming out but know that it's a top priority for us.

Funny story about bomb mode:

We definitely playtested a bomb mode early in Arenas development! It was... not as good as you think it would be... it creates a weird situation where you start looking at characters in context of the objective and it really exposes how many of the characters aren't built for a bomb mode. At the end of the day, it was really important for Arenas that character abilities feel valuable. Now I get that not EVERY ability is valuable in Arenas, but 90% is way better than 25%


Originally posted by fLu_csgo

If I may can I highlight, and more importantly reword u/Strificus question above.

Level 500 players are arguably, a very dedicated and apex-passionate crowd. Getting to 500 through many if not all seasons can be a real achievement. This achievement, personally, is a really nice milestone to hit with your account. That said, getting to 500 feels like you lose out in some way, perhaps the achievement of moving your account forward - perhaps some kind of bragging rights.

Have you guys considered allowing players to progress past 500 in any way?

Yes! We do plan to reward our level 500 players and give them more to earn. We've got a couple different cool things in the works but can't share any information yet, but yes we absolutely plan to reward our most dedicated players.


Originally posted by daffyduckferraro

How did valk come in this game balance wise? So far does she seem op, or balanced?

It's really early days and I'm probably jinxing myself right now, but she seems to have landed very well? Like she's clearly powerful at 5th in win rate rankings, but not overbearingly so; she came in as popular as most new legends but seems to be stabilizing now in the top pick slot. From playing a lot of Apex since Legacy came out it doesn't seem like she's particularly frustrating to fight either? I don't know, tell me if I'm wrong, but she seems... fine?


Originally posted by daffyduckferraro

How is horizon doing after the nerf?

She's been hit hard in terms of pick rate which is understandable: she just straight up got hit with a pretty big nerf and another high-mobility Legend was released. Winrate-wise she went from the strongest by far to like 6th? 7th? Out of 16, that's still in the upper half of power. It's super harsh in contrast to where she was before, but that's because she was a really strong outlier in terms of power before. I think if she released at this current state, she'd be just fine. She's roughly where Valk is now (ever so slightly below Valk). It's just that if you were used to her incredibly powerful state before, she'll probably feel like ass right now. Give it a few months for things to shake out and we'll see if she needs follow-up work.


Originally posted by ApartEkim

Hi Respawn team,

This relates to 2FA:

This subreddit sees a minimum 10+ posts a day of players saying they've been banned unfairly, they apparently don't cheat, never have and aren't aware of any 3rd party programs that would trigger a cheat alert against their account.

A common thread amongst these posts is the players didn't have 2FA activated on their account, appearing unknown person/s from another country hijacked the account, using cheats and then the account getting banned. Usually posters provide further evidence on their posts including strange club activity of games they never played, badges they didn't earn, damage and kill totals they never achieved and AC + mats spent that they'd been saving up.

Some of these accounts have seen players spend 1000 of hours in game, $1000s on cosmetics etc and to see a blunt response from EA Support of "tough, start a new account" is pretty demoralising.

It's made even worse when you see a ~1.3K s...

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It's very hard to comment on any specifics. As you mentioned, for every innocent post there are people who we do have proof have cheated. For anyone who was innocently banned because their account was hacked and got a shoulder shrug from EA support to me that is not acceptable until some further information is gathered and determined to be justified. We have been recently trying to improve our relationship with the EA support team, as well as giving them more tools to help support issues like this in a better way. It's something that we're certainly trying to get a better handle on, as we as a dev team obviously cannot handle every player individually ourselves. In the short term, as we continue to give our support team a better toolset and information on how to handle these issues, I recommend that everyone turn on 2FA on their accounts.


Originally posted by daffyduckferraro

Any chance caustic’s heirloom will smash doors open soon

Unfortunately, probably not. It wouldn't be good for a cosmetic item to give in game power, definitely want to avoid that when possible. It would be pretty sweet flavor though!


Originally posted by candies4all0

can there be a penality for leaving mid arenas, i get it, its pubs and people dont care abt leaving in pubs, but all my games dont last for more than 3 mins cos the other team just quits midgame after dying once to save their streak, its honestly so boring after all the time wasted for que and legend and gun selection only to play for a minute or less.

TLDR: yes


Originally posted by thisnotfor

u/pinedsman Have you considered adding a way to get ultimates every round in arenas? Such as through care packages with ultimate accelerants? Because in br I usually don't look for fights until I have my ult (unless I hot dropped) the game is just more fun with a strategic single use ability, and having to get it through care packages would be great so it isn't a always-use-at-the-beginning-of-combat ability for certain legends.

Yeah, I mean... maybe? Ults are supposed to be the kind of ability where you think to yourself "is this the fight where i'm supposed to use this?" (unless of course they are on the weaker end) so I would hesitate to make more powerful ones available every round.


Originally posted by FlipperMDipper

can you make sure that people dont get punished if they queue into a 2v3 game? i dont want to be forced to play that out from either the side with 2 players or the side with 3. it's just not fun for either team

Yes, if you don't have a full team then you won't be punished

EDIT - unless you leave too early. There is a point in time where it's still possible for the game to add a player into the match, gotta wait until the first round starts!


Originally posted by DEM0NJEDI

Any update on cross progression?

I can't provide you any update other than we want to do it, and we're working on it. Once I have more information about a release date, we certainly won't hold the information back because we know how important it is to our community.


Originally posted by Beppu-Gonzaemon

u/RV-Eric Hi, would like to politely ask about further spitfire nerfs. It still feels extremely oppressive. Anything planned to address it? Thank you

We're always looking at our weapon balance through data, frustrations on reddit, streams, etc. You name it we've probably already seen it and talked about it. What this means is that we're always looking to make Apex gunplay a balanced and fun experience for everyone and give each weapon room to breath within their design space.

With that in mind and without giving away any of our plans you can expect that if a gun, such as the Spitfire, is an outlier in performance, even after a round of nerfs, we'll continue to iterate. There is a very fine line between nudging a weapon into balance and accidentally nerfing it into the ground. To achieve this we need to make bets and playtest, playtest, playtest which tends to take time- sometimes more time than we'd like but it's a necessary evil when it comes to maintaining a large roster of weapons.


Originally posted by retard-tan

Very out of the ordinary question here, but why was the charge rifle designed the way it is compared to Titanfall. I suppose it’s to accommodate to the much higher ttk and obvious lack of Titans, but I feel it could be cool to possibly add a hop up that would turn the charge rifle back into the way it functioned in lore and Titanfall which might make it not nearly as annoying and potent as it is in ranked, but it could also add some slight skill and fun to it.

I assume you mean the local charge up without a beam and then single fire shot, so I'll respond based on that assumption! I'm not the original designer on the Charge Rifle, so I can't comment with 100% certainty on the decision, but the main answer is counterplay and victim frustration.

One of the major axes of power for an Apex weapon is something I personally call "burstiness" (it's a technical term). While TTK and DPS refer to how quickly a weapon can kill someone, "burstiness" is how much damage is done in one short moment, or how _spikey_ it is. Most snipers have quite poor TTK, i.e. they don't down players as quickly as any of the other guns, because they have very slow fire rates comparatively. But, the tradeoff for this is that they do lots of damage in one shot, which has advantages in certain situations like catching someone by surprise, or engaging in peeking poke battles where players will hide back in cover as soon as they start taking damage (and you can hide ...

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Originally posted by ALMIGHTYwavebro

Yo! i’m a wattson main and really want her fences fixed! also i feel her shield regen is way to slow in my opinion.

Fences will be fixed soon! I think her shield regen is fine. It's a lot of power, and she's very powerful. I'd rather not keep pushing more power into her into until she becomes overbearing. Until we push her power, how do you say, beyond capacity.